Thoughts on Charlie Sheen?

Thoughts on Charlie Sheen?

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He's a positive guy.

if i had his money i'd probably be an HIV infected cokehead too

Half man, half cocaine.

he told his jew boss to fuck off and did a lot of blow and banged a bunch of hookers

did he actually drink the blood of a tiger????????

I like that role where he's named Charlie

No, he is descended from a tiger. Come on, bro.

I, too, am unfamiliar with Charlie Sheen's filmography and don't know of his role in Platoon where his character is named Chris.


Buddam kissk

He lived the dream

Nuff said.

>he told his jew boss to fuck off
and then his career died

That's standard procedure, but that's also why Sup Forums loves him.

I like that role where he kills charlie

speak for yourself, I fucking hate that cunt. it was a hoot watching him crash and burn

I want some of that Charlie Peen

If he was rude his name would be Charlie Mean

He didn't have much of a career to begin with.

He lucked out with Platoon because Kyle MacLachlan passed on the film.

I loved him in Wall Street.

he was literally the highest paid television star when 2 1/2 men was airing

Did too much winning

Hot Shots was pretty good; Platoon was good but he was close to the weakest link in it. Can't think of much else besides some unfunny TV shows.

I'm always suspicious of the 'acting' of actors who play characters that share their first name over and over.

Quentin Tarantino has never played a character named Quentin and he is a terrible actor.

Charlie Sheen's very first acting role was Terrence Malick's "Badlands."

This is a man who knows his kino.

I just learned he has HIV because I live under a rock and somehow this makes him seem more sympathetic rather than less. I wonder if he'll get pity roles and become an icon for AIDS awareness

>somehow this makes him seem more sympathetic rather than less

I'm glad I was born good instead of a fucked up mess like most of the people on these boards

I agree with you that many people here are fucked up, but you realize that most people get HIV because they have loads of unprotected sex, right? What exactly is sympathetic about that?

except the part where he knowingly transmitted that disease to 100's of people, some against their will

Top tier actor back in his prime then got distracted by hookers, cocaine, and STDs and got conned into a shitty sitcom for the rest of his life and "lel" cameos.

Hot Shots 1 and 2 were kino mockucomedies.


Have you actually watched Two and a Half Men? It's not even bad. It's about a rich guy who lives a dream life and fucks whoever he feels like. How based is that? And how did they even get away with making this sitcom in our politically correct society?


I mean, come on..


simply delight. very best post is also the first post

>goes out of his way to fuck porn stars and various other whores
>brags about being immune due to tiger blood
>gets AIDS
this would be the greatest AIDS awareness PSA of all time

>be controversial celebrity
>get aids due to recklessness
>use this to promote safe sex

'satanic ritual abuse'
haha holy shit. does Denise and their kids have HIV as well?

Here's a better PSA.

that guy looks like a ventriloquist's dummy
i can't trust such a man

Here's another one