Holy shit how fucking garbage is this

holy shit how fucking garbage is this


Well yeah didn't you see the reviews?

Why are the grills so ugly?

good question
if you must make more capeshit at least give us some titties to look at

not really garbage, just not good
i think making it a gimmicky IMAX release was it's downfall, they should have just made it a regular average comic book show like AoS

There's been so much capeshit done at this point it has to be done really well or everyone hates it. Symptom of overall capeshit fatigue.

it's not good, but I don't see why this is getting savaged so hard when other tv capeshit gets a pass.

How come marvel got Starfire in their show?

>casting actors this ugly
>CGI is a DOOM .wad
>Medusa's hair that crap

it's a Fantastic Four level mess

Mostly because of all the shit leading up to it. Perlmutter was pushing so hard to make Inhumans important in the MCU to snub Fox and their X-license, to the point where it even started a minor fued between the TV and movie divisions.

My hope is that it sort of works as a single standalone season, then they let it get swallowed by AoS because that already has established inhumans in it.

Then they could just let the inhuman royal family have cameos in a better show.

Setting the show in Hawaii was a stupid waste of resources.

oh good i thought it was just me


Cucked by the Buck for the second time hahhahahahahah

seriously why didn't they cast good actors who are not distractingly ugly


>hey Scott after you're done butchering Iron Fist, do you want at shot at this pet project of ours?
>I mean we haven't seen Iron Fist, but it won't be that bad, right????
>No we won't need that much CGI in a show where literally everyone has superpowers
>Let's use our money to film this with IMAX cameras instead, because IMAX is the shit right now
>Then we use the rest of our budget to cast that twat from Game of Thrones and a bunch of no-names, who all can't act for shit

I think this whole ordeal is just part of Ike's contrived plan to force Disney to let him retire while still getting paid, just so he can't come up with trainwrecks like this anymore.

i can't believe how bad this is. :(

> superhumans fight to protect themselves

>new spider-man is an avengers spin off and all the new characters are stupid and annoying
>still pretty gud