Is there an actor more pathetic than this kike?

Is there an actor more pathetic than this kike?

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meh he’s not really bad just another face sucking Seth rogens cock at night

He made Goon 1 and 2 though

he's hardly jewish
being canadian has helped his career more

He's cute and I like his voice

He hates /our guy/ Jonah

Those any good? I always liked Slap Shot

Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera

he's not pathetic actually. he's still cute.

me too, user

I can't stand how he always plays the same pathetic character in every thing he does. Doubt he would get a job if he wasn't a kike.


I enjoyed goon 1 but goon 2 I couldn;t even get past 10 minutes because it was jew this that everywere plus all that shit about lieb didn't help

no, thank you. i already ate. and i never accept dinner invitations from creepy strangers on the internet.

found the women

tits or GTFO

>complete loser smokes pot with seth rogen
>gets introduced to judd apatow
>does intuitively well at playing a "complete loser" character
>gets lead role in terrible movies and becomes a millionaire

why does this keep happening?

>roastie """"""humor""""""

narcissist roastie confirmed, no one invited you anywhere sweetie.

of course it's a woman who would find the other women.

I'm no woman, I'm a harry man sitting on his couch watching lotr drinking out of my Prancing Pony beer mug.

homosex dramaqueen confirmed, no one if fooled by you tranny

brains or GTFO

lol triggered women of Sup Forums

>harry man
>man lusting over harry potter

leave, pedoperv. NOW.

Awww, sweetie don't be mad