Best WWII films

In looking for some good film about the second world war. Not the same shit "bad nazi, good americans". Any advice?

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Kelly's Heroes
A Bridge Too Far

Thank you

This kino.

that movie is trash, made by an autistic fuck
gratuitous, pointless, a piece of tasteless british propaganda as its exemplified by the final Churchill bit
Nolan is mentally incapable of dealing with characters beyond drab cliched formulae

Trash indeed

Masaki Kobayashi's The Human Condition

10/10 cinematography

nice soviet propaganda

how is it propaganda?
ethnic cleansing of villages actually happened
see Dirlewanger brigade

True, really good movie

It wasn't SO bad according to me. The sound were great and it has some good scene. The only thing that i dislike was the same "british heroes, german shit"

I mean compare River Kwai with fucking Dunkirk, come on Sup Forums
Nolan is a goddamn hack, literally only those with limited cinematic knowledge can like his flicks


ethnic cleansing was also a common practice of the soviets
don't pretend that the central government didn't have to approve of every film made and make sure it aligned with their version of history

Duncuck in its effort to demoralize and dehumanize the Germans by not showing them at all, just lends more to the idea that Hitler spared these men. They blur out the German soldiers that capture the main character and they dont even show any kind of insignia on Luftwaffe planes. I dont believe there is any truth to the latter, but thats what they unintentionally accomplished. Their scarcity in the movie begs the question, why didnt they just destroy them all?

Pic relate is a much better WWII film. Dunkirk was boring as fuck.

remember when hitler could have slaughtered the british soldiers easily but didn't because he didn't want war with britain and they instead allied with the communists?
i member

Don't turn on politics please. Anyway you are right but if it is a good film i don't see anything wrong about watch it


Nothing captures that old british fighting spirit better. Trust an american commie to do a better directing job than any brit.

It's still an great movie and there is no reason to think that those things didn't happen. Soviet may also made terrible things but that doesn't modify how truth to reality this movie in particular is.

you're right, technically and cinematically it is a good film

I dont believe this was the case with Dunkirk, however, Hitler did not want war with Britain. Luftwaffe was grounded alot due to bad weather and they were not able to accomplish their goal.

Cross of Iron
Hacksaw Ridge
Saving Private Ryan
Thin Red Line

>*submerges behind you*

Yes, i hope that in the film mention that hitler spare those soldiers, but in film they say that the germans don't attack them on the beach because the luftwaffe could strike them easily

>movie based on facts and events which actually happened
>i-its propaganda because I was memed into thinking that soviets as horrible as nazis.

>there is a never-ending list of western war movies where the germans are depicted as the enemy and evil
>no movies in sight that show the horrors of the soviet union
Really chogs the nog.

>hacksaw ridge
the first half of the movie was hokey cliche bullshit & Vince Vaughn was SEVERELY miscast
the action was okay if you like seeing people having their limbs blown to shreds set to generic Hollywood heroic music

>>i-its propaganda because I was memed into thinking that soviets as horrible as nazis.
If you actually believe they weren't, you are a dead set idiot.

Well, soviets hasn't commited the most horrible mass crimes and genocides in the history of mankind and actially saved everyone.

Wait, are you insane? Stalin killed about 20 milion of people. I hope you were ironical

You might want to ease up on the vodka, Ivan. You're further exposing what a blithering idiot you are.

>all those wonderful soviets that "liberated" concentration camps
>20,000,000 dead from starvation, and political executions.

>the first half of the movie was hokey cliche bullshit
Earnestness is not the same as hokey bullshit

It may be a good movie but it's purpose was certainly for propaganda.
And Soviets were worse than nazis yes, but even then there are good people in every country.
At least if you were part of nazi germany you wouldn't have to fear much but everyone got screwed in the Soviet Union.
Nazis were natural instincts in to the extreme as in that they only cared for their own group and were obsessed with purity but the Soviet Union was an ungodly state and the anti-thesis of everything human.

>memed into thinking that soviets as horrible as nazis
Except they absolutely were
And think about the context in which the film was released, when East Germany was still under control of the Soviet Union, many Germans at that time wanted reunification
This is like all of the Navy SEAL and 9/11 movies being released just as the war on terror began losing public support
It's an artistic film but don't pretend it didn't receive a huge marketing and distribution from the official Soviet government

>26 millons of soviet people died during WW2
>half of them are civilians who were murdered in the most horrible ways in camps
I don't remember german citizens being burned in gas chambers or being subject of inhuman experiments.
And you have proof ofc? Stalin was a tyrant for sure, but these numbers are getting higher every year, lol.

Why aren't there any anti-commo war films?

>It may be a good movie but it's purpose was certainly for propaganda.
How is making movie about actual event and the most horrible crimes in history of mankind is propaganda?

>Hollywood, not making anti-Communist films
Gee I wonder why

You are just memed as fuck. Good.
More communist activists are died in Moscow than in Rome or Berlin. He supported the katyn massacre, the various purge etc...

>They say even a stopped clock is right two times a day, Ray. What they don't tell you is that I switched from analog to digital and my battery is just about to die

>japanese youths fearlessly assassinate their communist prime minister who's about to sell them out to china

>american youths pull down a war memorial statue, then proceed to kick and spit on it

Hmm, really makes you think.

It was meant to shock Russians and make them hate the Germans because East Germany was under Soviet control and they wanted to reunify the country. Every country uses kino as propaganda, but the Russians practically invented the art of the propaganda-film and the juxtaposition technique

Are you acting retarded on purpose, right?

Not him, but search for the movie in wikipedia. The movie on it's own it's fine. But the main purpose is debatable.

The action was the weakest part you dip. Hugo weaving gave the performance of his career also.

>Paths of Glory
>Current state of Sup Forums

Letters from Iwo Jima
Flags of our fathers
Wolf of Saipan

Anyone who thinks the nazis and soviet union aren't comparable is.

Ha ha yes user yes, very good very good indeed, great use of current memes and greentext, overall a great post worthy of praise
Paths of Glory is WW1 you fucking moron

This is so fucking disgusting.

>Paths of Glory

And what's the point of making russians hate Germany anyway?
>trusting wikipedia

>Well, soviets hasn't commited the most horrible mass crimes and genocides in the history of mankind and actially saved everyone.

You are the retard that thinks that the soviet were betterthan nazi. You are just memed as shit. You aren't using your brain. Probably you went to college and there you have been indotrinated.

Well, you're just pulling facts right out of your ass to prove your point while there are tons of solid proofs of nazis commiting horrible mass genocides and making inhuman experiments on them.

>post about soviet people saving the day
>m-muh jews
This board is beyond saving.

>there are “humans” on this board that think Christopher Nolan isn’t a pretentious hack filmmaker with television-tier staging, framing and lighting and delusions of artistic importance and “bigness”

Cross of Iron

Keep in mind, this chart is taking into account the 5.7 million fabricated "holocaust" deaths, so it's not even close.

Well, I can say that your chart is bullshit since Hitler has killed more than 26 millons of people just in USSR, not even mentioning other countries.

communism is a jewish conspiracy. this is common knowledge if you were to look at all at the leaders of the majority of communist leaders and marx himself

you forgot to say pic unrelated

>source: my college professor
Further confirming your own idiocy here.

USSR did nothing wrong/Hitler was 100% evil is classic jew propaganda.

BTW, do you know who was behind the communist revolution? It was 100% a jewish affair. Even Marx himself was jewish.

I'm not talking about soviet leaders, but sacrifice and effort of soviet people who suffered more than anyone and overcome everything to save the whole world from nazi scum.

A true WWII classic. Neck yourself

you mean being used as meat shield by their soldier?

>26 millons of people just in USSR
Official number of combatants + civilians killed in the war is 22 million. And no, those weren't killed by nazi ideology. List only accounts amount of kills done by ideology, e.g. concentration camps, forced labour, starvation etc. They do not acount for wars.


Why are you posting the pic from a fake twitter account?

next thing you're going to be posting Jamal Swagson one


My source is confirmed ussr documentary. What's yours? Sup Forums?
Nice meme. People suffered starvation, tortures and horrible deaths of loved ones so some neckbeard in internet could make some pathetic joke.
>WWII wasn't caused by ideology
wew son

This is the most "muh ebil nazis" film ever made

Are you braindead? I'm not defending communism, but common soviet people.

Kill yourself


UK should be around the same size as US, they didn't step in until later.


>Implying any war has been caused by religion/ideology

>he didn't see it in 70mm imax
this board is shit

>n-no you!
Most wars were caused by people's lust for power and wealth. Don't be stupid.

>common soviet people
i.e. stalin's meat shields
stalin hurt them more than hitler did

and all this time i thought it was just a meme

I'm pretty sure people have fought for the Motherland, their loved ones and survival of their whole race which would be enslaved or genocided if nazis won.

Sup Forumstard detected. The germans did some pretty horrific shit on the eastern front, nothing in that movie is unrealistic.

Not to say that the soviets did not do bad things, especially against their own

yeah like the massacres in Poland
amrite guys?

Hollywood was rife with anti communist films in the 50s, if you were sympathetic to communism you couldn't even get a movie made and were forced out of the States

poor commies ;(

Not an argument

So you literally admit your source is propaganda. You are the absolute pinnacle of stupidity.

It's really funny reading Sup Forums if you know something about history or even film history.

Come and See is a propaganda not because it shows Nazi crimes in the East (which definitely happened) but because it's a film inspired by Khatyn massacre which doesn't even mention that these murderers were mostly Ukrainian collaborators, not Germans.

>the meme Molyneux

You mean like what Stalin did?
Your idiocy never stops.

This is wrong. Soviet forces weren't that numerous.

This is not what Stalin did. He never planned to neslave or exterminate the whole population.

> Leopold II of Belgium
> killed 3X more people then the Japanese in WWII
> source: my ass

some people still claim that africans are human so yes, the numbers aren't that wrong

>I don't remember german citizens being burned in gas chambers or being subject of inhuman experiments.
You forgot the 25 cm of wood shoved up their ass, you filthy Goyim.

>source: my ass
That's the whole infographic.

We don't know and we will never know how many people died as a result of Belgian policy in Congo Free State. There were no censuses, we don't know how many people lived there during Leopold's rule.