/got/ general

Deal with it edition


it's canon and endgame :)

listen son, i'll give you 4 cents each for those vanilla wafers

Azor Petyr

I don't know why the blandest ship has such a following
It's not even vanilla, it's mayo/white toast bread sandwich

That rustled my jimmies a bit.

Like alright, it's a major frustration that the war could've been just about ended, but what was the problem with just telling Edmure the whole plan? There's no call to get pissy at him for their own mistakes.

>yfw Dabid ressurects all the slain characters as Wights for the (((good))) ((((guys)))) to cut down with Valyrian Steel and flame one last time for Disney-tier horseshit

I want to believe most of Sup Forums is doing so ironically

Because the alternative is that D&D have finally mindbroken most of us


>Maybe I can be your Rhaenys tonight, Aegon

Why is he so perfect /got/?

>tfw a peach offers you a peach

Please do
This would be hotter than whatever Jonaerys could ever do

>Confirmation means a big party and an occasion for big presents. The presents: That’s what we kids focused on for sure. There is a lot of pressure on parents to deliver. My mum didn’t have much money, but she threw a party for me. It was great. I got gifts from family and friends but my favorite was from my mum. She’d gotten me a Sanyo mini-stereo with speakers that detached. Unbelievably cool.

>Then one day there was a knock on the front door. This was a little weird, as our door was always open. We literally didn’t have a key. Anyway, a knock, and then a louder knock. Insistent. I opened the door. Outside two men were waiting. One was the county cop, the other from an electronics store. Back then the local cop had many tasks, one of which apparently was to escort local merchants when they had to retrieve goods when the payments had dried up. It turned out my mum hadn’t been able to really afford that mini-stereo and now they had come to take it back.

>I stared at the empty spot where my stereo had proudly sat just a few moments before. I couldn’t believe it. How could this happen to me? Why me? It didn’t seem fair. And then it hit me. The shame. And I felt terrible. Not because I lost a stereo, but because I knew how the repossession would make my mother feel: That she had let me down. And I hated it. Suddenly all my pride disappeared. The stereo didn’t matter. I understood that my mother had felt this stupid pressure to deliver an amazing party, with all the right presents, even though she couldn’t afford it.

>I don’t remember my mother ever telling me she loved me. I also have never doubted for a second that I was loved. Actions speak louder than words and our mum always had our back. Unconditionally.

>So I found my old cassette player. I put it right in the Sanyo’s place and decided not to care for stuff ever again.

I mean, it could work. Thematically, their arcs were parallel in a a lot of ways, and while they are very similar, they are also different in a complimentary sense. But it's all so rushed, and bland, and the actors are so shit at acting that it isn't even funny. The writers had to resort to having other characters talk about how into each other Jon and Dany are, that's how shit the chemistry and how underdeveloped the relationship was.

At this point does anyone who isn't Jaime, Cersei or Dany have any political influence?

Is there any hope, however small, of someone being a major player who doesn't have 5000 fucking layers of plot armor next season?

>those ears

Because he's a literal fairy.

Twinks are shit anyway, give me a chad like Nikolaj any day of the week.

>over the course of a season Dany goes from perpetual smug to kawaii uguu imouto (mature)

Got a sinking feeling she's just going to be basically Hinata next season what with dragon grief.

>dem calves
>dat ass
I think I'd go pitcher for him.

It's particularly bad when Kit has only one facial expression (kicked puppy) and Emilia's transitioning from smug to adoring is completely out of the blue compared to how she treated Daario, who she's supposed to canonically have a schoolgirl crush on. And who the showrunners seem to have forgotten about.

The other problem is that imo Jon and Dany work best when they have other people telling them to fuck off to interact with. And their romance is going full Hallmark glurge.

I wonder if you actually like Dean or you just shitpost with pics of him.
Great taste anyway.

>Twinks are shit anyway, give me a chad like Nikolaj any day of the week.
Yeah, it's completely fair to compare 47-years old man with a guy who is barely 20.
And Nikolaj is overrated as hell

she actually respects jon though, daario and everyone else worships her whereas jon just wants to accomplish his own goal

>what is dead may never die

>full Hallmark glurge
It's not even that. It's just... Nothing.
>bend da knee
>I rescued u
>I will bend da knee naoh
>Kit looks vaguely uncomfortable
>Emilia gives him the bug-eyes at random intervals
>they have unenthusiastic sex while an autist narrates without even exchanging any dialogue
Relationship between LF and Ros was more developed.

It's the first unique thing either character have done in years. The Jon at the Wall/Dany conquers Essos storylines were beyond stagnant. It also made Dany into an actual character again. After Season 2, she stopping being a character and became a plot device. She was basically just a "dumping ground" for other characters that D&D ran out of ideas of what to do with, like Tyrion.

And the pottery is off the fucking charts.

This is pretty much what I mean, their acting is really lacking and with poor writing we get two cardboard cutouts humping each other. I'm not even saying there is no no build-up or logic, it's just so fucking boring.
I might be biased bc I'm not a Dany fan, but I'm not feeling this cute transformation. She already had vulnerable moment with Jorah leaving or 'crush' with second Daario. She only does more of the same.

I'll give you that, but to be fair you can never tell how the fresh meat will turn out after a couple years of poor maintenance. Remember when Maisie and Sophie were cute? Me neither.


We can no longer be friends. I mean he's no Viggo or Mads, but he's easily the best out of the /got/ cast


See that's the other thing.

She JUST met the man, and it's pretty fucking blatent the showrunners are trying to rush through the tsundere phase to the twu wuv phrase so they can get to the teamup part. It's badly paced, and written in such a way that makes her seem like she learned NOTHING from dealing with Daario.

I'll give you that Jon's attitude was totally different, but there's no foreshadowing she'd be into that unless you count her eventually falling for Drogo. To be fair, that's partially Kit's fault for looking and sounding like a sleepy bloodhound even when he's being assertive.

That's sort of what I mean actually. The fact that they just say the lines, go through the motions and then suddenly act like they're about to be married. Must've watched some particularly bad Hallmark movies.

I'd compare it to Twilight, but that practically feels like the movie version of Godwin's Law.

>Emilia's transitioning from smug to adoring is completely out of the blue

No it isn't for anybody who paid attention to their scenes. After Jon petted Drogon, all bets were off.

>compared to how she treated Daario,

Jon is not Daario.

>who she's supposed to canonically have a schoolgirl crush on.

Not in the show she doesn't.

>And who the showrunners seem to have forgotten about.

Dany outright stated that she didn't care about Daario in the season 6 finale. You're comparing show Jon to book Daario.

>first unique thing either character have done in years
>who was Ygritte

>makes the same thread again
>uses the same pic again
>shipping incest
Why OP?

I paid attention to the scenes, and I understood what they're going for. I'm saying the execution is flawed to me because the actors aren't the best at emoting subtely, they can only either be blankly staring or screaming at the top of their lungs.

Not my point. My point is that Daario at least demonstrated she was supposed to have some caution when it comes to a personal relationship, and the situation with Jon is absurdly more high stakes than the one with Daario was.

I've been sticking to Show Daario and Jon, and I don't take a oneliner as a well written, conclusive ending to one character's opinion of another either.

Though to be fair in Dany's case, after the while of EVIL!!!! slavers and sorcerors start to feel like she's been at war with the City of Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain (rated PG-13 and above)

Which house has the coolest name and coat of arms? I say, house Codd.

That too. Ygritte dying was the last interesting character moment Jon had until this season.

Place your bets Sup Forums, will the Jonerys kid be a girl or boy?

Is Jaqen the single strongest person in GoT universe? Aside from maybe Night King.

Jesus Preston is such an autistic hipster.

I feel like neither character really developed since S1
>Dany becomes more assertive, finds home for the first time in her life despite being surrounded by rapists
>Jon becomes less entitled, finds home for the first time in her life despite being surrounded by rapists
After that they got their pet projects for around four seasons, Dany cheerleading for slaves, and Jon for wildlings. But neither did much growing as far as their personalities and values go.

Putting my money on daughteru, because something stallion doesn't actually mean male horse in dothraki something

Well, there was FOR THE WATCH, for me.

But only in the sense that it was unintentionally hilarious.

Haven't you been paying attention? It's Arya.


Imagine if Dany and Jon poured together all of their resources and hired the faceless men to kill the Night King

Girl, because fuck patriarchy or something. Maybe they'll name her after the whore who sparked a war to get on with a married man and happily sat back as he and his family were killing hers.


That looks like the wildling girl from the Telltale game

A pretty boy like Griffith.

Sorry, I'm not into old men, so maybe I'm not the one to rate Nikolaj. But if I had to pick actors whose looks I like better (among older men) I'd pick Sean Bean, Charles Dance and Jerome Flynn
Nikolaj is just very unremarkable to me.

For me, it's House Manwoody.

>Not my point. My point is that Daario at least demonstrated she was supposed to have some caution when it comes to a personal relationship, and the situation with Jon is absurdly more high stakes than the one with Daario was.

The relationship with Jon is absurdly more beneficial to her politically. Daario had no benefit to her politically.

>I've been sticking to Show Daario and Jon, and I don't take a oneliner as a well written, conclusive ending to one character's opinion of another either.

Daario was a fucktoy, and the show conveyed that he was only fucktoy. What schoolgirl crush is there? Dany left Daario behind on purpose. She didn't love him. That's why he is not showing up anymore.

Jon is more likable, more noble, is the king of the largest part of Westeros, is good with Dany's dragons, and is secretly a Targaryen--we know that Targs are inclined towards incest on a genetic level. What does Daario have to offer?

I was going to say Jon's slowly sinking into depression over the responsibilities and the sheer scale of the shit he's gotten himself into.

But then I remembered I'm just desperately searching for a reason for Kit to look sad all the time.

>miles and miles of freezing tundra
>other walkers will freeze the FM if he goes for a disguise
>NK is currently sitting on the back of a fucking dragon

yeah that'd end well

The first transgender person in the GoT universe

off screen however


>implying rheagar didn't rape lyanna
She probably went to him willingly at first, but I doubt she stayed there on her own free will after her father and brother got tortured to death, a call for the head of her other brother was made, and her "lover" went to fight for his dad who was trying to eradicate her family. Why would the KG be guarding her from her brother if she was allowed to leave?

Dear user,

Jaqen is the King of the Faceless Men, Jaqen H'ghar + Azor Ahai= Azor Jaqen.

Jaqen is the most dangerous and powerful character of asoiaf/got.

Jaqen H'ghar will defeat the Night King and the White Walkers.

Jaqen H'ghar will kill Jon, Danerys and her dragons.

That's fair, like I said he's just the best from the bunch.

Charles Dance and Sean Bean are definitely more based overall, though.

I understand the difference in terms of their political value, I'm criticising the emotional reaction on Dany's part given she's been previously established as stubborn and relatively collected. The point I'm trying to make is that Dany is, in theory, a fairly experienced leader at this point so it's somewhat absurd to think she'd open up this quickly however likeable someone who's only a potential ally is.

Fine, I'll admit I exaggerated Daario's impact on purpose. That she purposefully left him behind is actually part of my point: The idea that Dany, who wants to disassociate herself from the mistakes of her predecessors, would be so emotionally unguarded around Jon. I'm not saying it's completely unsalvagable as a concept, I'm saying the show rushed it too much.

Also to make something clear: I separate the pacing issues from the actors' performance, which I find generally unconvincing and jarring.

It mostly suffered from some really bad writing early on. They were mostly just standing around Dragonstone, being frigid towards one another, and talking about Ice Zombies. That killed the tension for a lot of people.

When they were actually allowed to have basic, human moments (like when he bent the knee or when they were smirking at each other in the Dragon Pit) they came off as a very cute, believable couple. So it's not surprising that it has such a following, because they were really cute in those scenes. But, sadly, that wasn't until the very end. Good grief, Robb and his wife were given more human moments than Dany and Jon were. The reason it felt so rushed and forced for a lot of people was in the matter of 2 episodes they went from frigid to chummy to madly in love. Just as they starting to break the ice and chemistry was really starting to develop then BOOM BOATSEX. It would have been much better served with 3 more episodes to flesh everything out.

I strongly suspect it will be a lot better next season because there will actually be human moments between them and a lot of tension over her being his Aunt.

>implying that she can resist the animu prince dick

user, Bran went there to look at it and he didn't go around telling people how beautiful it was.


This sort of, I wasn't even convinced by the basic human moments but I get the gist and appeal.

I don't have any hope next season. I'm just waiting to see how bad this trainwreck's going to hit.

how do we fix Dorne storyline
Tyene is so beatiful she should be Doran's daughter and heir to all of Dorne
just cut trystane and all send sneks bullshit
and Dany should land in Dorne

>Tyene is so beautiful
She really isnt, especially in comparison to other females on the show. Yes her tits are god tier but thats it.
Also shes easily the worst actor of the three.

>of the three

Let's not say things we can't take back here, she's just got the most screentime.

>mfw tried to make some girl a faceless man
>mfw shes doing it as vengeance and not aa duty
>mfw break rules and train her anyway
>mfw she obviously disobeys orders
>mfw lost a colleague to her
>mfw she ran away
>mfw all that training for nothing
>mfw shell never serve the many faced god and just abuse her new skills for personal vendettas
>mfw my whole plotline was wasted
>mfw i am no one
>mfw i have no face
>mfw i am not jaqen h'ghar anymore

I don't think we can judge anyone's acting when the lines they were given were so fucking awful.

and that applies to every character in GoT

And he couldn't give her kids. The best subversion of all is that the "feminist icon" really just wants to be a trad wife.

More names, your Grace?


I wouldn't say they're automatically entirely exempt, but I agree that the writer are much more to blame. Just compare season 1 to where we've ended up.

I want to believe they're that self aware, but I also get the feeling they're trying to backpedal Cersei the fuck away from being a canonical fuckup, and make her competant yet sympathetic by dumping 4 seasons' worth of Dany-tier plot armor on her at once.

bitch i have a folder with 170+ pics of him, both in my laptop and phone, what the fuck do you think?

Daenerys acts purely on emotion all the time. She tried the frigid queen act the first two times she interacted with Jon, but the act didn't work. She thought of Jon as just another man standing in her, and he didn't meet her expectations. He wasn't like the rulers she overthrew and he wasn't like Daario, who only wanted her for her beauty and powers. Jon was on Dragonstone for help fighting the White Walkers, and the Walkers, it turns out, actually exist. That's why Dany dropped her guard with Jon. She already sized him up and determined that he was the genuine article.

You can not like their scenes together, but every interaction between Jon and Dany serves a purpose. The two did not just randomly go from talking about The Night King to fucking. Dany talked more about herself than anything, and Jon heard every word of it.

Everyone knows that Sweets+Sweets=Jon

I was going to say something about character development, but then I realised you actually have a point. Fine, if we abstract it to this level I can admit I despise the pacing and acting far, far more than the logical progression of events.

I think you are a person of great taste and we need more Tommen-posting in /got/ threads

>Dany talked more about herself than anything, and Jon heard every word of it.

Loved those parts. I wish Season 7 had been nothing but that. Showed a side of her we haven't seen since the early seasons.



Will we see villains like Ramsay and Stannis as revived ice zombies next season

This is what I'm afraid of.

Ramsey is dog shit, and Dillane rightfully thinks he's too good for the show, so there's no way he's coming. We'll probably see Hodor though.

Yes, and some powerful historical characters like Aegon too.
We literally Naruto now.

Can someone explain why people think that her and jon will have a child next season?

Isn't she supposed to be infertile?

Specifically, what evidence is there to support the speculations about jonerys producing a child?

Because they kept talking about her infertility. It's just how pleb, lowest common denominator entertainment works. Like when a cops keeps talking about a vacation he's going to go on after he retires next week.

>yfw he goes into battle still holding the fucking door as a shield

>The Night's King will be revealed to be a peaceful idealist who went mad with power when drunk on the power of whatever the Children did to him, and all the other White Walkers are from his dynasty

I can see it

True love cliches, dragon bloodline magic and the power of bad writing

Jon said it himself that the source of her claims was not reliable.

Daario Naharis

>Can someone explain why people think that her and jon will have a child next season?

They were beating you over the head with it in the last episode.

>Isn't she supposed to be infertile?

She thinks she is because of what happened to her first kid and Daario was shooting blanks.

However, no where did Mirri Maz Duur ever imply that she couldn't have kids. Just that her first one was DOA.

They wouldn't have brought it up like every other 10 minutes if it wasn't to set it up. They're not exactly subtle.

Bad writing?
Come on, if they haven't already left foreshadowings of their future child in the series, and it just comes out of nowhere in s8, that wouldn't be just bad writing, that would be fucking armageddon for the show's respectability.
Their romance is arguably the most important plotline of the entire series, and if she is to have a child, which would seem logical, they would absolutely have to foreshadow it, as well as have a coherent and internally consistent explanation of her apparent sterility being cured.
Bad writing? Nah, I don't buy it. No respectable show could possibly treat the main plot element in that manner and get away with it.
Think again anons. Any bookfags here to help us out with some between-the-lines rhetoric?

The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring fucking when?!

Remember, local bookstore.

Yeah, Dany has a lot of visions in the books that (now that we know) are clearly about Jon.

the last episode of season 7 ?

wild speculations of jon snow during a round of smalltalk is hardly solid evidence

that scene has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand

could you elaborate a little bit on that please?
I realize that the books =/= the show but i can appreciate the insight into the finer points of the show that the books can potentially provide

>a lot
One (1).

>Jorah will have to play the father of the bride role in his waifu's wedding

What does "=/=" mean?

is not equal to

2019 for winds


>Jorah will have to cook and clean while Jon makes Dany moan to the tune of the intro
>Jorah will have to shovel dragon shit while the merry couple are honeymooning on the back of whichever dragon doesn't have diarrhea at the moment
>Jorah will have to prep Jon every night

Is there no end to this man's suffering?

Except it does. D&D cannot into subtlety. That scene is very relevant because it was as plain as day who she was gonna end up with when that season ended except to the diehard denialfags that never wanted them together. As soon as Jon becomes a viable and desirable marriage candidate, Tyrion tells her she and some dude in Westeros will certainly find love in the future.

Firstof all, MMD did not say that Daenerys could never get pregnant, so you referencing an episode in season 7 as proof of what was said in season 1, is pointless. Second, even if she DID say that Dany couldn't have children, why should we believe her? Jon's point still stands: she was not a reliable source of information.

That pic is a lie, after Daario asks her who is she going to marry she says she doesn't know, then they spend 3 minutes breaking up, then comes the Tyrion/Dany scene, then Arya kills Walder, then LF talks with Sansa, then Bran sees the ToJ ending and then Jon gets crowned.

As I recall, there was a vision Dany had about a blue rose. Something like that. The blue rose was something that Lyanna liked. Also when Jon gets stabbed, Dany seems to feel it.

Should have just sudoku'd when Archmaester Slughorn told him to.