/DIS/ general - star trek discovery


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Vulcans are for bullying.

>new episode coming on 9th october

why is there a break?


to completely stop any sort of momentum this show has and gives people with the memory of a goldfish to move on to the next flavor of the week

>i honestly don't know why any tv network thinks this a good idea

Who did they cast as young Kirk and Spock?

Apparently that's a typo (somehow), new episode is on Monday


You can stop trying to force this, it'll never catch on.

it's STD

I love Disney

From old because I didn't see we were done:

That is actually a really decent idea. But we all know why they did it: stupid dumb fanservice. "OH LOOK IT'S TEH STARFLEET LOGO. COOOOOL" No other reason for it. I mean seriously. "our sensors couldn't detect our life signs but we find a dumb 50meter starfleet logo walked into the sand from space trough the same spaceship."

I mean in two episodes they fuck up so much.. fucking Daft Punk robots, The wannabe Vulcan fucking cries right away, is emotional as FUCK. I mean.. Spock EARNED the Emotion thing. Apart from the unaired Pilot he never showed any emotion. He was cold and logical. But SOMETIMES you could get just a little glimpse at the fact that deep down.. he cared. That was emotionally powerful BECAUSE he ordinarily showed so much restraint.
It's like fucking Final Fantasy XIII. If you show your MC fucking crying and moping and emotional THE WHOLE TIME, it won't be effective when something bad happens to them. "oh hey the sad character got hit by something. now she's sad, just like before"
God fucking damnit.


Calm down it's just the prologue

Maybe klingons of this era simply made different fashion choices when it came to hair

There was already STD. Star Trek DeepSpace9

How many of you have subscribed to CBS?

I did, but only for Young Sheldon.

Is that really the only way to watch it? They're not putting it up on iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon premium video for purchase?

Is it also true that CBS All Access isn't actually going to keep all the episodes up to prevent people from only signing up to binge it after the season is over?

I like the Vulcan thing.
It's 100% in like with vulcan thinking that they assume humans can be as calm and emotionless as them with training. with her they are experimenting with this, however humans are different. She has only ever faces strong bad emotions, and never actually dealt with them, just covered them. without a natural Vulcan release mechanism, or constant meditation, they get the better of her in a high stress situation.
It's 100% in like with Vulcans being dicks who think they know better than everyone else, but not knowing dick.

non-Americans can watch it on Netflix

You got it wrong the common abbreviation is STD, just give up and run with the joke



What about those of us who can't travel abroad due to our crippling medical expenses?

Will Discovery adhere to canon and use the security "C"-like insignia from The Cage?

ummmm, sweetie? Startships don't use canons, they use photonic torpedoes

And that image you posted isn't a canon, it's the symbol of the federation which is a part of the star fleet

Pirate it. Use eMule to do it.

Get cbs