Which version of Blade Runner should I watch?

Which version of Blade Runner should I watch?
My dad says the original, but then that's the one that critics hated.
Original or Final Cut?

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Final Cut is best cut.

Original, with narration. It's the only way to be sure.

both at the same time on mute

Final Cut. I have no idea why he'd recommend the original, from what I've seen the narration seems completely awful.

to be sure you'll fall asleep from Ford's dull droning

ive got some bad news about your dad

which version has no narration and the least "he might be a droid" shit?

Your dad might like the narration because it makes it explicitly a noir film, but it's literally Ford sabotaging the movie and even saying shit that is the opposite of what just happened on screen

director's cut

final cut was mosly about color grading the movie and fixing some of the special effects goofs anyway

>it's literally Ford sabotaging the movie and even saying shit that is the opposite of what just happened on screen
What do you mean?
Is it not scripted or something? Was the narration not planned?
I take it the film is easy enough to follow even if you've never heard the narration? It's not like I need narration in neo-noirs - Blue Velvet certainly doesn't have it anyway.

he says it with zero enthusiasm, you can tell he's doing against his will

the producers added that shit thinking the audience needed someone holding their hand.

I can't give you explicit examples about shit that doesnt match what's on screen because the one I remember is a spoiler about the end so you better watch it first then later watch the redlettermedia re:view of it

The narration was not part of the movie, studio forced it after test screenings were negative.

There's a rumor that Ford deliberately read his lines like shit in hopes they'd be unusable, but it remains just that, a rumor.

perfect, thanks. Is the final cut worth it for those changes?

>but it remains just that, a rumor.

i dont even know how someone can hear these and think they're just rumors

Studio forced the narration and "happy" ending.

A lot of changes in the final cut are aesthetic, like I said color and digital effects correction, plus minor things like "in final cut this shot is 2 seconds longer". If you've seen one, you've basically watched the other.

Thanks guys, I'll go with the final cut then.
I presume my dad likes the original because he enjoyed it on release whilst critics hated it. Now that it's considered a masterpiece he believes he was ahead of the curve, compared to critics.

Unrated International cut. It's the theatrical version with more gore. Ridley ruined the movie by doing his two different director's cuts.

Thanks, Scott really didn't help with these cuts' names

Can't go wrong with the directors or final cut although ridley makes it painfully obvious that Deckard is a replicant in those.

Final Cut is unanimously agreed to be the best, but of course on Sup Forums you'll get a bunch of contrarian neckbeards saying otherwise.

Not OP here, I just watched Blade Runner for the first time (final cut). It was good I guess.

tbqh the "final cut" was really more like "the 25th anniversary cashgrab re-release"

but yeah, it's good. if you're watching the movie for the first time, it might actually be the best choice

Always watch the original version of something you disgusting plebs.
regards, Sup Forums

I literally just finished watching it for the first time and this was my reaction too.


The original cut is shit. The voice over is horrendous.


to anyone who never watched the film, major end spoilers on that video

Plebs don't understand noir, exposition ,and character motivation.

yeah i really need Ford explicitly going "skinjobs is a slur, this bad man would have called blacks niggers in history. Btw, this is a noir film, dear audiences"

Now you're getting it, plebian.