My favorite genre is horror

>my favorite genre is horror

i lie k moibe

>my faborid gerne is da supehewwo moobies
>i paticipate in capesit companee wurrs

>I love Nolan heat legend is a legend

>I have a favorite genre


combine these for an acid attack movie

>My favorite show is Rick and Morty

Huuoh. Huuuuongh.
Eioooongooooo OOOOo. ooooity oity oooity yoo.
oooo OOOOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAftp........ ffffffforborborborborbo...... nmmBORBORBORBO
AHUAHUAHUHAHUHUHUAHUAHUAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... hngrk.. hnnnnnnn......

> the zombie sub genre is the best

dumb dumbposter

>if a moobie has smol numbars on ImDb den I dun wach it
>if a moobie has a red healdy tomatoo on UrrTee dad means ids goood

Movies are for brainlets, period.

>Sorry, I'm too intellectual to watch horror flicks
>I prefer the works of auteurs such as Quentin Tarantino




i'm dying over here

>i post on Sup Forums

I'm fucking dying too, man

>my favorite show is anything other than xavier renegade angel

what are you some kind of chinaman

Brainlet wojak is my new favorite meme


>tfw watching shitposters degrade before your very eyes

>reading comprehension


me too

We all are.

>game of thrones S7 was great!


>trump is a good president


how did it come to this?

>this fucking thread

savin' them all

don't post pink wojaks outside /biz/ buddy


>my favourite genre is cyberpunk

>I haet brick an mourtree



Does anyone have this one with a good size?

I don't get this meme




it's the chicken spongebob meme but with the feels guy

>your favourite genre

true. Only cinema and kino are not.

epic thread! include me in the screenshot for /r/Sup Forums!!!

this is where the thread should've ended.