Thoughts on this movie Sup Forums?

Thoughts on this movie Sup Forums?

It's a great and fun movie but the audiens throwing shit and shouting the whole time ruinds it.if you see it in the thearter. The movie itself is quite clever if you get the references.


Watched it in 8th grade because a girl said it was her favorite movie, what a piece of shit. I turned it off after 20 minutes becaues it was so bad. Women wouldn't know kino if it raped them up the ass.

OK? OK?!
Well, I didn't make it for YOU!

I think its fucking genious


Shock Treatment is better

Excellent cast, decent movie.

It was special 40 years ago because the country was a whole lot more prude and conservative
It doesnt hold up

Watched it last year, thought i'd hate it but ended up loving it. Pretty funny and the music is great.


Utter tripe.

It's not the best movie ever. Or the best musical. But it's one of my favorite things ever.


I was apprehensive at first but liked it towards the end. and then they began with the alien shit/wheelchair guy solo which fucking ruined the movie imo

When I was a kid listening to the soundtrack I used to jack it to Janet's voice

some of the jokes are suprisingly really layered

Really? What jokes? I think i missed most of them since i was just mesmerized simply by the whole idea of the movie.

I love it. Probably a the movie I've seen the most. The music is great. The film is fun and audience participation makes it a truly unique experience.

I was in a cast for awhile. Found that if you are in a cast you will get groupies. Fucked a lot of goth chicks

>wheelchair guy solo which fucking ruined the movie imo
that scene was cut from most of the theatrical reels for exactly that reason.

God-tier songs
Some funny moments
Last 30 minutes or so is utter trash tho, kind of like an SNL.