Why all the hate for her?

Why all the hate for her?

I thought her "A Speck of Dust" Stand-up special was great. One of the funniest specials Ive seen this year actually

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=sara silverman shower&t=ffnt&iax=1&ia=images

her head is tiny

she's a brainlet

she's literally a man, what is there not to hate?


Because she made a career out of being an edgy comic, but then turned all sanctimonious about how comedy has its limits.
I do agree she's had some strong material in her time... but fuck her anyway.

Don't fucking post it.

Dont like how sensitive she is when she made her way shitting on things like religion and other 'sensitive' topics. Especially since she doesnt have some clever or witty angle towards her material, she is a half step away from being a shock comic. Her whole shtick is "omg did she jus say dat XD??" Yet she walks around with a perma stick up her ass because now shes your typical LA sycophant with no moral compass. Gross.

>be female comedian

>it’s important, as a comedian, as a human, to change with the times. To change with new information. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with changing with the times. I think it’s a sign of being old when you are put off by that.
>You have to listen to the college-aged because they lead the revolution. They’re pretty much always on the right side of history.

she's funny, but not nearly as funny as the people marketing her think
she's attractive, but not nearly as attractive as the people marketing her think
add to that the cockiness/cynicism that comes with her line of work and it's bound to trigger people

Her best role was in Star Trek

>she's literally a man
Whoa, what?

She's unfunny
her humor is gross
always spouting on about progressive politics
literal fridge mode
and ((()))

Don't post what?

No wonder she hates herself.

Still would

I don't care if you got dubs, you're too stupid to realise that SS is a bitchy little butterface kike!

Enjoy your ban!

how does a woman have negative hips?

Is Sarah Silverman, dare I say it, /ourwaifu/?

Isn't this a really old photo? Hadn't she improved herself a lot physically since then because of all the criticism she had gotten for the way she looked while appearing nude in a movie?

I vaguely remember it so maybe i'm mistaken.

She's a bedwetter those people are all fucked in the head

eh she was that loudmouth bitch at the beginning of that one movie about a gun ways or something

my favorite at least

Bras are a fucking meme. I hate seeing a chick with a nice rack with her clothes on, then when they're off they get all frumpy. This is because of bras. Your tits need to support themselves and bras make your tits weak.

are you implying that bras are like socialism?

N-no we're not

The only thing I am implying are that bras are 100% not needed and actually counter productive.

How come whenever I see bra-less tribal sheboons their tits are floppy flap jacks then?

Because they had 15 little niglets sucking the vitality out of them.

>I don't care if you got dubs

>still comments on them
>doesn't get dubs himself

stay mad you little gayass baby

Because Sup Forums is filled with Sup Forumstards who unironically support Trump.

Ur a fgt

I am also this but I still have to admit that she is an attractive woman even though she is a Jewish loudmouth Libtard.

Looks like a shot from Mompov

>mfw I got mad just reading this comment

No you fucking tard, that's literally the opposite of the truth. Bras support tits and keep them from sagging over time. If a girl takes her bra off and her tits sag all over the place, it's probably because she doesn't wear a bra regularly. There's no tit muscles to strengthen, tits sag because gravity pulls down on them and gradually stretches the tissue out if there's nothing to support them.
t. guy who's dated girls with big saggy tits, who all only wore bras when leaving the house.

Does it work for balls too?

My balls hang low and I wonder if boxers are a meme

wasn't there a French study a few years back that concluded bras cause tits to sag? I think i heard it on a TYTU video.

and before pol gets angry, no, i don't watch tyt anymore. like i saide, this was a few years ago, like 2012 or 2013.

There seems to be conflicting information about that. And because most women wear bras - and tits come in all sizes - there hasn't been any rigorous studies on the matter.

>source: an user's dating experience
Sounds legit. I'll go edit the wiki page.

She used to be really funny in the early 2000's. But her politics lately have gone way past annoying, she was such a fanatic on Norm Live. She still look insanely hot though as she spat on white males, so I'm slightly conflicted.

She seems like the type of girl who would tell you to sniff it.

>not getting horny

She's so fucking boring, christianity lol, my pussy lol

Also suffering her terrible nasal voice in Wreck-It Ralph...


Damn, linetrap looks like shit now

The Sarah Silverman show was pretty funny. Her standup has always been mediocre with some good stuff. I thought she was a funny actress.

I think she just got old and bitter. No kids, no husband. A woman has to find some meaning in her life. And being a jew, her path was obvious. She became a hyper liberal, as a lot of people with no meaning in life do. I will change the world rather than look inward at my emptiness. I'll kick and scream to make myself think I'm doing things.

Massive hypocrite though. The least she could do is apologize for her previous adherence to offensive comedy, if she's going to be a prude now. But she can't because she's a woman. She cannot be perceived to have done anything wrong ever.

Also, I think she aged great and is still top-tier cute with an amazing body. That shower webm that Sup Forums posts to make her seem ugly was a movie that she gained 25 pounds for.

I remember years ago, user posted a story about how she aggressively made him eat her out while she remained standing in an occupied stand up club.

Was pretty hot, I jerked off to it.

hipocritical cunt, has no moral compas. She should gas herself.

k post the shower and end this thread

This, I need some hatefap and my fetish is ugly/normal woman naked.

She has nicer tits than any woman her age has a right to have. She is verging on Sarandon territory.

use to be a edgy toilet humor jew clown
then became a sanctimonious hypocrite

The rape, shitting herself joke was pretty fucking great

way of the gun where she plays the loud mouthed girl who gets beat the fuck down.

>Kiss a underage kid.

What the pedophile sarah silverman mean by this....

Is this before or after she went into fridge mode?

She gained 25 pounds for that role. Please stop spreading fake news.

Jew cunt has a great body.

Post more pics as evidence than.

I want to throatfuck her and have her drooling all over my dick. She looks like she's into that too.

I have no access to my celeb folder.

...And tv eats itself from ass to head...

TV isn't one person you mouthbreathing retard

she is fantastic in wreck it ralph

I'd like to eat her from ass to head.

Since this comes up constantly and is never challenged, and since most people here are repulsive, uneducated cocksucking trolls, I'll stand by my statement, you repulsive, uneducated cocksucking troll.

It was shit.

Check out her interview on Norm Macdonald's show (youtube), she doesn't come off as overly preachy in that interview. I always thought she was hot.

What the... fuck? She has the body of a 45 year old man. How is that even possible?

Sarah Silverman's humor is nothing like that retard.

>barren old kike


It's exactly like that

So hot.........
duckduckgo.com/?q=sara silverman shower&t=ffnt&iax=1&ia=images

fucking gross as hell

that's pretty much what I expected from a jew body.
And we believed Auschwitz was the reason their bodies looked so bad.

Let me explain it to you OP


She looks like Eli Roth in drag.



>goy calling a chosen one a brainlet
umm try again sweetie

My favorite moment in Voyager is when she barges out of the door of the Griffith Observatory calling after Paris and Tuvok, and Paris just yells out "Red Alert!" and they start running. That show gets way too much shit, it's so comfy especially with episodes like that.


Younger Sarah Silverman was hot and funny.

Current Sarah Silverman is old, unfunny, bitter, and washed up.

serious question: why is jewish humor always so rude, classless and derived of any human decency? it's all about constant sex, farts, mommy/daddy issues, poo, pee, dude atheism lmao, full of vulgarity and endless cynism etc.

mocking the rabbi and sexual mores were always part of Jewish humor even in the borscht belt days of Jewish stand up comics.

The other part of your criticisms mostly came from the Carlin era of comedy that rejected that Henny Youngman type one and two liner comedy.

Essentially less jokes more stories. And since a story where the comedian is awesome doesn't get laughs you have to have a story where the comedian is a dolt or rube.

I am in love with her.
I mean... Grumpy Cat for cryin' out loud.

just watched this episode. what a comfy show. the doctor, tuvok, and paris is the best team up.

there's a recent movie where she tells a guy to lick her ass.

I didn't think she gained it for THAT role. I think she did a Letterman interview where she talked about gaining it for a movie called Peep Show.

Look at the other pictures of her in this thread in red underwear. That was only a few years earlier and in the nude scene she did afterwards she looked better proportioned again

That's very fucking accurate.
Nice job Aubrey.

Gross Domestic Product


>unironically supporting Trump
Is there any other way youf fucking retarded leftie

>anecdotal evidence is the ultimate truth!

>Gay ass baby

Just remember it takes one to know one.

huh she taped up those saggers pretty well there

>You have to listen to the college-aged because they lead the revolution. They’re pretty much always on the right side of history.
Always succeeds to make me rage

How has this not been posted yet?



shes a woman and this is Sup Forums