Any Child's Play fans on Sup Forums? Anyone else fucking LOVE this? It was like a love letter to fans of the series...

Any Child's Play fans on Sup Forums? Anyone else fucking LOVE this? It was like a love letter to fans of the series. Who would've thought the 7th movie in a 30yr old horror series would make the most drastic changes it has ever seen. It was trashy but in such a fun way, and the ending opens it up for many different possibilities in a sequel.

>That beginning scene where Chucky tells Andy he's all he's got and they share a joint together
>That scene where the 3 Chucky's are arguing over who gets to go and kill Andy and they decide the one with the JUST fuck my shit up haircut deserves to the most

I was grinning so hard, it's been a while since I've gotten this much enjoyment from a horror (comedy?) film, especially a cheesy low budget one.

Went in with an open mind hoping to like it. It was absolute trash. I don’t need amazing writing in a horror movie but god it was so bad. Chuckie was retarded as usual. The gore was good I guess, nothing groundbreaking. Probably the stupidest ending of any movie I’ve seen in at least three years.

Horror fans have notoriously shit taste and seem to lack all capacity for being discerning so I have a hard time taking recommendations for horror movies seriously. I'll check this out though.

>It was like a love letter

stopped reading there

I can't tell if you're being serious or not but Seed was more of a drastic change than this. This one at least tried to go back to real horror until the ending happened.

It turned to shit with Jennifer Tilly also that dream sequence.

Grew up with these movies. I'm watching this quick before Sup Forums spoils it for me.

its was fun. big improvement on Curse, which I hated.

I thought it was trashy in a good way. I think how over the top and silly it was is what made it fun. The Chucky movies don't take themselves seriously, it's just a rollercoaster ride. I'm not calling it an objectively good film at all, but I absolutely enjoyed myself the entire time. Between Andy, the goofy ending opening up many ways for them to make a sequel, and the post-credits cameo, I didn't think I'd be this excited for the series.

I'm not saying it's a good movie and I'm sure most would find it bad/awful, but as a longtime fan of the series, it made me so happy to watch and made me excited for more.

I mean in the sense that multiple Chucky's, having Chucky possess a main character, and he's actually the real winner[/spoilers] are shakeups for the series.

I now have a crush on Fiona Dourif. What do?

realize she's a massive slut and drop her

Fap to the scene where she gets fucked

Curse was better.

Watched the series since i was a kid, 2 and 3 are my favorites. This one was fucking great. Effects were fun and Dourif clearly had a fun time with this one.Cant wait to see what comes next.

My man, glad at least someone else feels the same way. I can't wait for a sequel too.

>a love letter to fans of the series
just fucking kill youself right now and never write anything ever again

I just watched the last two movies recently and was pleasantly surprised. I went in expecting garbage like seed of chucky but the new ones are more like throwbacks to the original trilogy. A girl in a wheelchair being the main protagonist was a nice touch.

Pretty much this The look of the doll is terrible, but as far as its movements and everything they made it seem like practical effects, if it wasn't already. Not too much CGI shit, but the plot as somehow worse than the acting. Oh, you got Andy back? THE Andy? It doesn't matter. He's unrecognizable. The original 3 are the only good ones

watch dirk gently

Bride>2>1>Cult=Curse>3>>>>a second degree burn on the roof of your mouth>>>>>>>>>>>>>seed

Retard detected

This one ends on cliffhangers again? I know they're a staple of the genre, but god damn. This is the one series with the same writer and star for its entire run. I want them to end what they're doing before it becomes impossible.

She looks a lot like her dad but I still kind of want to do her and I'm unsettled.

Honestly at least this ending(no matter how bad you think it is) is setting up the next film well. Because of the Andy scene in Curse, they had to pull a "Chucky found another spell and put his soul into multiple dolls" explanation out of their asses.

Honestly dude, I get that the actor who plays Andy kinda sucks at being an actor who plays Andy but... he needed more screentime.

With multiple Chuckys and the return of Chucky's GF, it woulda been hella badass epic if Andy and the Head of Chucky teamed up against the imposters!

No story is better than two arch enemies teaming up against a greater evil!

Why do niggers love Chucky so much

Yeah that was.... that was just a dumb post credits whatever.

It'd be neat if they know where this is going and these new ones can wrap up as a trilogy at Child's Play 8.

I dunno. As sort of dumb as this series is, I respect that it's consistent with the original creator. And I find it interesting how he tweaked what it was for any given decade. I want it to end as well as a thing like this can.

look i ate a burrito too fast and it's sorta painful fuck off

Also, to add another thing within the story of the film, I knew Andy was gonna sneak weapons and/or a bomb in with that hairless Chucky doll.

But, what they shoulda done is have Andy study Voodoo For Dummies and put a copy of his own soul in that doll!

How awesome would that be if that Chucky doll came to life and said, "Hi! I'm ANDY! Wanna plaaaay!!!" and ripped a gun out of his own guts and started blasting fools.

I liked the film, but there's a dozen better storylines that they coulda done.

Doll Andy getting into a dumb doll fight with doll Chucky would be the dumbest fucking thing I'd ever see in a movie. It's a fantastic idea I wish they thought of it.

Well thanks to this thread I cancelled my preorder of the seven film set. For some reason that escapes me I thought it was the complete series. But sequel baited again.


I mean, as soon as I saw the doll and Andy had the same haircut, I thought it was a no brainer!

I think they just ran out of money and cut the movie short.

What is Chuckys end game in the past two movies?
Is he still trying to get into a human body?

I don't know, why don't you tell us, nigger?

Answer: Kind of?

From what I can gather, he can possess any body now (doll or human). And does so on a multiple level now that he's upped his voodoo game.

His ultimate motive is just murder, I guess. That's kinda why Andy and Chucky-Prime need to team up. Cause the overall story has gotten stale.