>Sup Forums services that you paycuck to have in your home

What does Sup Forums paycuck in order to watch their kino?

Do you believe in supporting kino financially?

Other urls found in this thread: Maintenance s01/

It's worth the convenience desu

>TFW meme terminology gets too far to the point that a post is incomprehensible

I'm assuming you're asking what streaming programs do people pay for?

the "cool" Sup Forums answer: huehue i only pirate XD >buy fags

the actual answer: Netflix year round, Hulu for Fall, Prime only when it's free or you go in for a month after a Showtime/HBO quality show ends a season (i.e. 2-3 months a year).

>Paying for netflix

you can get your liberal propaganda for free on reddit

Why would I pay for free shit. Boomer or retards can pay for it if they want.

get a job, loser

I'm willing to bet I'm more wealthy than you. I don't donate to corporations though.

>literally goes out of his way to avoiding a paltry sum to commit a petty crime because he's "wealthy"

Just post your photoshopped bank account and get it over with, virg.

prove it

Reddit queer why do you bother?

>Netflix year round, Hulu for Fall, Prime only when it's free or you go in for a month after a Showtime/HBO quality show ends a season (i.e. 2-3 months a year).

Lol pathetic or bust.

I do, but I'm using Amazon more and more because Netfilx's OC fucking sucks

>Netflix year round,
Just kys ma man, they don't have anything good now

I do pay for prime (mostly for shipping benefits though)

>paying for movies and series

I pay for Netflix for all the Star Trek episodes.

Every episode of every series of Star Trek and all the movies.

All the LOTR movies.

>Sup Forums services that you paycuck to have in your home

PTP and BTN have larger libraries so there's no reason.

none. why pay for shit I can get for free?

>I pay for Netflix for all the Star Trek episodes.

typical manchild


I just recommended the Criterion streaming service, how am I a cuck? Are you a triggered Brick and Borty fan, user?

The last thing i paid for was the Vimeo episodes of High Maintenance, because i thought they deserved the money, but then they took them all down when the series moved to HBO and i can't even find a torrent now.

I have no idea what the fuck OP is trying to say and im questioning my place on this website when it's filled with faggots like this.

Is this boogie1488?

that should teach you a lesson, paycuck

>I just recommended the Criterion streaming service


>i can't even find a torrent now. Maintenance s01/

you dumbass

I spent more money on dinner tonight then I would for 3 different subscription services. Being a wage cuck has its benefits teebeehaych

>I spent more money on dinner tonight then I would for 3 different subscription services.

I spent just as much money on dinner tonight and I didn't have to pay for 3 different subscription services.

Just because you and I wagecuck doesn't mean we have to pay for shit that's free online.

daily reminder that if you don't go to the cinema regularly you are the reason studios no longer make kino

>go to the cinema regularly

nobody does this

>I have no idea what the fuck OP is trying to say

hi mexico

>free with TMobile
I don't pay, kinda

The fact that you answered "get a job" with "I'm wealthy" instead of "I have a high paying job" tells a lot. Maybe you should ask mummy for a higher allowance.

literally every cinephile and film critic does that

>literally every cinephile and film critic does that

which is practically nobody

Never liked Netflix. Or any of the services really.

I have Sky Movies. I'm thinking of subbing to Shudder but I'm not 100% sold yet, the catalog is a little small.

then don't expect anything other than blockbusters

>not just using 123film

I use my sister's Netflix and have a Hulu account. I originally got the trial version of Hulu to watch R&M, but kept it for Atlanta and Fargo. I lioe both services and I don't mind spending a small monthly fee for access. I also have a Spotify account for music. The only thing I dislike is that, insofar as I can see, Netflix doesn't hace an indez to view all its available titles from A to Z. Hulu does, which I appreciate. The categorized and "trending now" tabs tend to suck.

I go to the cinema like 1-2 times a year, when I think it's worth the money

seen Hacksaw Ridge (worth it), Fury Road (fucking worth it) and Star Wars: Meme Awakens (not really worth it but wasn't bad), wanted to see Batman v Superman if they haven't basically said that it's gonna be pg-13 version for kids and faggots and Ultimate Cut will come out on blu ray, planning to see Blade Runner 2049 and The Foreigner, just for based Jackie

I dunno if it's just me being jaded cunt or most movies are shit barely worth pirating

triple play with 140 cable channels, unlimited minutes in my land line and 100mb internet. all this for 24,99 euros
everything else is free

netflix works best but they have shit content recently

hbo has best content but their app works like ass

I'm actually paying for both

I used to go to the cinema once a week for the longest time but recently there are just way too few movies that I'm interested in

still seeing films like 5-10 times a year though, but it's mostly for the experience of it (most of the crap I watched this year I normally wouldn't even pirate though if it wasn't for my gf, I actually paid for the latest pirates movie and atomic blonde few months back, fucking kill me)

>paying for things is being a cuck
The proud landowners who founded this country would have no idea what you mean.

Honestly the level of movies Amazon prime are so much better and more up to date. At least for here in bongland.

Off the top of my head recent and old big movies they already added for prime people are

>Only God forgives
>City of God
>Deer hunter
>Inherent vice
>Eternal sunshine kf the spotless mind
>Ben Hur original
>I saw the devil
>Apocalypse now
>End of watch
>Hell or high water
>Gone girl
>No country for old men
>The 400 blows
>Fury Road
>The Handmaiden
>Swiss Army Man
>The Fall

gf completely change everything, not that I would know

my friend almost never went to cinema, but since he got gf he goes almost once per month

also, Atomic Blonde is understandable, but you get no sympathy from me for seeing Pirates, you need to start beating your gf more

i pay for netflix cause they have all of the star treks on it


Most of Netflix are now Netflix originals, and they're either formulaic marvel tier shit, "Dude millenials LMAO", or shows that only caters to the insufferable SJW crowd. There's a few kino,but enough for me to justify purchasing their service. They should stop trying to make their own content and just do deals with networks like the BBC to show their kino documentaries out of Britain, and they should try purchase old forgotten films from older eras and foreign movies , so they can educate a new generation about the golden era of cinema and perhaps even diversify their tastes . The problem with Netflix is that they seem to target a specific crowd which many aren't apart of. It's almost like an echo chamber.

will you please fucking kill yourself already you stupid fucking retard

They have moonlight and manchester by sea already available aswell

amazon prime

got a virus once

not I'm too scared to torrent anything, even movies so I started paying

If there was a way to easily find a streaming service when I want to watch something specific then my go to wouldnt be to download illehally but its just too much hassle. Netflix has a bunch of good shit though.


>reddit: the post

>it's all so tiresome

Lol loser

Netflix and Prime. Youtube is killing itself trying to be both of these.

I pay for Netflix right now but they keep losing titles left and right because everyone wants to run their own streaming services, and sure as shit I'm not paying for a dozen services for a few interesting titles in each.

>giving money to those jews

Jesus you guys need a new handwave meme argument.

Cuck, shill, reddit, the level of baiting is getting sad.

Netflix, HuluPlus, and Amazon Prime

I use Netflix and Amazon Prime more than Hulu but it's convenient enough to have when I want to watch a TV episode I missed on my tablet.
Mostly just got Amazon Prime for the shopping but the library and originals are pretty decent.
Netflix has been taking a real downward spiral lately though, not sure how much longer I'm willing to support it.

Not really