Cast J.J. Abrams's Your Name Live Action Film

Angourie Rice as Mitsuha (the girl)
Finn Wolfhard as Taki (the boy)
Film set in a 80s Arizona town and New York

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

Are we just going to have Finn Wolfhard play every young male character from now on?

Female also

We only have so much time left gotta work him hard

A boy (Chris Pratt) falls in love with a girl (Jennifer Lawrence).

Unable to ask her to prom, he is gifted by a random man(Morgan Freeman) with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she wants to go down on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to his best friend (Seth Rogan), he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After looking on facebook, he finds out that the girl he called using his Samsung Galaxy S7 edge is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this planet at all. She is the girl's robotic alien counterpart (powered by Windows 10), who has fallen in love with the MC's own robotic alien self(Powered by Linux), who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, ACTION ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of CGI.

Directed by Guillermo del Toro.

Why adapt it, it wasn't very good.

What about female(male)?

For memes, son! Memes!

Quality is irrelevant. What matters is it's popular.

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

If they cast these 2 it sure will become the next big thing among teenage girls
Tumblr and IG tweens, afterall, care more about look than anything

Nick, Finn finn wants no part in your lame weeb headcanon.

This, he's on the cusp of puberty. He's going to turn into an ugly little manlet like that shota faggot from Game of Thrones. He was a little hottie too before puberty ruined his fucking looks.

>Hand over the Oscars, Millie!
>Millie, the Oscars!

Is he cast in the live action Kingdom Hearts movie as Sora?

He's already 170 cm dude
He mentioned the doctor he checked with said he's gonna grow to 6'1


the guy is gonna be black

purest kino

an ugly lanklet, than. there is no way these waifish good looks will survive all that testosterone.

and I will love every last one of his 73 inches until the day i die


Which is why he needs to get on HRT ASAP

He literally looks nothing like the bran kid in GoT, why would anyone compare him to bran?


I approve of this adaption.

Because Bran started off a delectable little shota in S1 but by S4 he was in bad shape and he's a lost cause now.

I didn’t catch your drift


Sounds like you’re just a pedo.
Finn wasn’t even that cute as a kid, he only got attractive after he has hit puberty
He has the face that would be considered attractive as an adult

>Passengers 2: The Lake House Edition

Not bad

The movie already includes that

Stopnpromoting your videos here

> A few minutes later, Shawn introduced me to J.J. Abrams. I talked music with him, and then Shawn asked me, “Do you know why I introduced you to those guys?” And I assumed because I want to direct (and just raised money to direct a music video in June) that it was because they are great directors. But Shawn said, “It’s not because they are great directors, which they are ― but I introduced you to them because they are great people.”

It’s happening

>they’re gonna replace thre Japanese mumble jumble with Indian mumble jumble

Locks of obsidian tightly entwined, coiled around shapely head. Skin pristine, silky-smooth – infinitely and tenderly white, but warm too. Densely stippled with countless freckles, across the nose and the gently slope of the cheeks. Lips like pressed roses opened in bloom. Eyes large, bedimmed with lazy, petal-like eyelids; gazed unwavering. His irises were almost void black, but not quite. There was immense warmth in them.

Why is he grasping his shirt collar?

It will be the first ever good anime live action movie

Imagine someone actually spent time writing this

It is a gesture of suppliance, accentuating his Christlike figure.

Why j.j?
What makes j.j think he can pull off a tear jerker romantic story when all he directs is flashy scify?
It makes no fucking sense, I rather have Villeneuve instead since he at least can put emotion in film probably because he is not an american or jewish

He probably saw it as a goldmine as it was the most popular Japanese movie or anime in recent years

He looks like an angel in human form

Is JJ directing or just producing?


Finn Wolfhard anime when?

Hopefully never

>ever getting an oscar

Is this a bot?

>set in a 80s Arizona town and New York
>Indian deity replaces the Japanese deity
That sounds good

>set in 80s
600M gross guaranteed

Most of Sup Forums are bots

Why so normies love Finn Wolfhard so much?

Is this adaptation going to fly in the United States? In the anime, they played the whole I'm a boy/girl?! thing for laughs. Here, people would get all bitchy about it treating transgender as comedy. I fear the whole thing will become focused on LGBT rather than time travel/saving lives/love.

He still looks like a kid,wait until he gets actual testosterone