>still no Columbine KINO

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If they show it on a film people will see how easy it was to fake the first time. Same reason no directors were able to make films of the moon landing in the 70

There was that elephant movie. I only remember it because I saw the poster and the title as a teen and was like
>the fuck is this dumb shit lmao
It stuck with me for some reason

zero day

>If they show it on a film people will see how easy it was to fake the first time. Same reason no directors were able to make films of the moon landing in the 70


For some reason I've been seeing that song pumped up kicks associated with Colombine on YouTube and I don't know why.

Look up the lyrics

This is the most autistic thing I have ever seen.
Here, go buy one of these.

it was kino the first time, friend

Duck! The Carbine High Massacre

>called the trenchcoat mafia
>this and the matrix ruined trenchcoats for everyone
>they're actually wearing badass dusters

>current year
>no Elliot Rodger biopic

>couple of genetic dead ends that couldn't hack it in society and fell hard for the nihilism meme killed a few defenseless kids
Wow yeah sounds like a great movie

what the fuck are you talking about

It certainly has kino potential. This may or may not seem like an obvious choice, but I'd go with Terrence Malick to direct

Elephant was alright but not about Eric and Dylan and it was just a flick


columbine qtpie who got asked if she believed in god and she said yes and got headshot first blood you are in the lead


I got a question guys, how come the columbine guys did not rape any girl??? they are gonna die they could have gotten some girls before the cops arrived



because It wouldn't really please anyone. there's no real audience for it. not even snobby arthouse film school students.

They asked Valeen Schnurr that, not Cassie

Shame, Cassie was so cute though. And she wasn't a slut, she was a good Christian girl.

Because they were gay

Came here to post this

the blonde boy was a qt

I clicked this gifs and I swear on my life that I heard faint laughter like at a party and that sound a blank recording makes....kind of spooky

Elephant is the best school shooter kino
shit actors and embarrassing overall

>film kid walking down a hallway for 3 minutes
>later on show them walking past
>little development of any character, why they shot up the school etc
>horrendous acting
Elephant was straight garbage you're retarded for liking it

Zero Day
Zero Hour (YouTube)

That's about as close as we will ever get to an actual film, those 3.

did they have good taste?

wow what prophets

Step aside for the superior school shooting event. He may not have beaten their high score but he was working alone and had much better motivation than 'MUH BULLIES'

doing it with an artistic and surreal edge is much better than doing a tasteless realistic gritty drama with a glorified climax
elephant at least feels respectful


I think I read somewhere that Eric said it was his favorite movie

kek I watched "I'm not ashamed" with my nephews a few months ago
>spouting my mouth off the whole movie
>showing my power level
>eating dominos pizza and drinking beer
>telling them what it was like to be their age in the 90s
>they laughed they had fun and we really bonded
When I die as an old man I hope I can relive that comfy moment w


Zero Day is a Documentary/Dramatization
and god damn it is it a good series
the Timmy McVeigh one is really good too

3 minutes of the back of someones head isn't artistic, it's boring. Movies need character development not long, worthless silences.

Nice trips but we also got a really arsty buttfuck scene so I mean that should make up for it nah?

>Movies need character development
who's your favorite avenger

Adolf Hitler

Pretty much. That sounds like it could be pretty good.

They made out, no buttfucking if I recall correctly
I don't watch trash superhero movies meant for 12 year olds.

Nah, this school shooting kino cannot be beaten so no one should try. m.youtube.com/watch?v=C-zxOwo10_U

Really I find that hard to believe from someone who thinks movies need character development.

you probably repressed it because it reminded you of the bed time poundings your old man used to give you
It's pretty graphic considering they're two teenage boys in the film

check out polytechnique

Holy fuck that was retarded
all it needed is a bunch of niggers in the background yelling world star! world star and a bunch of white girls twerking

I wonder if watched the whole would I have been able to get through that without laughing?

I don't understand they seemed in a good mood. Why'd they kill those poor students?

Ok, movies don't NEED character development. It's just in this one it was handled poorly and there's lots of dumb artsy shots that serve no purpose. Actually seeing something like Eric and Dylan getting bullied more then once or scenes of them hanging out together would've gave it more impact. The actors also didn't convey a compelling story.

A popular theory that I subscribe to is that Eric Harris was heavily medicated I believe the exact anti-psychotic he was on "Luvox" has the side-effect of suicidal ideation, compounded with the fact that he was a very isolated weird guy that so no future past high school and it kind of makes sense that he would do something like this. Dylan on the other hand was pretty social and well liked he even took a cutie to prom but maybe he just really loved his bro Erik.


I can agree with that.

Only if it was a comedy

>but maybe he just really loved his bro Erik.
he was a beta pushover and eric was a type a personality bully


I keep reading that Erik was really shy around girls and a dick to other guys does that really fit the bully archetype? Also people really liked Dylan so it's kind of hard to say he was a beta but you're probably right about the pushover bit in the context of his friendship with erik

the movie didnt do a good job explaining their motivation, eric and dylan had a more violent past and made edgier videos

>couldn't hack it in society
This is a meme. Eric and Dylan weren't social outcasts, nor did they have no social lives outside of school. They were pretty much normies with gun fetishes who decided that they just really wanted to make a huge scene and kill a bunch of people. Not exactly some personal vendetta.

elephant was a fucking masterpiece and might be van sant's best movie imo

I would love one of these to watch SNL in...

All it needs is a bottle cozy.

yeah all you fucking liberals can't wait to get your hands on pet niggers
and to hold your drink for you to boot
you make me sick commie!

In Elephant, is it implied the dark haired shooter(Alex, I believe his name was) has schizophrenia? He seems to be hearing voices

If you decide society (as represented by the fags you go to school with) is hopelessly corrupt and you might as well cause as much chaos as you can before killing yourself, you've pretty thoroughly failed as a human. "Couldn't hack it in society" is a cliche, you're right, and I could've phrased that part better

wtf why would you even watch that with them?

cringing so hard, they probably will see you as creepy when they are older

I am creepy it's a well established fact that I'm creepy. Also my older nephew brought it up in one of our school shooter conversations and asked if we could hang out and watch it.
It was one of those christian religious movies but being that I'm not religious it ended up being pretty fun.

Erik even reported that he had suicidal and homicidal thoughts and they just switched him to a different brand of drug

What I dont get is if people liked Dylan and he had other friends why go along with Eriks insane plans? He had an actual future post high school

Wasn't the point of Elephant to just show all possible motives for the actual shooting? So yes probably.

They have been destroyed. Also they recorded the entire massacre.

the fact it was a HOMOSEXUAL & BULLIED PUSSY doing the killing doeant wash with the propaganda amerika tells itself it is

I believe it has also been established that
Eric had a very high IQ
Eric was very good at manipulating authority
I'm pretty sure he manipulated all his friends and I've heard him unofficially described as a charismatic guy at times

You don't get crazy, the really dangerous will never let you know.

Why won't Hollywood tell his story?

>tfw the losco- wolf columbine edits have been removed from youtube

Kek i thought they were gonna bum rush him

My favourite quote. ILU Eric

requesting them, anyone got them?

That’s some decent shooterkino.

>Elephant is the best school shooter kino
t.edgy homosexual

OK you got me to laugh with that.
But I wouldn't mind a big canoe like that to just chill in with my vodka in the cup holder. Maybe a tray on the other side for snacks.

I could do without the pet nigger. I've already got a cat that'll hop in there with me.

And yes, I am pretty fairly liberal but I'm not leftist so not so much sympathy for the little nigs.

Yeah you're all changing your tune now that the god emperor is in office

Fucking virtue signaling bandwagoning ass pegging hypocrites.

If there's no biopic, is there at least an XXX columbine porn parody?

>stacy, we will shoot these bullets into these jocks, but first we will shoot these loads in you

JeffCo said that and you could argue they just said it so people would stop asking them
but even if they did destroy them I think the FBI still has copies

>>little development of any characte

Kill yourself!

you can tell they had a good sense of humor

And if you truly think 'movies need character development' you don't actually understand cinema

the film was about the easy fragility or normalcy deteriorating into violent horror, the slow narrative unfurling was essential

literally everything about this movie is kino
its Sup Forums : the movie
im sorry if it doesnt cater to your reddit sensibilities


There really isn't much known about Elliot Rodger other than he has autism and was bullied.

Did one of them really shoot a kid because he was black?

>Fur Elise intensifies

Wouldn't you?


Wrong website.

No, I grew up with Conservative family and got into folks like Dennis Prager a while ago. Haven't changed my tune in over 30 years, since I developed one. My views on the death penalty cost me some so-called friendships over the years.

Regardless: THAT CANOE IS THE FUCKING BOMB. I could easily just fall asleep in that thing and ...to sleep. Perchance to dream.

Zero Hour
There's also an extended version.

No one has watched The Dirties? Its a great school shooter movie