Ignore Orville and Sup Forums posts edition

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Dis shit is fo da real trek fans n shiet!!

>Special Needs

/DIS/ will never stick, and I like the show.

let's discuss how the JJ/Kelvin movies were better than DIS and there was actually a pitch to have an animated series revolving around the 5-year mission with the crew.


How long til the new episode?

I like the ship designs. Wish we could see more like the Europa.


holy shit kek

It's on now


>high science fiction ideals crashing with grim reality and the drama was the characters trying to live up to those ideals in a setting where it is actually hard to do so
Sounds like DIS to me, desu.

why not just watch TAS
ideally after smoking a lot of pot, it's definitely the intended way to experience that show.


What's with the one that has 4 nacelles?

I'm glad to give it a few more episodes, and if I still think it's mediocre then I'll try the 2nd season to see if they fix problems.

I think the best possible outcome for this season is for it to begin to lag behind The Orville, because that'll really drive home to the people in charge that they need to make changes.

>not posting T'Kuvma so he could get his party hat

>What's with the one that has 4 nacelles?
It's a four nacelled starship.

There's nothing really special about it, besides that it has four nacelles.

That far in the future and we're still sending monkeys into space. I'm surprised PETA hasn't freaked out about it.

It wouldn't line up anyways.

Do you remember wrath of khan?
I do!
that's what's with it



It's the ultimate star trek plot generator ship. You see if you double the number of cores and nacelles, you get twice the amount of things that can go wrong with the ship, the filler episodes practically write themselves.

I'd rather it didn't.

brettygood but it's like half way in, 2ddl should have a download in 30 mins or so

Do you think black chicks would be really slutty in space? Like they'd chowdown on white cock cause they'd be thirsty for it? Asking for a friend.


They'd be all into that blue Andorian cock.


Why the fuck couldn't Burnham be raised by Andorians instead of Sarek? She'd actually be interesting (maybe).

I love the show so far but they are getting the acronym that they asked for. Articles like this just make me want to call it STD even more, they're talking to me with this condescending arrogance that makes me dislike them and want to do the opposite of what they tell me to do.

Manslaughter, mutiny, now breaking and entering?

Why is the first black female lead a fucking thug criminal?

Was there a four nacelle ship in WoK? I haven't watched it in years.

It makes it go fasta!

Also, if one or two gets shot off or you ram into an asteroid and lose a couple, you still have some to be able to go to warp.

jesus christ, this article's writing is basically sweetieposting

Maybe we'll get a Risa episode, where she and the ginger try to out-slut each other.

>pon farr

>Maybe we'll get a Risa episode, where she and the ginger try to out-slut each other.
No (thank God), Discovery is taking itself far too seriously for a Risa episode.

That said, if there really is a mirror universe episode, the ginger is going to be a total slut.

I can't see that happening on this show
We can't have anything light hearted. We can't have clear lighting! That doesn't look like battlestar galactica wtf audiences won't like that our producers are sure of it

Yeah, these guys have been absolutely retarded with their articles and cast/crew commentary. It's one of the main reasons for controversy over the show imo. Look at this article, it's literally telling people to "get a life" for having honest opinions about their show.

I want to slap the people in charge of marketing and public relations.

How do I "get into" this series? Do I have to watch anything beforehand or can I just start watching?

There have been 4-nacelle ships before - Picard's Stargazer for example.

BSG is a disgrace to the science fiction genre so you might want to find a better example for that argument.


I actually agree with that bit though.

Best ship since the Prometheus.

Nothing too out of the ordinary there aside from the whole ship designs not fitting into that period of the prime timeline thing.

It was popular and everything has to be just like it ever since

You could just start watching, but if you want to get into Star Trek just start with TNG. Don't listen to TOSfags, it aged like milk.

>Hey, let's stop discussing a superior show and talk about a shitty show named after sexual diseases

Sexually Transmitted Disease

I agree that people should give it a chance before judging it, but telling people to "get a life" and having a "deal with it" gif in their article about why there is controversy over the series is juvenile. It's as though a high school kid on a debate team wrote the article.

Eh, he can just watch these episodes of TOS and be fine.



You haven't been cucked by enough franchises yet. "Let's just see where it goes guys" has never led to a good show.

You people know people who like this use/think STD is funny too, yeah?

>an ENTIRE EPISODE about gender issues

Can we agree that, despite being set before the destruction of Romulus and the split of the timeline, this show is actually set in the JJverse and not the original Trek verse?
It's obvious this show loves the JJverse far more then any other version of Star Trek.

What about literally every other Star Trek? In fact I'd say a lot of my favourite shows have really weak beginnings.

Why does STD trigger you so?

She's been identified as Ensign Jira Narwani, junior tactical officer.

>no spock's brain
incomplete list desu

Probably an reference to the Stargazer starship.


She's been identified as Ensign Daft Punk, waifu bait for lonely autistic virgins.

Stop saying that meme. No one is buying it.

They were weak because they were bumbling around and the actors hadn't settled in to either their roles or their chemistry with one another. None of them were actively offensive or trying to be something completely unlike Trek

I thought this shit was pozzed as fuck. like literally putting tranny faggots and mudskin women in your cast

who the fuck is watching this?

She's officially Daftpunkfu. May her service to the Federation be filled with laughter and pew pews.

>Can we agree that, despite being set before the destruction of Romulus and the split of the timeline, this show is actually set in the JJverse and not the original Trek verse?
The split in the timeline is 2233, when the Narada did or didn't (depending on the timeline) show up and blow up the Kelvin.

That said, everyone would've been less butthurt if they just said it was in the Kelvin Timeline, but it's pretty obvious this is going to be its own thing since there's zero ship/Klingon design continuity with the Kelvin Timeline.

Why does the captain have a Tribble on his desk?

Are they only dangerous in pairs? The fuck?

I be that took you longer than you would've preferred.

Well there's 0 ship/klingon design continuity with the actual timeline too

>Why does the captain have a Tribble on his desk?

Risa hasn't been discovered at point in time yet.
Not that I doubt that the show would care about that.

Yeah, you're still going to have a very campy time though. The humor and mannerisms is pretty dated, and there are only a couple of good science fiction concepts covered in TOS compared to one every 2-3 episodes on average in other series.

If someone's into it sure but it'd turn off the average person to the series these days.

I think it would've been retarded to call this an alternate timeline. Because then you have to explain why the timelines diverged, etc. instead of just calling it what it really is: a re-interpretation of past events in the prime universe.

I actually like STD so far, and is right. Every Star Trek series other than TOS and ENT had shitty opening episodes.

What's with the resting bitch face? Does she do that during the whole episode? Fuckin dropped.

Watching the new episode now. Is the redheaded girl autistic?

They went to fucking Risa in Enterprise.

Then just say it's an alternate universe.

you are actually wrong.

DS9's was good, TNG's was alright, I literally couldn't make it through ENT's opening.

Sci Fifag here. I haven't watched the first episodes of Discovery and Orville yet. Should I?

It's dated and weird but Kirk Spock and Bones are enduring beloved characters for a reason, they're strong enough to keep the show likeable even when the ship is covered in jelly bean buttons and analog sliders and is clearly made primarily of cardboard

>Star Trek Discovery S01E03 "Context is for Kings" Download:

>Episode Rating: 7/10 (C)

>no "A Piece of the Action"
The spectrum guides are better.

>DIDN'T watch the show

>Sci Fifag here. I haven't watched the first episodes of Discovery and Orville yet. Should I?
Yes, but not back to back. Give them some time to breathe before you watch the other.

I mean everyone on that ship hates her, can you really blame her?

>CBS marketer shilling this bad

She has that in TWD too. It is literally why she got casted for this.

Context is for kangs

>(196 KB, 658x605)

Seeing as I'm the audience, it damn well better evolve the way I want it to, other wise who are you making this show for?

Because if it's for lesbians and nu-males, you're out of luck, they don't watch sci-fi.

The problem with STD is that the main character has a resting bitch face.

I don't work hard all day and come home just to sit down at my computer and watch a sassy mean spirited negro make frowny faces at me.

I'm fine with a black female protagonist, but at least spread some of the acting responsibility around to characters with actual charisma and levity. Watching Michael stomp and bully her way through every scene just makes me want to kill myself.

Why though? Trek lore is convoluted enough without adding more alternate realities. And as soon as you start talking about alternate realities, you'd need to explain how and why it's different. And it's not different enough to justify that. The mirror universe is drastically different with the Federation not existing and humans being oppressive instead of promoting co-existence. All we have here are different looks for things that could've stood for some updating anyway.

TOS is still the best series, and the standard by which TV sci-fi is measured.

>Sisko goes into a wormhole which ends up being the home of magic space aliens who teleport him around his memories magically
It was pretty camp.

>I literally couldn't make it through ENT's opening.
Make way for the actual Star Trek fans who have the attention span to complete something, pleb.


>spot the newfag shill