Well la, di, da

Well la, di, da.

Other urls found in this thread:



>la, di, da

Needlessly overcomplicated variation on ohh la la.

Wrong, ouh la la is the French version. La di da is the American translation.

oh putain

Fuck your merde, mon ami
Fucking baguette

la di da and oh la la arent the same at all dudes.


I said bitch

And my boy Pepe here would like a bacon pineapple with cheesy crust.

can I talk to pepe?

>What's his full name? Pepe... Sneed, Pepe Sneed formerly Chuck

STOPPPP IITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard this skit ruined people's lives. Which is interesting to read on Sup Forums because that means they were still in school when this skit came out so they must be pretty young.

paper and everything

>came out 4 years ago according to youtube
>4 years ago would be 14 in high school
>would be 18 now
Why's that surprising? 4chans a fairly popular site.

I didn't say surprising, I said it's annoying because I hate the idea of sharing this board with children.

18 year olds can go to prison for crimes, drive, drink if you don't live in the US, and are considered adults in every sense of the word
Deal with it

I said biiiiiiitch

t. triggered teenaged fag

18 year olds are kids, deal with it. You're not a real adult until you're 25. There's a good reason why most rent-a-car places won't let you borrow a car unless you're 25.

Then we should stop sending them to war.

Kids are expendable though.

This show pisses me off because it could be really funny if they would just trim the fat off of a lot of their skits. The ones that don't feel like they drag on for a minute longer than they should are fucking hilarious.

A lot of skit shows have this problem. K&P is great though, I wish it was more in the zeitgeist.
