Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


that guy looks like terry
must be the glow in the dark cia niggers

Mark for fucking a jungle chink.

I can't wait for Peter Stormare to play Mark in the biopic

I hope I get run over by a car before I become that desperate

>gets to fuck 10/10 asian girl at 58 that is 40 years younger than you
more like BASED



cia nigger he look nothing like terry

his familly for not accepting his difference

>tried to find a pic to my John Abruzzi joke
>found out the actor also has an Asian wife

Really makes you think.

The guy pretty much paid for sex for about 5 years for her to be naturalized,
She will divorce him and take half his money and become a citizen in exchange for sex


isn't 40 years age gap too much though?
how can you you not be seen as a massive perv?

seen as a perv????
the peak of attractiveness is puberty to late 20s for women. I don't even understand your comment

well he could have have aimed at late 20s as you said instead of litterally a teen
basically it's obvious he only likes her for sex.
It must make it really awkward with friends/familly when it is that obvious

If I remember correctly he has a 21 year old daughter whom he made give her old clothes (including panties) to his new teen-wife.

Are you a mentally healthy adult? Can the same be said about your partner too? If the answer is yes to both questions, then who gives a damn about what others say?

it's like seeing someone with a dog; same level of difficulty/motivation

>asked out a 33 year old woman at work
>she said i was too young for her

it's all fucked

You know it's just an excuse, right? You can't be that innocent, right?

Literally only a woman would care about what other people think over getting some sweet 20-something year old poon

whut? it's literally normal she said that

>33 year old women
Was she really hot? Pics?

I agree with those freaks over at r/hapa or whatever. This shit is fucking weird.

The flips for not getting their shit together like the Japs, Koreans, and Chinese did.

His daughter was a qt. Way more qt than the ugly mail order

is nikki a man?

Show up to work in a diaper and pacifier and beat that bitch to death with a rattle

>having their shit together

tfw have stormare's hairline at age 25

is she retarded?

That is a way more high quality gook than the OP tho

Better than the fucking flips
>tfw your highest source of GDP isn't domestic but money sent from Filipinos abroad


>be 23
>gf starts freaking out because she's 26 and it seems too weird and everyone thinks it's strange that i'm dating such an older woman

the end of times

Whats an acceptable age gap? I was 22 and went out with an 18 year old before

is the phillipines that much of a shithole, that they would marry a wrinkly balding old man for a passport?

hard to believe this little dude survived prison
his butthole is probably pretty wrecked tbqh

its an 80 IQ shitskin island

half your age + 7

I love this meme. Foreveralone permavirgins pretending they wouldn't give an arm to fuck a woman like her.

No. Desperate for a relationship

as a filipino id say yes

Why to philipinos look like ewoks?
the only who dont' look like latinos for some reason

funny how it takes an off topic discussion for 90 day threads to get more than 5 replies. really bakes that noodle

Do you think they banged?

Even better, why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

90 day fiance is Sup Forums related nigger

>when you confess her you ate the missing grapes
>then tell her you know how she could have them regardless

learn to fucking read you faggot. I said nothing about the show itself not being related to the board.

i would absolutely do the same in his position
what's the likelihood that she gets almost nothing from him when they divorce?

Honestly it's why reddit is better. You can find actual discussion instead of virgins crying about women and all the political bullshit.
inb4 go back there stay mad

>funny how it takes an off topic discussion for 90 day threads
>specifically mention name of show
> I said nothing about the show itself not being related to the board.
dumb faget

AHAHHA what the fuck
>American ((wives))

She's mentally ill and has daddy issues

do the world and your parents a favor and kill yourself you mong

So this guy was either molested by mommy or didn't get enough attention from her as a child.

She did you a favour man. 22 is too young for a 33 year old woman. Funny thing though, if she was 43 she probably would have said yes.

or he's just into MILFs


>women get useless for breeding after 50
>men can breed till the end of their lives (something like 80)

you tell me

your ugly

>how can you you not be seen as a massive per

If you are 50 and have a 20 year old sucking your dick you'll be surprised at how little fucks you give about anything including what people think of you and the amount of your money your little cocksucker is spending on clothes.

Aka mommy issues mentioned above your post

jungle gooks are ugly and for beta low t balding old guys

east asian are superior and are for alphas

i thought he was a MTF

It's pretty fucking disgusting and unhealthy, actually.
Is anyone still defending this?

lol they even blurred her face in the what now episodes so people wouldn't notice she's mixed

Poor mormon boy.
Russian sluts, not even once.

He meant a Phillipine 10 which is a US 4

best couple coming through

Same at 21

real talk? Finest bitch on 90 day ever.
She could have been a super model if he hadn't intervened when she was recruited.

what's wrong with her eyes

It is still an improvement over their 5'3" manlet microdick men

don't know about supermodel since she's like 5 feet tall but yeah she's a major qt and seems like she actually loves him

>She could have been a super model
Cute face.
But short and fat figure.

I'm 28 and I have that hairline.
I dress like shit
I brush my teeth once a day
I drink alot
I'm at least 40 lbs overweight
but I make just under $200,000 a year as an actuary and god damn it does it make it all worth it

There's something weird going on with her eyes, especially the eyelids. Maybe it's the makeup.

make up or extra weight from the pregnancy

Which episode(s) have mark and nikki? I want to download these.

it's season 3, should be able to get episode names from wikipedia

more like Philippine 4 then US 10. desperate retards always have shitty taste.

>brush teeth once a day
Nothing wrong with that senpai. Extra brushing just wrecks the enamel. Also I don’t do dental cleanings for the same reason even though my insurance covers it. Never fall for the dental Jew.

She's not American. How new are you?

I like her best

This. I'm flip and this chick full on monkey. A true province indo, which isnt seen as attractive by the majority of flips but somehow white foreigners always go for them, which makes alot of us happy since theyre breeding with our monkey throwaways and not our actual women

Ugh Pao scum plsgo

>A true province indo

What does that mean, she doesnt have any Spanish mixture?

What is a true flip?



Am I being gaslighted? Child bride in OP is clearly a ladyboy, that's a man....baby

Id say yes, knew this girl in college. She was in her late 20s or early 30s then. She broke up with her bf 5 years ago to get married to this white girl. Browsing her facebook profile, literally all her husbands siblings/cousins/relatives/friends or whatever married some SEA female. Havent talked to her in years now but saw an update that she had her first kid, happy for her. So I checked out her profile, one of the pics was of her husbands 50th birthday, they guy doesnt look it but god dam.

Only good thing is shes like 5' and looks a lot like the pornstar loni but without the tits. She was fun to talk to though, very outgoing personality. But due to her I really do wonder if filipino chicks want to leave their dam island so bad that theyd get with any foreign white guy or non white guy to escape.

She's pure malay, no spanish mix. Those types can only be found south in some of the islands in Visayas and mostly in Mindanao since the Spanish only occupied most of the stuff around Manila and Luzon. Most qt filipinas are in the better areas of Manila and the Tagalog region

Adams, Theron, Beckinsale, Vergara are that same age and would marry the shit out oh them tho.

He crushed her in the pre nup tho, she gets nothing

Nikki is a cute girl (male).

My dad did this after my mom divorced him. He got the philiphino girl a green card and they stayed together for like 3 years then divorced. He got out of it pretty easy though, she just took his car and he had to pay for her new apartment.

about a month later he got into another such relationship

would literally cum in my pants if she threw a "tas tas tas" my way

666 filipino post confirmed

>he had to pay for her new apartment.
for how long?