Has there ever been a cringier moment in any tv show than pic related

Has there ever been a cringier moment in any tv show than pic related

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Lisa singing Tik Tok on the Simpsons

>it's an "user hates on popular stuff just to prove he's an special snowflake" episode

Quick run down?

This was some Sam Raimi level cheese, there needs to be more of this in general

I would agree with you like 99% of the time but this time op has it right this scene was actually autistic and was totally out of place in Breaking Bad.

That scene in particular is not popular
This episode sponsored by Dodge

Walter White bought a car for his disabled son, they did the cheese 80''s thing where he woudl pull up in one car, the son would shake his and saying it's so-so, then they later pull up in a way nicer car


the post that saved Sup Forums

No ones hating show fucktard, the scene was just painful to watch

>Lisa singing Tik Tok on the Simpsons
Oh god

[Bonfire intensifies]

not saying it's a good scene, but OP is saying it's literally the worst ever made

and it's in the most popular tv show in modern history, he's clearly playing the special snowflake card

Thank you, that is cringey as fuck, was it literally a commercial?

Finally I've done something with my life

>the most popular tv show in modern history
More popular than Game Of Thrones?

>and it's in the most popular tv show in modern history
That's not GoT

Vince filmed this scene ironically right?

well, we have daily got hate threads too

just accept it, people on this website love to hate on popular stuff

BB at its peak way surpassed GOT popularity


Nigga its plain cringy stop defending it

>most popular

GOT and probably TWD are more popular than BB in their peaks.

I'm not defending it, it's bad

I'm just saying I can be 100% sure it's not the worst ever, like you faggots are saying

Man, that was such shit. How did that ever get approved?

Cringy doesnt mean worst

>BB at its peak way surpassed GOT popularity
Not even you believe that. Even The Walking Dead is more popular in my opinion.

>special snowflake
You dont know what that means. It's an insult for people who are vapid and try to find their self identity in bullshit. It does not mean what ever the fuck you think it does

Gus's death scene was worse


His being a live for that last second was sooo bad. Almost dropped the show.

This. It tried to be too epic with the whole "fixing my collar because im professional and shiet before i die" bullshit. That scene shows why BB will never touch The Wire

>in my opinion
It's literally the biggest show on cable and it gets close to the background noise that the biggest network show draw.


>the way the camera rumbles every time they rev their engines
just fucking kill me already


>people who can't tell this is a joke

in hindsight i fucking hate breaking bad

can't hate it.
source of a dank meme.

There are no memeworthy tv shows on right now. Do you realize that guys?

>its just a joke!
>p...please don't hate my show!

Fuck off Vince

like any time gus was on screen
that character was walking talking cringe

Why did he switch between speaking perfect american english and having a strong spanish accent? Why didn't his spanish have a Chilean accent?

Not OP, and I like breaking bad, but that whole scene was just shilling for Chrysler and their pigfat cars built on 20 year old kraut platforms.

There are. They just aren't very good

No one has posted the cringiest scene in all of BB though


The fuck you nignogs talking about. This was the scene that my friend showed me to get me into watching this show. This is literally the gateway anime, of breaking bad scenes. This is what you show your dad, grandpa or whoever the fuck, if you want them to get interested in watching this shit.

Oh, and he also showed me the ending to the series, so that helped too. But it was mostly this scene, because of how dank it was.

Half the shit that comes out of people's mouths in Orville.


>getting into a show because you know how it ends

What a fucking cuck lmao

he couldn't speak spanish for shit, same with most spics in the show

in those flashbacks when he meets the cartel, his partner was actually chilean

BRO DON'T HATE. Listen man, before hand only thing i saw was that Walt was getting a handy on his birthday and that the actor used to be from Malcolm in the middle. Need a little incentive to watch this shit.

>This is literally the gateway anime

Literally kill yourself

Am I wrong? That shit instantly grabs you, and makes you want to watch some Walt shenanigans.

D-D-DEAR LORDDDD. I just became stu-t-t-ering bill because of that scene

You are wrong and you talk like you're from reddit
I've never watched breaking bad and watching that video lead me to believe I made the right choice

When Jesse's girlfriend dies for the 2nd time, THAT'S when you'll actually be grateful for not watching breaking bad. Or when Walt gets cucked either one.

>This shitty opinion
Those are developments in the story that you particularly didnt like, not shit that wont make you like the show from the beginning fucktard.

Yeah, they should've picked an actual good knife party song.

The Office had a few scenes but Scott's Tots got me good

Not saying he would hate it, just that he would be grateful for not watching the show after seeing those scenes.

>[revving intensifies]

Pretty fucking cool if you have testosterone. OP must be a woman who has never revved their car before.

Or you're a douchebag

That's what i was saying but these fags over here saying that these scene makes them glad they haven't watched this show. These guys are a bunch of Melvins.

See This dude is definitely a Melvin


The show was on life support by season 5. Makes sense that they'd need the scene to stay alive.

to be fair the nu-Challenger is an inherently embarrassing car

it is a mid-life crisis car for americans who don't have the shekels for a classis big block and the v6 cuck version is kys-tier

even the foxbody and white-trash 3rd gen camaro are cooler

Don't even pretend you'd rather be a beta Melvin than an ALPHA Chad.

>you are now aware that the director of this scene/entire episode is Rian Johnson, the writer/director of the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi

So what did he mean by this???

Gonna be alot of Xwing revving then

I've chosen my path, let me be friend

Kino as fuck.

Fuck, that's right. That was the scene that started the whole "[X Intensifies]" meme.

>like you faggots are saying
Please point out where that was said, retard.

>thinking it was trying to be anything like The Wire

Thats like comparing Star Wars to the original Solaris or something. For fucks sake he blew up an office building with a rock, the show was NEVER going for full realism numbnuts

It's better than realism. It's true movie magic.

I hate this board so much. This is such a perfect scene especially with the interaction with skylar at the dinner table after

>the wire better than breaking bad


this can't be his real op-

*breaths in*


Yeah this was actual cringe.


the wire is better than breaking bad you normie scum

fuck off plebbit

I've never watched either and even I can tell you the breaking bad's probably a lot better.

>muh niggers
>muh hbo
>i am the superior tv watcher


probably hoped it would go viral and they would get a new wave of fans to prop up their declining numbers


There's literally nothing wrong with those scenes

>you are now aware
I've been aware since he was announced, you retarded nerd

>This is literally the gateway anime

epin post edgelord

>Literally a MLG montage

Everyone die. This is the worst thread I've ever discovered on this website.

>implying something that resembles even a modicum of the shadow of a discussion is worse than sn**d-infested simpson threads or lovecraft posting

nigga you need to fucking lurk more or

The only cancerous thing about this is the music
Just changing it will fix most of the problems

Post jewtube link to the one where snowflakes stop a school shooting by dancing like fags

They're pretty racist cars.