Will they ever reboot the Amanda Bynes show?

Will they ever reboot the Amanda Bynes show?

>white people

why does she have a dermal on her fucking arm?


So is she doing an Amy Schumer biopic or is she skipping to Melissa McCarthy biopic?

She looks like Sam Hyde

jesus christ she looks like fucking chris chan

many antipsychotic medications cause severe cravings for nicotiene

you would know that if you werent underage & ban

oops my bad guys


Thats a piercing you fucking idiot

It's not okay. She should've been the Emma Stone of our time

Can’t talk shit about her now.

She’s a muslim

LOL. That old dude don't know shit about shit. I suspect HE'S the one on meds.

That's Lindsay Lohan

Amanda, please.

It's like andy milonakis decided to pull a CWC


mods deleted this thread this morning for some reason.
but then again morning mods are pure shit

Gotta feel a little bad for her, if it weren't for the mental health problems she'd probably still be on TV and raking in the Chad dick right now.


t. Numale cuck

Googled it to confirm because what the fuck how is this even real?

At what point are women going to figure out that the plastic surgery always turns them into goblins?

100% guarantee that she was a Hollywood fucktoy who lost her mind. Poor fucking chick...

Women's bodies simply weren't equipped to handle dicks of that size without their minds breaking.

Plastic surgery is great these days, the problem is BDD. When a great surgeon refuses to do a drastic and inadvisable procedure for someone who clearly doesn't have their head screwed on straight (believe it or not lots of them are respectable professionals who don't want to advertise their brand with Frankenstein's monsters wandering around), they'll just go find some quack who'll do anything for a big payday and the lucrative reputation for being the go-to guy for shit other surgeons won't risk their own reputations for. These Bogdanoff level disasters are sick people who never have realistic expectations or know when to stop.

Lip fillers in particular are actually one of the things that have made huge strides lately. Lucky for me, it makes my dick status: muh like nobody's business and I love seeing these Russian Instagram sluts turn themselves into bimbos.

is this actually her or a still from something where she's in a fat suit?

ahhhhhhhhhhhh wtf

Amanda, please... lay off the ribs.