After the success of IT, what's next for Sophia Lillis?

After the success of IT, what's next for Sophia Lillis?




Question is are they gonna show the orgy scene or are they going to skip it

how did I know this was going to be the first post?

Tasteful yet erotic panty scenes!

No way, Sophia is too pure.

Getting kidnapped by me and joining pic related as my concubine slaves

What bay mean by this?

Think again, creep.

sweet! another comfy thread

Post more, my friend.


Lillis threads get deleted with the quickness but Moner threads stay. Mods are pro Moner and anti Lillis

Now that the dust is settled which hollywood redhead will play 40 year old Beverly?



Jesus Christ, she's only 15? I thought she was like 18/19.

Cocaine, (male) hookers and a lifetime of regret.

Tom Sawyer or Peter Pan

She looks younger than 15.

Going to the dentist to get her teeth bleached.

It's Isabella Moner, not Monet


If that isn't a girl molesting her I'm going to be mad

Neck yourself my man

Mods fear what they cannot understand.

Stop posting that.

No she doesn't. She looks like a 1950's 15. She looks like a 2017 18/19

holy fuck she needs to be the next peter pan

>what's next for Sophia Lillis?
nothing, apparently.

>you will never be killed by falangists while executing a daring sabotage raid with Dafne and other partisans deep in the Andalusian mountains

Why live?

guys, where are you taking me? I feel... sick. I think someone put something in my drink.

I'm always watching. I will protect sophia.
>vasto lorde out of nowhere


>tfw no weeb gf

>the cunnyposter found a new hobby

Come on dude, you can't be serious.


>In 1992, when Furlong was 13, his 26-year-old tutor Jacqueline Louise Domac began a romantic and sexual relationship with him on the set of Terminator 2 that lasted throughout Furlong's teen years, including cohabitating in what Domac called a "quasi-spousal relationship.

Jump suit -> Tom Sawyer
Robinhood's tight -> Peter Pan


y u mad tho?

jfc i'm a pedo now


Stop saying pedo this and pedo that you idiots. This is Sup Forums and she is an actress that was in a recent movie. That's it. Not against the rules.

Why does she do the hand signs?



It's a message for us. I am sure of this, she does it a lot.

t. pedo

so how's life going Kaiji?

Does the cast of Stranger Things get jealous when Finn hangs out with his IT friends?

Problem is we have too many Pans already.
Need more Wendy (girl on the right in case you don't see what I see in Sophia)

The Day the Clown Cried but with Sophia

I don't like the implications of these pictures

>implying Beverly isn't already the Wendy of the gang


wasnt there a rumor she's on stranger things season 2?

I was convinced she was for months. But it's actually a new character that is a redhead, but that is far inferior to Sophia.


Why are you keep spamming this ugly jewish kid?

every red-head is inferior to her, user

Stay mad, faggot.

>implying its a single person

>Wyatt got to carry Finn Wolfhard
Lucky Jew



Sup Forums: The Movie
starring Sophia Lilis as Christopher "Moot" Sup Forums
directed by Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon

The HBO series Sharp Objects where she plays a young Amy Adams

No one really cares what they think. The it cast is far superior to the ST cast


I can't wait when I train them to eat each other's pussies so they're prepped when I come into the dungeon to fill them with my seed.

Now the question is which girl with be the easier one to break?

There is nothing more comfy than going to sleep while a Sophia thread is on so you can watch her pictures until you sleep


Are there any pictures of her with natural long hair?

not really interested in Sophia but I want to Griffin up Isabella so bad

This. I hope I dream about her tonight again


That's my ritual every night.

she never had long hair



I'm going to train Sophia to eagerly worship Isabella's feet and legs.

Natural, no.
Even younger age always had short hair.

I thought I had mental issues because I dreamed about her last night. Glad to hear I am not the only one. Wish you a great dream.

Cute froggo

>tfw liked a girl who looked just like her and had the same name
>tfw reminded of her every time i see these threads
It hurts, bros.



It shouldn't be legal to wear something like that at that age.


Hot but that body just screams fat by 25. Pretty fridge shape too


maybe but I'd probably have her pop out 8 kids by that time then

>tfw that never happened to you and now it's too late

Cute! Cute! CUTE!

How did Sophia escape the frog charm? Is she a lesbian?


>“Terminator 2” kid star Eddie Furlong beat and abused his cradle-robbing girlfriend during the years they lived together, his angry ex charges.

>Jackie Domac, who hooked up with Furlong on the “Terminator 2” set when he was 13 and she was 26, “was subjected to a barrage of verbal abuse, threats, violent outbursts [and] outrageous and unlawful attacks,” she charges in papers filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.

>26 years old
>having sex with a 12 year old
>getting beat up at the age of 26 by a 12 year old you are having sex with