/DSC/ /STD/ /DIS/ - Star Trek: Discovery

Safety in space edition

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Please vote in my poll guys, thanks in advance!


Does this thing have a vagina?


Common! She's not that dangerous.

>Star Trek Discovery S01E01 "The Vulcan Hello" Download:

>Episode Rating: D-

>Star Trek Discovery S01E02 "Battle at the Binary Stars" Download:

>Episode Rating: D-

>Star Trek Discovery S01E03 "Context is for Kings" Download:

>Episode Rating: C+

Gabriel Lorca did nothing wrong. Gabriel and Michael, the avenging archangels gonna get high on space shrooms and trip out to strange new worlds. God bless 'em.

Also if you watched EP3 let us know what you thought of it: strawpoll.me/14055469

She's uh.. "fully functional"


>tv ma

Guess CBS isn't too interested in tie-in merchandise sales after all.

In his mind everything is dangerous though

What a slut.

>She's uh.. "fully functional"

>claim to live and die by Starfleet principles
>steal landwhale spit to sneak into secret ftl mushroom lab

Damn, Star Trek, you scary.

>you are now aware that he killed a shuttle pilot to get Michael

I'm surprised they didn't show the scene of him blowing up the shuttle after it left.

What episode is this?

what is she, a marvel character?

Episode 3, the good one.

Hey guys, this ep was pretty good

It's Section 31: the show


I got a sadism boner from that. This is what happens when your inertial dampeners aren't strong enough for your body to resist being made into Playdoh by the speed and gravity of Warp 10.

>kind of chubby
ok bro

It's a secret to everybody.

>Star Trek 40k is "the good one"
Well. Might as well quit now then.

Um, no sweetie.

She is a committed and loyal and pure wife because we are already happily married (and none of you were invited to the wedding).

I'm pretty sure every one of her trained Vulcan sensibilities was screaming that something super fucking sketchy was going on. She's already stripped of rank at that point, may as well make sure she's not being courted by domestic terrorists who stole a science vessel.

All three have been good so far, really.

why are there commercial breaks in this streaming show?

>no fun allowed

i hate this cunt she is so goddamn annoying

>claim to live and die by Starfleet principles
>kill the target you've been sent to capture out of anger, turning him in to a martyr and starting an interstellar war

That's still cute af user

In case they later decide to sell the syndication rights.

Did they engineer the Doom 3 demon, or was it a stowaway from whatever dimension they got thrown to when shit got fucked?

It was surprisingly gruesome.

Whoa, one of those prisoners was Adam Jensen, and he speaks like that all the time?

The $5 subscription to CBS has commercials

The shekels goy

Gene would have approved of this, by the way.


People who buy CBS All-Access still get ads, kek

my honest opinion after watching episode 3:

still isn't star trek

feels like I'm watching the expanse with less exposition/world building (good) but also more nonsense due to how incongruent it is with the rest of the franchise (bad)

gay guy is annoying (not because he likes dicks but the way he is written and performed)

tism girl is cute but out of place and will likely get killed off before the season ends

the amount of action/melodrama is weird (I read a bunch of "this episode feels more trek like" comments so my expectations were different)

I feel that they had Michael recite AiWL in the jeffries tube purely because they didn't know how to keep that entire chase scene interesting

captain mysterious is well acted but a little over the top, and him having "dark secrets" makes me groan as it feels a little cliche and out of place in trek

I gave this show one last shot because I was told this would be the "real pilot", and while admittedly better than the actual real pilot, nothing grabs me to keep watching it.


>tard was the worst part of the show, almost as bad as the obviously gay science guy
Why are there so many unlikeable characters? Science officer, cylon brown girl and Captain are only chars that don't make me want to cringe (though the cylon was cringey at the start of E3)

Yeah, he was also on The Expanse.

>still isn't star trek
Been thinking that too, it seems like a decent show, just not a decent Star Trek show

You get commercials even if you pay

So is this whole season just gonna focus on Michael? Kinda lame if true

I would be much more open to this show if it weren't star trek, or even if it was in it's own separate timeline than the trek it doesn't fit in with

>Michael and Gabriel

What did the writers of STD mean by this?

bruh why you writing like that bruh
I agree with most of your points. I'm hoping the show 'settles' into something better but I really just don't like a lot of the characters so far.

So what is it?

Even if you pay you get commercials

Michael is the main character

it's about time you realized this

Stop trying to damage control CBShill. It's far too late.

When will people just admit this show is plain awful. None of the characters are relatable at all. I instantly connected to people of all races in DS9 and TNG and even Voyager. Benjamin Sisko is my favourite commander. But this forced YAS QUEEN, the autistic redhead, the feisty gay faggot, i can't relate to any of them and I think they are awful caricatures.. This show sucks

Is the Expanse worth watching? I tried to watch the first episode, but it did not capture my interest.

>implying biblical names are uncommon

I can't wait to meet Admiral Castiel

Elias Toufexis has an incredible voice. Jensin is his normal speaking voice, but only slightly rougher and slightly less Canadian.


You can't be serious.

Well I come from the age of trek having ensemble casts, sorry for hoping STD will actually go back that, CBS-kun

>38 years later.
>We finally get to see what they meant by "What we got back".

I'm just going to assume that's why Saru's head spines popped out, but it's probably best not to dwell on such minutiae.


Yeah it's pretty fucking shit, can't believe I actually followed this since they announced it too. Removing Bryan Fuller was a mistake


Why do they need transporter chiefs or even transporter rooms if 200 years earlier they could just tell the computer to do it?

I think it creates an excellent "future space show" aesthetic, and the books are good

I did not love the show but it's fine, and its best episodes are really really good

So if:
Star Trek: The Original Series= TOS
Star Trek: The Next Generation=TNG
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine=DS9
Star Trek: Voyager=VOY
Star Trek: Enterprise=ENT
then what amount of autism makes you think Star Trek: Discovery= STD and not DIS or DIC.

It's inefficient, they have to beam you from a location to a pad and then to another location

And it's dangerous, you need a human at the transporter controls in case shit goes wrong. Site-to-site on a ship is relatively safe

the episode was decent i guess i did like this though

I'm like 99% sure this is in the Kelvin/movie timeline, would explain a lot of the shit we've seen.

I know they said it was prime months ago though, but they also said each season would have a new crew, and that Bryan Fuller was the showrunner, and it was releasing in Jan 2017. Things change.

pic related, it's you

They were transporting between spots on the ship directly to another spot on the ship with no stop in a transporter room

People who worked on the show call it "disco."

I nominate DSC

>bubbly red head that could be in a disney show

>so much time spent on the same old boring as fuck bullied kid scenes

>gay dude cant act to save his fucking life
>wagging his whole face around with every syllable like its SNL

>no one bothers to ask if they saved the shuttle pilot or out right murdered them and kidnapped michael

>prison life sentences in the Federation

Gee they sure love dismantling everything Star Trek stands for into grimdark bullshit don't they

they just didn't show the midpoint because that'd be boring

>bubbly red head
character contrasts are cool

because it's an infection to the franchise, obviously.

you guys are only starting to like it because you're either an apologist or contrarian.


they haven't stopped saying it was prime since though
I think it was just a decision by suits to not lose out on the prime tl fanbase
meanwhile the show doesn't fit with it at all and would be better off stating outright that it's a hard reboot

The Federation not only had life sentences previously, it also had death sentences.

What makes it "not Star Trek"?

if she's literally the first mutineer in starfleet history, then the punishment coming to her is gonna be severe

>they just didn't show the midpoint because that'd be boring
There is no indication of that and your headcanon doesn't count.


DSC, kind of like Voyager is Voy, not STV.

Watch TOS.

The hippie New Zealand prison colonies are a product of the 24th century.

calling for rule 34 of this celestial getting gangbanged and face fucked by a bunch of andorian guards

Well spotted

I thought so too!

so is that just a reflection or is there supposed to be something special about his eye?


I was wrong about them materializing on the pad in between (they wouldn't) but:

>Site-to-site transportation was very resource intensive. It consumed twice the energy of a conventional transport (since it was effectively two consecutive transport maneuvers), and required twice the time in the pattern buffer.
>it was almost never used in emergency evacuations of large groups because it would effectively halve the capacity of the transporter system.


>they haven't stopped saying it was prime since though
You sure? I haven't seen anything about it lately, haven't really tried to look it up though
I just remember they announced it being prime ages ago (like all that other stuff I mentioned, it might just be what they had planned when Bryan was part of it, and now it's changed)

Yeah barely anything in STD really fits with the prime timeline at all, they really shouldn't have said it was part of it imo

Her character is annoying as guck but I think she's supposed to be. Most of the main cast of the other show are experienced officers a decade or so into their service. It makes since with the focus on lower rank characters in this show to have an unexperienced and unbalanced rookie character.

It's space reflected on his eyes, as he talks about not wanting to give up his natural eyes

Must have been the gravity of space pulling him down.

Don't think about it too much - realistically computers are cheaper and more fit for purpose to flying a starship than humans, even now.

If ST were realistic, all the human crew would be in hibernation pods, or if you allow for warp travel they'd be all hitting up 10 Forward. There's no way you'd need more than a skeleton crew, let alone a transporter room chief.