It's time to discuss the greatest sci-fi film ever made

It's time to discuss the greatest sci-fi film ever made.

It's perfect to watch while tripping


This is quite possibly the most /dadcore/ movie ever made

/dadcore/ is good though it's a known fact most /dadcore/ movies are comfy af.

The movie was shit, but this guy was pretty cool.


>muh star trek
>star wars

ok, but that's not 2001

>tfw that list has too much kino for my dad’s pleb tastes
Armageddon isn’t even on the list.


I always feel the pic should include Once Upon A Time In America

First half: A++

Then Lilo has a slapstick fight and becomes jello after seeing "oh-no-war-history" and the black goo from approaching evil fleet means nothing.

Film then becomes: C- with assorted A moments keeping it alive.

Overall A- but tries to ruin itself real hard.

Wish Besson would have made live Heavy Metal magazine series.

Gladiator is actually my dad's all time favorite film.

Pretty good list, but swap out A Clockwork Orange for pic related.

spot on

I'm fucking 29 and you're an idiot.

'cause startrek and star wars is hip and fresh?

its not the movies fault you are an underagefaggot born into a world where only shitty sequels, remakes and reboots are made

yeh because it's actually fun, and has a world built around it

all the Lilu parts were shit

cave your skull in

You could be some of these posters father.
Really makes you think

(((Whoose))) fault is it then?

Pleb, the scene where HAL dies is better then the whole Fifth Elemtent movie




>tfw no cool dad to introduce me to masculine comfykino

>tfw no waifu assembler device.

underrated post

Tell me about Zorg. Why does he wear the hair piece?


Yeah if I was literally some low class scum who started making kids in my early teens. Most people like that can barely even spell let alone find their way to this site.

Doktor Deo??

Lol! That's not blade runner user! You silly goose

The Fifth Element is one of my top 10 /comfykino/. Really brings me back to my childhood nostalgia. I still remember picking up a copy at Blockbuster, and asking my mom if we could rent it.

Now when I go back and watch it I get waves of /comfy/ washing over me.

My dad too.

What's your dads ethnic background?

You posted the wrong pic