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I'll probably try it out desu.

This can't be real
There's no fucking way that's actually how the McDonald's twitter types
Fuck off



tons of marketing and advertising uses "millennialese" and why wouldn't it

This is aimed directly at Rick and Morty fans. Half the comedy in Rick and Morty is "haha they sure do stammer and stutter a lot! XD"

Most egregious case of product advertisement in a show ever?

Gotta give it to McDonalds they know how to market.

Lads.... the posters actually look pretty cool. Thinking of hanging one of these on my wall.

No frekkin' way. #winning #2k17fun

If the show used product placement then so is this thread and most replies. How likely is that?

No fucking way...

>they'll never bring back habanero ranch

literally the best sauce at any fast food joint ever

Good, let it become so common and mainstream it becomes uncool and quickly forgotten.

What a lovely nu-male smile

i bet its only for America
fuckin kikes

I'm curious how much of the sauce they'll have though. I'd imagine most places would run out within hours

Yup and very limited amount of cities too.

Going with the guys for sure this saturday

I wanna die now

>Aimed at R&M fans
>Sup Forums will go to McD's
>seizures while chanting and consuming packets of the sauce

pretty cool, guess I'll try it

those are actually top quality tendies, better than any I've ever had

Better than their old Chicken Selects?

Kinda neat but I can't stand the whole "ultra limited edition come stand in line and do free advertising for us on social media for a slight chance to not totally waste your time" bullshit that everyone does now. Enjoy your 300% dv sodium levels.

How much of the sauce will they have

>make small amount of worthless "artwork"
>free social media advertising
>major increase in sales
>public praises new product line
>normies will be standing in line for tendies

Is this some sort of ultimate ruse?

they're almost the same, except the new ones have a different seasoning, I like it a lot better

>Complex, Impulsive, Determined

>"Whatever it takes."

>Szechuan Sauce fans are typically incredibly motivated, born winners that combine a sweet disposition with a slow burning heat. When these people set goals (or make outright demands), they tend to achieve them. Sometimes, their impulsivity can get them into all sorts of hijinks, but their mad genius is their portal out of trouble. They truly put the “I WANT THAT SZECHUAN SAUCE” in “Buttermilk Crispy Tenders.”

Oh, fuck off.

They're really going out of their way not to explicitly reference Rick and Morty, yet people will still say the sauce jokes in S03E01 are product placement.

The Sriracha mac is unironically good

>go to get Buttermilk Tenders (don't give a fuck about the meme sauce)
>oh we ran out, come back tomorrow. We're onlly allowed to sell a certain amount a day then we say we're out
>come back the next day in the afternoon
>oh we ran out
>come back the next day as soon as breakfast ends
>oh we still haven't got any (which is bullshit because the manager told me it's a sales limit not an actual outage)

So I guess I'm never going to be allowed to try these stupid chicken tenders because of some Nintendoesque artificial scarcity meme McDonalds is pulling.

Yes, way better. Selects were so gross.

Pretty much

Is the sauce even that good?

Doubt it.
You can also just get the sauce at any other place and it'll be better than the one fucking mcdonalds makes

people just really like junk food man, sauce or not people consume McDs

What's in the sauce anyways? I'd imagine it is some kind of teriyaki sauce or something just from the looks of it

It's a good sauce don't get me wrong, i like it.
But why do people need some shit fastfood place to get it?

best sauce coming through

Pretty much yeah, a thick teriyaki sauce.

>next season Rick gets the sauce and just shrugs and goes "meh might of over hyped it"

>that liberal nu-male style art

Muh nigga


It's 1:1 the same recipe that Church's Chicken uses for their Teryiaki sauce.

Those posters are kino, luckily all the nu-males will get the Szechuan sauce poster even though it's the most childish of the bunch.

that was good but man

the honey roasted bbq sauce at chick-fil-a is what the fuck level good for a fast food place. I absolutely hate bbq sauce and honey, but somehow this shit is amazing. also this "barbecue sauce" is actually yellow.

plus when you eat there you are supporting a good christian business.

The entire bottom row looks pretty nice. Might try for one of those.


reminder complaining about viral advertising is still viral advertising.

Isn't just teriyaki sauce?

>check /ck/ for this topic
>they're memeing and going off topic harder than Sup Forums

I'm proud of you guys

that's really fuckn kino. You know what, this is great.

I'm unironically getting this