Was she best Gwen?

Was she best Gwen?

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its emma stone
she is just the best

largest eyes in the animal kingdom

Probably, unless Gwen is in Homecoming too, haven't seen that pile of shit yet.

Definitely. And she hates GOT. She's goat waifu material.


she's pretty qt until she opens her mouth

Best personality and character, for sure.
But BDH Gwen is a literal goddess, jesus.

i love her so much!

I always love me some Emma but she looked fucking phenomenal in that dress. I'm glad it was her Oscar dress. It was worthy.

And to think she got half her genes from fucking Ron Howard. Her mom isn't a looker either, it's a wonder she turned out as well as she did.

Bryce is stunning but she should have been MJ. Honestly if you switched she and Kirsten around and kept almost everything about their characters the same, it'd have been great. And no need for hair dye either!

dumb frogposter

Bryce didn't really have much of career when the first Spider-Man film came out. She had only been an extra in a few of films.

Yeah, and Gwen wasn't necessarily even going to be in a film at that point but in hindsight I think they were each better suited to the other's role.

Shit tier. I don't know what fa/tv/irgins see in her, she can't compete with Best Emma.

Her mom is capable of looking somewhat attractive.

she had tons of plastic surgery

easy fix

Giv milkey

Did she really? I've never seen any old photos of her that would suggest so.

She wasn't ugly before though. She mostly just had a nose job to fix her bridge.


>emma will NEVER be your gf

She definitely looks different but a lot of that is the nose and how hideous that fringe is

Not with that attitude!

nose and jaw and chin

I liked her in the Princess and the Frog.

Fugg. I don't think she's necessarily the hottest girl in Hollywood but when I see photos like this, she's the most tfwnogf girl by far. It borders on an actual innocent crush.

Yeah looks like an obvious nose job, but I wouldn't call that "tons" of surgery, though. Only her nose seems to have changed, and she was always cute.


just break my heart senpai




i dont think she got the hottest body, but i belive its enough to be happy forever





lol no

she looks much better as a redhead

>emma will NEVER be my gf
just fuckin end my suffering

Her footpussy is immaculate.

Divine soles

Heavenly arches.


PICK EM Sup Forums

Stone has god tier feet

now now user. there's still time for a plane-crash-survival-and-then-desert-island-sex scenario. it's what keeps me alive.

Looks like Eddie Redmayne

That's a compliment because he looks very feminine, although this lady looks a lot more like him.

the odds of that ever happening is equal to me being in the same flight with emma
just fuck my shit up senpai

>still no nudes
so sad ;_;

By definition, the odds of you being in the same flight as Emma are better than the odds of you being in the same flight as Emma and then crashlanding on a desert island.

They're out there somewhere!
ah fuck she's too classy for that

For now...

She played Betty Brant though.

looks like she'll have to pull a human torch/green lantern maneuver


She ruins everything and only redditor rejects like her. Not even memeing she's a shit actress who is a phony.

>literal herpes whore
Nobody gives a shit about her mosquito bites

Did she run over your dog?

Post more of these pls

>Sup Forums hates on everything except r/movies favorite actress
>that's off bounds
Fucking kys

She doesn't even attempt to act.




Shit waifu

So he's a Watson-Warrior I see...

Where's the frog pasta? Don't let me down Sup Forums

that entire first movie is the best

Except for that Coldplay skateboard scene

This desu. You know the only ones defending her think she's attractive and not ugly as fuck, shes even ugly on screen. Distractingly so in la la land.


what centuries-old battle have I wandered into...

That's hot


It's an autistic Reddit user. Easily identifiable since he says the same shit in every posts.

He also floods 4plebs Ghost Posts, as if people will read that shit

Emma "Nipples Like" Stone

Her new movie seems terrible.

>emily stone
She's worst everything

saw it. 7/10. annoying cinematography. carrel's the highlight.



Any Emma nudes?

Post more Kirsten Dunst

none to speak of. some fairly lengthy make-out scenes which is cool - although the effect is lessened by the fact that she's made up like Billie Jean King

Was she the princess or the frog?

the princess

the frog

she was the princess

Emma Stone is my lil pwincess

how to get qt frog gf??

She's smoking as a blonde. I heard that was her natural color but that she dyes it to look more ugly.

diggin those hips


good lord


what is this fun normal socializing??

is this pedo rituals??

i love my frog

i love my frog

clearly spirit cooking