Who was the best character on The Sopranos?

Who was the best character on The Sopranos?

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paul allen

The Virgin Mary



Chip. He was the most loyle.

T of course
Christopher close second


Paulie, Tony, Junior and Phil Leotardo are the funniest and best





*blocks your path*


I can't believe this wasn't the first post. His mother was Tony's ultimate adversary. The root of all his problems. The chemistry between James and Nancy Marchaud was fucking amazing too, James played off everyone extremely well but the two of them were completely different.

they killed her off too soon

looks like someone we know

> saint on pussies shoulder
> a broken wall that has to be fixed behind Chrisy
> an empty tree thats leaning behind Tone
> nothing but graves behind Pauly and Sylvio

Wait, people actually like Tony's Mom?

lil Carmine


johnny sack

ginny sack's 96 pounds mole

"like" as in love to hate
she's a great character

I liked Benny.

she died irl user

that didn't stop them before

Tony > Carmela > Chrisy > Janice > Ralphie > AJ > Livia > Paulie > Meadow

Johnny Sack. Only true family man on the show

Ralphie obviously
He got fucked over by Tony's hypocritical and narcisstic behaviour
I read that Ray Liotta was offered to play the role but he turned it down, I wonder how that would have turned out

I found Steve Buscemi's character to be completely worthless and the weakest season

Season 5 shits on Season 1 for Long Term Parking alone


I want to eat canoli cream out of meadows pussy.

is there any good movies other than goodfellas with ray liotta? Feels like his career peaked at gta vice city


basically this.

>is there any good movies other than goodfellas with ray liotta?
Observe and Report

Uncle June


Big Pussy
Dr. Melfi
Tony B.

Anthony Jr.

Vito (fanook)

Phil Leotardo was not a family man?

Guys I've never seen the show but watched a bunch of spoiler clicks on youtube.

Need a answer on why tony murdered christopher after the wreck instead of calling 911?

Also did chris beat his wife regularly or just after the went informant?

You forgot Johnny, otherwise good list.

Yeah mb. Johnny would clearly be god tier

killing them softly check it out NOW if you havent tony and johnny sack are also in it

It was easier on Tony for Chrissy to be dead. He was a potential liability because of his drug habits. Tony took an opportunity to solve the problem. Also Tony found out a few episodes earlier that Chris resented him

>Need a answer on why tony murdered christopher after the wreck instead of calling 911?
Christopher admitted he was still doing drugs and Tony was tired of it. There's a shot where Tony looks into the back seat and sees Chris's newborn baby's car seat torn to pieces so I think he killed Christopher because he knew he'd be a danger to himself and his family. He wasn't a responsible person.

>Also did chris beat his wife regularly or just after the went informant?
Chris beat the fuck out of Adriana several times, he was violent asshole from start to finish.

this shit always bugged me out, at the end of the day its still a fucking movie script and not a window to your soul. chrissy did resent him but he was the least likely after silvio to betray him, it was more like resentment because he let him down as a father figure

I dunno though, right before he kills him he sees the baby crib... it's kinda in the air if he killed him out of sociopathic pragmatism or an earnest if misguided fit of righteousness.

I got spoilered that Tony Soprano dies, is it like big shock or you can see it miles before?
I want to watch this.

it's probably a mix like with the ralphie situation. he probably wouldn't kill silvio in a similar situation

Just watch the show

It's not going to impact your viewing experience negatively. Doesn't hurt to know it will happen. Also there's a degree of ambiguity if he actually does

no it's the audience that gets whacked

If there are any other shows you are thinking about watching, I recommend that you watch them before The Sopranos because nothing will live up to this show after you see it

Gabagool is the only character that's made a lasting impact

yeah I guess that's true, though to be fair Silvio wasn't a fuck up and he gave Chris PLENTY of chances.

I bet a cuck like David Simon would say "New Jersey" or someshit

woah. deep.

>people saying Paulie
Fucking plebs. He's the most reddit tier character.
