Is San Junipero the most overrated episode of any TV show?

Is San Junipero the most overrated episode of any TV show?

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Considering it's not an episode of Game of Thrones, no.

no, it was just the least obviously 'black mirror' black mirror episode, and had a happy ending on the surface at least, so more normies latched onto it.

>I said normies without hesitating and meant it

that's it I'm fucking leaving. I'm never leaving ;_;

I unironically enjoyed it. It was /comfy/ for sure.

My favorite episode is either White Christmas or Shut Up and Dance.

Thats ok man, My dad fixes computers and i've gotten him to refer to non-savy people as normies.

>le dykes awwwww so cute forbidden wuv :3 :3
>le 80s neon and pop songs arcade games XD

I liked it until the happy ending completely ruined it. Should have ended with the old lady actually sticking to her guns and her dead girlfriend spiraling downward and ending up at that super fucked up club with the weird S&M people while still playing "Heaven is a Place on Earth"

>implying this isn't /comfy/

No. Not even close. It was a good episode where they dared to do something different, while keeping in touch with the overall theme of the series. I would say it was an average/slightly above average Black Mirror episode. It didn't deserve the emmy though, and the best episode of the season was "Shut up and dance", which also might be the best they ever made.

It was kinda boring imo

It was the worse episode ever, the whole scthic of this show is to display the relation between evil and technology but this right here is just dumb, theres nothing to get out of this and it doesn't feel like it belongs to black mirror.

>It was a good episode where they dared to do something different, while keeping in touch with the overall theme of the series.
>while keeping in touch with the overall theme of the series.
>the theme of the series is how technology can be used for evil

You sound like a woman with colored hair.

>the theme of the series is how technology can be used for evil
Yes, and this episode does not deviate from that. In the end she has forsaken her husband and child to go live in a fictional world where she will inevitably detach from reality as a whole, and plunge in to the meaningless hole that is San Junipero, doing everything she can to just feel something again.
>You sound like a woman with colored hair.

yes it was boring as shit and should have ended 45 min before it did

>she has forsaken her husband and child

shes still dead, crashing the jeep makes her realize it isn't real, thus leaving a copy of herself in a fictional world doesn't matter. If the afterlife is real she'll be with her kids.

I heard people saying it was the best episode of Black Mirror before I watched it so I was expecting something amazing, but it never came.

lol Shut Up and Dance was one of the worst ever.

no, it was the best episode of the show and Sup Forums naturally feels the need to be contrarian about that



it's a really well done way of black mirror doing a "feel good" ending imo

unfortunately netflix have their grimy hands all over black mirror right now it shows in all of the new episodes

Not sure, but it was fucking shit
>white girl tells black girl to stay in cgi heaven
>black girl slaps white girl and goes on a legit great rant about how her daughter died young and how her and her husband were married for 40 years and that if there's a small chance of an afterlife how dare the white girl try and ruin that for her
cut to 10 minutes later
>"forget my epic rant, I'm just gonna chill with the white girl forever and listen to "Heaven is a Place on Earth" on the radio of my convertible"

>Should have ended with the old lady actually sticking to her guns
She did. She died normally and San Junipero made a replica of her for the other chick's heaven.

it was a good episode of a good TV show.

stop watching shit like GoT and try to appreciate stuff that actually has some decent quality put into it.

> muh lesbians muh ending muh normies

grow the fuck up. if you ever stared into the abyss you should be able to comprehend the episode... most of you (if not ALL of you) will blink when you stare into the abyss (if you ever do it you fucking kids).

Try to live your life, waiting... knowing that only death will relief you of your experience and of the seconds you count untill you embrace the sweet mother.

Now try to imagine someone coming along saying: "no, there's another wy" ... try ignoring it... and try to make peace with yourselves while you embrace your final decision, a decision that may forever change, not your life, but your existencial dilema and the universe that surrounds you...

> more normies latched onto it

funny... I've been saying this was a good show and a good episode but NO ONE i know even knows what Black Mirror is... fuck this new generation of nihilistic autists who should be slapped at a young age before they became the garbage that is going to populate this planet... i fucking am waiting death sitting in my place drinking my whiskey and contemplating the sunrise and sunset while sounds in the background take me onto valhalla itself, for the day I trully get that final sleep, is the day i find absolute peace.

Honestly? This sounds alright to me.

>a 90 year old gay autistic virgin


Definitely, it's not even one of the best Black Mirror episodes (which doesn't say much because there are only a handful of Black Mirror episodes that are actually good)

>there are people out there who acually, unironically don't rate National Anthem as the best BM episode

The fact people saw the last scene in the server room as anything other than horrifying astounds me.

There are basically Gods that control your eternity now, and can use San Junipero for whatever the hell the they want and you can't do shit about it because you turned away from God and allowed man to take his place.

>She did. She died normally and San Junipero made a replica of her for the other chick's heaven.
Fan theory shit. Creator confirmed that didn't happen.

>there are only a handful of Black Mirror episodes that are actually good)

that reminds me, what episodes should I watch? I've seen like 4 or 5 and ALL of the episodes I saw were obsessed with sex and how tech ruins your sex life.

Are there any eps that have ZERO sex in them or do all of them treat sex as the ultimate value judgement in this world

It was a good episode. Not one of the best. As for most overrated, Battle of the Bastards comes to mind...

Funny, this is the only episode I couldn't sit through, turned it off like 20 minutes in after it got literally nowhere,

Are you and your dad actually the same person?

I got to the end on the second attempt.

copies don't count, god is dead and so are they.

>tfw no tall gf

I watched in 2 sittings and it was horrible, litterally the worst episode of both seasons.

S03E03 is the best one

It's the second worst. After "Waldo Moment". Governments don't negotiate with terrorists. It would never happen.

wouyld have been goat without the tacked on happy ending


Dont worry user, it's ok to be wrong

Am I the only one who interprets the ending as still being bad? We are shown what happens to those who stay too long, and the montage juxtaposes the girls lovely times with a cold, clinical server bank. Seems to me brooker got a good laugh at everyone.

I didn't even finish that episode, half way through I thought "this is just a cheesy dyke love story" and closed netflix

When did they add that?

Shut Up and Dance and White Mirror. Black Mirror's masterpieces.

>It's as shallow and on-the-nose as every black mirror episode, it's just revered because it piggybacked on the retrofuturism wave that children and idiots are salivating over at the moment.

>Governments don't negotiate with terrorists. It would never happen.
There's plot holes like this in every single episode of Black Mirror though.

That's just it. This episode is the ultimate "put up or shut up" for anyone who believes in an afterlife, because what if that's not just a "copy" of you?

>frug xdxd

White xmas feels like such a complex, huge episode with so many different episodes within itself. And the cabin adds a nice touch to it. My fav too

Who are you quoting?

>tfw no gugu gf

They really tossed away the whole conflict in favor of tossing in a happy ending. I was not a fan.
I still think Hated in the Nation was worse though.

A majority of Sup Forums loved this episode when it came out.

The Waldo episode is actually the best in the series you pleb

its always just a copy

It was good but the answer is still "yes".

Pigfucking was unironically the best episode. People overlook it cause it was the first one.

Kind of, I liked the episode, it was really different from the usual style of Black Mirror. But in the end it was okay.