Does this actor have a point Sup Forums?

Does this actor have a point Sup Forums?

holy shit wtf

Yes, clearly whites are the ethnicity perpetrating the most shootings

But NEVER do this with black crimes, that would be racist


There is a reason white males ar notorious for mass shootings.

My thoughts are a lack of melanin and small penii.

yeah because we all know the classic image of a school shooter is a black kid
oh wait

Blacks shoot people for territory and property.
Whites shoot people to "send a message" xD

They come from being raised by a single mother.

Which mean that children of single mothers should be put in foster to have a chance of living a decent life. Single mothers cannot raise children.

blacks aren't smart enough to do mass shootings, they can only kill 1 or 2 before being killed or arrested

of course they still do this in a wildly larger frequency

Ok fine. But if you want ethnic profiling, you can't have it for just one group.

still wont make a dent compared to niggers

Shoot one guy and nobody cares
Shoot up a whole school and everyone loses their minds

>be a child actor
>be molested by jews your entire life
>start hating white people

Does this actor have a point Sup Forums?

Being that insular and ignorant.


>what part of whiteness influences gun violence
being a democrat seems to be a reoccurring phenomenon with mass shooters

Not surprising a few snap here and there after being demonized in the current climate

yes, but he's too narrow. it's not whiteness or maleness, but white male americanness which disproportionately correlates with such attacks, and when we can locate a profile like that obviously we should investigate. we should maintain the same approach to any other racial/ethnic/religious/whatever group that disproportionately commits certain crimes as well.

Literally who the fook is that?

people care when one person is shot. people care more when more than one person is shot. it's simple logic, user.

Simply not true.

Disgusting. Is he a faggot or without social skills?

This, kill white men.

Nigs actually commit a disproprotionate amount of mass shootings too, on top of the usual thug shootings.

one of the twins from suite life

yeah, because we all know that most murders that happen on a year are by white teenagers shooting up schools.
Oh wait.

the other way around for me. i kept seeing bbc posted on Sup Forums and i keep thinking that's a weird thing to say about bbcnews.

Why are Americans so obsessed with inter-racial pornography? It's really odd as a Brit looking in from the outside.

Whites don't shoot often, but when they do, they do it better.

We want to start counting up cards based on race, do it for all. Uh huh, then we'll start hearing all the excuses all of a sudden.

adam sandler's son
ross geller's son

>being white in America

Does it feel different than it did 10 years ago? Be honest

He's right. It's the part of whiteness that enables and coddles the blacks that is responsible for a large part of their problems.

Same with burger posters on Sup Forums. I was confused until I found this... Turns out that burgers are cucks. Not even a meme.

no because I don't give a shit about politics or twitter. the real world doesn't care about dumb shit like race shit.

fake news. Highest group isn't even underlined.

outside of the internet? no
but then again I don't associate with these brain dead leftie pseudo communists in real life

how do we fix americans, Sup Forums?

kim jong un is prepping to do it as we speak


lmao somebody tweet this to him


Perhaps fa/tv/irgins will stop pushing Jughead as a better character than Archie now. But that's a little too much to hope for I guess.

yes. He was also a registered Democrat and an anti trump protester. Its clear that subverted white Marxist beta cucks are a danger to us all

wasn't the shooter a paki?

For a long time the majority of shootings in schools were done by blacks, the difference is it was gang related most of the time and they stopped after one person.

aww did I offend you my lil' martsharter?

There's a problem with the pattern recognition here, since whites tend to commit there murders discontinually, you have sudden large bursts of murders well spread out, while blacks commit their murders at much more consistent rates over time. As a result white murders seem to have much more instantaneous significance at a given time. I wonder what would happen if we adjusted for demographic proportionality and averaged out over time, say a year.

Send his punk ass to Shitcago for a weekend, let's see his attitude after that

Somewhat flawed methodology there in that the data collected seems to more represent the cross-section of the population that would fill in a survey online and not a true cross-section of the population as a whole.

Still interesting to see though. Always find it fascinating that there's geographic and socio-economic factors in fetishes.

source? Berniebros are already statistically over represented after that assassination attempt earlier this year.

so what you are saying is
100 people dying in Chicago over the span of just 1 weekend due to separate individual murders is less meaningful than 50 people dying in one mass shooting even

>perhaps Sup Forums should start changing their opinions on something in the show based on what some actor said on twitter


>Does this actor have a point Sup Forums?
Yes, white people are inherently evil and must be wiped out to ensure the safety of the J... the world. We must ensure the safety of the world. Kill whitey.

>58 dead
man this has to be some kind of record or something

That happens all the time, lmao. Is this your first day here?

ITT: S E E T H I N G wh*Te subhumans

Your time us over, wh*Teoids

Luckily Las Vegas voted decidedly blue last election, hopefully not too many republicans were injured.

He does niggers must be brought to a heel
T. Proud Clinton supporter