Which version of Blade runner should I watch?

Which version of Blade runner should I watch?

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no one cares what you watch

my mom wants to watch it before we go see the new one this weekend, but I don't know what release to torrent

theatrical is the patrician choice.
final cut is redditcore.

I think I saw one version in my film crit class in highschool, I can't remember which


so.. I shouldn't watch that one?

I've come full circle and prefer the narrated version now.

what're the key differences?

I was just playing you for a sucker.
Watch the final cut. It's the definitive version. Theatrical was done by the studio against the will of Dan O’Bannon and Ridley Scott because the studio suits thought the public was too retarded to get the non-narrated version (they were right btw.).

thanks man! means a lot

the theatrical release is funny because the narration is comically bad
but the director's cut is objectively better if you want the best experience

Don't feel too bad, there are way to many cuts of this fucking movie, and I've got the blu-ray with ALL the versions. Every time I think about rewatching it I have a fucking anxiety attack over WHICH version to watch, then I end up fucking off and watching something else.

that sounds terrible, that's why I usually torrent all my movies. Ironically though, I spend a lot of money on physical music albums

>(they were right btw.).
i thought this was a meme but you're right. don't understand. i guess people just only half pay attention to the movie at any given time

My mom wants to go see the new BR in theaters for some reason (keep in mind she's 62 yearsold and never goes or watches movies ever) but she said she wants to see the original first and now I'm freaking out about which version to show her.

boring film for boring people

That's just my tism acting up. They're pretty good transfers, and all the versions look gorgeous. It's just fucking annoying, especially since aside from the theatrical cut, they're all just really minor and obnoxious changes.
I actually like the theatrical cut, and if it wasn't for the horrible v/o narrations I think it's the better cut.

final cut you retard.

b-but what about directors cut

watch the directors cut
just do it

Final Cut

The final or DC is your best bet. There is only like a 3-4 minute difference between all the different runtimes. Most of that is just extended scenes, and the unicorn at the end, minus the opening title crawl and narration.

if you're gonna wach it with ur mom go theatrical it's got a narrator and moms generally fuck w that

I agree that if you can only watch one, watch the final cut. However, if you have time, it might be worthwhile to first watch the original theatrical release and then watch the final cut. It's quite interesting to see the things in the original theatrical release that were added at the insistence of the producers/financiers that conflicted with what Ridley Scott wanted.

Villaneuve says that Blade Runner 2049 considers the original theatrical release and final cut as foundations for its story.

The director's cut isn't really a director's cut. I would say a better way to describe it would be "the original, original theatrical release before screen testing caused the producers to insist on a voice over and an upbeat ending."

>"I don't know why he saved my life, maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before, not just his life, anybody's life, my life. All he ever wanted was the same answers the rest of us want. Where do I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die."

Seriously. Shit writing, and even worse delivery. Disappointing that there is so much hand holding in the theatrical version.

Read the book

Not canon.

How is the book it originated from, not cannon?

watch the final cut, its the best

Director's cut is the best because it neither has the forced happy ending nor does it beat you with the Deckard is replicant bullshit as much as the Final Cut.

>Tfw I've never seen this version despite watching the film several times


>even worse delivery
Harrison Ford literally tried as hard as possible to do the worst job he could possibly do for that narration, in hopes that it would be so awful they wouldn't use it. And this is Harrison "I don't care and I don't want to be here" Ford we're talking about. The orders of magnitude of fucks he doesn't give is impressive in its own right.

two different universes I guess, like MCU vs the comics

As an autistic user I found this version much easier to understand because Decker spells his thoughts and the ones of others' out very directly..

Because it's so loosely based on the source material they may as well be different.
Some of the same plot points happen, like confronting Roy and Pris in the apartment, or Deckard being a bounty hunter, but really that's about it.
It's a great book, and I recommend it to anyone (any PKD really, that guy is always able to fuck with my headspace), but it doesn't inform the movie much at all.

Should I watch Blade Runner 2049 in 3D or normal version?

A true patricians would watch his kinematiques in 1D at .0009x speed while injecting DMT directly into his pineal gland.
But I don't know how you faggots watch movie.

the one without the voiceover aka final

Jesus christ, what are some other examples? Never knew it was this bad.

Workprint is the patrician choice

>this actually goes against why he let him live




Why was this made