Brie Larson isn't talented, nor good looking

Brie Larson isn't talented, nor good looking.

dunno man id fuck her if you catch my drift

Brie Larson is talented and cute!

But i jerk off to her regularly. Am I autistic?

Awww...Did she not write back to you in regards to your 13 page letter about how happy you could make her if only she gave you a chance??

>writing a long letter to a nigger lover

She only ever looked good in Scott Pilgrim

Brie Larson? More like Brie Fartson

Fartson my face

giv brie gf

I agree.


She's got nice tits

The same could be said about you.

Over the past year (or whenever she won that Oscar) she’s become full on SJW virtue signaler. It’s sad to see.

>read her twitter feed
>hurr if the shooter wasn't white
>durr whypipo are the cause of all my problems
What went wrong?

Yet she keeps getting parts, are her parents connected or some shit

She sucked off a jew for that she's always been an airhead


>i will never be as gay as OP

Feels good



Her feet is kino

What happened to her toenail?

i wanna lick that fungus

>calling someone gay
>likes a basic ugly chick
You like capeshit too I bet

its called fashion look it up

>have black president for 8 years
>abloobloo niggers in slavery, we have nothing to lose but our chains

Americans are a nation of overdramatic whinny little spastics.

White guilt is real


White guilt is a nonsense to mask the fact that westerners are pampered, bored, little babies.

>muh women are treated like meat in this industry

that is a fine breast

Zooey Deschanel and the one legged Russian Girl from Sopranos

The fact that a millionaire actress has toe fungus makes me feel better about my toe fungus.

What's this expression trying to convey?

Why'd you post a pic of JGL?

>is this really your dick user?
>i'm sorry
>no I won't put it between my tits, it's too small


I don't know man, I'm oddly attracted to her.

That's Heat Legend.

that seems like a small face for that sized head

Is it just me or are her lips too small for her face?

better than emma watson but that isn't saying much


Just you , she's uber cute

I love no areola nips

Even worse than Emma Stone, somehow.

Do you reckon her tatas are fake or not?

you are only proving that the feet fetish has literally no standards man - if the girl has feet, you wanna fuck them no matter what fucking disease they've got...jesus christ

He was being facetious you fucking mong!

I would say yes but they are kind of flattened out in the leaked picture of her on her back so I think they are just perfect real tits.

>ywn get her pregnant and watch them grow

2nd best Emma is beautiful.

Most likely fake. Going by the Fappening photos, they're implants, but pretty decent ones, and she didn't go too big. But see attached - no 28 year old is this firm, or that round. She had a nose job, so she's not against plastic surgery. A boob job is pretty standard these days - the rarity is actresses who don't have it done - Emma Stone being an example.

She's ugly as shit on screen you have poor mans taste

>She had a nose job
>the rarity is actresses who don't have it done


>nor good looking
she was top qt in the Community, Scott Piligrim and 21 Jump street, so I will go on and make an assumption that she is qt in real life. Also her leaks are great

>no 28 year old

are you serious bro? she's 28, not 68. Her tits aren't anything ridiculous.

No, he's right check again. They look unnaturally full. Not even tissue density champions like daddario look like this

They look great, don't get me wrong. But they're fake.

are you off your meds again? she literally hasnt even tweeted about the shooting

Not liking anime frog eyes is one of the plebiest opinions ever. You're probably a Watson man.

those knockers tho

She has ugly feet
