Tfw only looked forward to school on Monday as a kid because Raw Is War was on later that night

>tfw only looked forward to school on Monday as a kid because Raw Is War was on later that night
>tfw tuesday morning before class/lunch/after school discussion on what happened with your childhood bros

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Born in 89?


>bed time was at ten but dad let you stay up till 11 to see

>dad liked the women's fights but you were too young to understand why

>tfw was pudgy white kid growing up
>tfw backyard wrestle and my persona was like mankind
>tfw emulated that crazy fuck jumping off sheds into tables on fire
>tfw all my friends were 1 to 4 years older than me but got respect from them for taking legit chair shots and doing crazy shit
Good times.

I did it a little differently, I would watch raw after school on Tuesdays because it reaired at 4. Good times.

>reaired at 4
WTF what area of US were you in?

>it's a Rock comes out, cuts a great promo and gets jumped by DX episode
>it's a Rock has a match but DX interferes and jumps him episode

I swear this went on for like a fucking month straight.


I meant year, fuck. 98 and 99 is a blur in my memory where Rock and Haitch felt like every main event with Taker and Stone Cold sprinkled in.

>it's a steph gets crucified episode

Canada. It aired on TSN, our equivalent of espn.

I was a dumb kid. Half the shit I did would have gotten me killed.

Stone Cold > Rock > Triple H = Undertaker


>tfw friends use to record me doing stupid Jackass type pranks and fucking with random adults on the street
>tfw literally pretended to break my ankle walking across a busy 6 lane avenue and back traffic up for 5 mins
>tfw will never see that footage again probably

>it's a Triple H cuts a 30 minute promo to open RAW episode

>Austin the best

When I was a kid I would've said The Rock, but now I know.

>*glass shatters*
>receives loudest pop then the entirety of the PG era
Is stone cold the most over guy in all of history? Even when he turned heel he would still get love from the crowd.

We never recorded anything, but my friends would car dodge on a busy street.
We would play baseball in car lots, they amount of cars we ruined.
Staple shit to ourselves, etc.

That was an awesome era with the rock and stone cold and all them. They did some edgy shit they would never try today.

When he was heel HHH was the face, and even back then he was an unbelievable douchebag and charisma vacuum

>thread should perk my similar interests
>instead become morbidly depressed by how shit adult life is and how amazing it was to be a chubby limp bizkit fan that constantly talked about wrestling in late 90s/early 2000s.

It was either pokemon or wrestling back then. Now its over flooded with shit pop culture.

I would watch the first hour of Nitro, switch to RAW when it came on and then watch the repeat of Nitro later.

Attitude era was all well and good but it was all about WCW Monday Night Nitro.


Eric pls go.

Wrestling will never be half as good as it was from 96-2000.

Feels bad, bros

I grew up on wrestling starting in the early 90s, loved it, immediately dropped it as soon as it changed from WWF to WWE

Wrestling is pretty much as stupid back then as it is now, but nobody watches it anymore, why? Did we just out grow it, get tired of it, the superstars just aren't as good?

Hey I loved both but preferred WCW til I had no other choice. It had Benoit, Bret, Flair, Hall & Nash, Sting. I never liked the Rock and HHH was a forced meme for too long.

>try figure 4 leg lock on my cousin
>almost break his ankle

He had to wear a brace.

He later hit my back with a 2by4.

The Monday Night Wars were goddamn fucking incredible.

>Watch WCW with Bischoff, find out what's happening on RAW
I never got why he did that. I always watched RAW afterwards liking it even more.

Back then it wasn't as mainstream and the WWF had actual competition, so WCW and WWF had to out crazy each other on a weekly basis.

Now even with ratings plummeting they won't let wrestlers ad lib, and everything is super sanitized.

Hogan is the only guy who comes close.

>receives loudest pop then the entirety of the PG era

That would be Hulk Hogan.

The start of the Outsiders invasion and the first few weeks after Hogan's heel turn is the GOAT storyline.

Chris Benoit happened, after him Vince went from hiring workers like him to hiring the kinda guys who were most aspiring to be actors and had all the storylines written by soap opera writers and eliminated any feeling that having one of the belts meant anything.

Its just a completely different product now and even though I don't like it I still give vince credit for saving the company after the hell storm Benoit brought down on him

Except that Hogan was a giant bitch backstage who never put anyone over.

This. Raw was good but the WCW NWO days were better

It's PG as fuck and there's forced female bouts that aren't about ass n tiddy, which would be fine if they had any ability whatsoever.

Everyone's a boring pants-man with tatts, there's no characters. It's like stables of Led Lugers.

There were WCW kids and then their were WWF kids. My own older brother was a WCW guy always talking about Goldberg. I was WWF

>tfw would get yelled at all the time for jumping on and wrestling on my bed
>tfw doing some sick piledrivers on this motherfucker

Culture moved on. jerry springer was the most watched show in america at the height of wwf. bart simspon saying bitch was edgy so something like Austin flipping the bird was cool and abrasive. the 90s were all about anti authority but it was tongue in cheek and not like now where everyone wants a revolution when they get offended.

>Film ourselves spray painting on bowling greens
>Swim in flooded ditches and try and make it down stream under the bridge
>Ride our bikes off of warehouses onto mattresses
>Throw tiles over peoples houses into their garden

Fucking hell if I saw that little shit in the streets I'd strangle the fuck out of him.


Also, Linda got involved in politics


>Wrestling is pretty much as stupid back then as it is now
It was always stupid, but back then it had some GOAT tv moments. Nowadays it's just bland shit.

Stop talking please. You know nothing.

AH MY right ... arm

>watching the ultra censored edition

It was bad enough that RAW was on a 15 minute tape delay on Monday Night, but the Tuesday afternoon edition was butchered.

Why was Konnan in the NWO so long? Was it cause he was good friend with them backstage or had some dirt on somebody? I don't know anyone who was a Konnan fan.

>trying to really get into it
>want him to break pin count
>1...2...3...DING DING DING

Konnan was huge in Mexico and one of the biggest draws of the 90's


> that friend who would buy all the WWF music enterance CDs and play them on his JLB Boombox. We'd walk out to the music and have battle royals on his trampoline. Life used to be fun.


>life used to be fun
yeah i remember when it was long long ago

I believe the Mexico stuff, but who wanted to see Konnan? The only thing I remember him for was his chants. I can't remember any good storylines or feuds he was in.

There's SO much talent but SO little charisma. They're trying to shift to a high workrate product by focusing less on character work, and as a result we have really good matches between people we couldn't give less of a shit about.

>Roman reigns sucks

Based big dog, based vinnie mac working you fat seething marks into a finna shoot.
indulge in coitus ya pinhead dweebs

Mexicans were mostly midcarders in the 90s from what I remember. They had talented guys like Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero but they didn't hit it big until the 2000s.
I am so old that I feel like it was another life time for timeline/universe when I was a kid and when I was truly happy.



I'm gonna activate my wwe network and start from 96 to 2002 or something. i fucking loved all the "commercials" funny stuff and 00-01 rock was the god.

>we isn't in the shutter now compared to before
>Monday night wars didn't arise from wcw and wwf competing for ratings, making the shit show crazier than ever.

The Mexicans that WCW had were literally giant stars in mexico, and WCW treated them like trash.

wait what? wwe network has untouched archives of all the shows 20 years ago including commericals?

Modern fans will never understand

yeap. even benoit is still there. its fucking golden, and first 30 days free. enjoy my friend

>Marking out this much

Finna kys

This guy is full of shit. There are no commercials and the episodes are edited for various things. none of it is untouched and there is also a ton of stuff missing.

I actually hated the whole "WHAT" thing that Austin did later on. He was also a terrible heel, which made me not like Wrestlemania 17 as much as most people.



Batista > the rest

Austin was too likable to be a heel.
He carried that wave of anti authority like a pro, so him suddenly going heel for any reason was confusing and laughable. Especially against Rock or HHH.

That commercial is more interesting the WWE has done in the last 10 years.

Who was that one wrestler that you loved and nobody else did? That one guy that you wanted to be over, but they just couldn't.

God his head just barely missed the monitor

Kill yourself. Every wrestler in WWE sucks. They literally have zero mic skills, zero interesting character traits, and zero good storylines. I don't care about "muh workrate".

99% of /asp/ threads are faggots like you saying "based X working the , , or , or ."


Fucking simps

Goldust. It felt like everyone was missing the joke, even the commentators.



>Chris Jericho

Based big posts /asp/ living in ya head rent free

>tfw it will never be 1999 again when wrestling was at its peak and EVERYWHERE

>Triple H = Undertaker

I like Booker T. Nobody else gives a fuck.

>You will never mark out to Eddie Guerrero's entrance song the same way again

Have sex

Gain height.

fuck off vince

WCW tried to make him the top guy, but by then it was too late. When he went to WWE, Vince hated all the WCW people so he never stood a chance.

Video quality aside they were right about everything from 2014 onwards

Big Dick Dave is top tier even now.

He's right, WWE makes less and less money every year and they still have a stranglehold on what verbiage can be used by the performers. Even when it's been shown that people get over by cutting lose and improvising.