/hor/ Horror General

31 Days, 31 Movies.

Post your kino

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No spoopy October would be complete with at least one viewing of this masterpiece.

Actually, Day of the Dead is his magnum opus.

Posting top tier poster art.

>fucks up

I have a whole folder of cool horror movie posters, ill show some.

Post em

anyone else prefer the sequels?







Here's this cool alternate version of the stuff poster, I rarely see people mention it.



>Paul Sorvino (Oh God!)

Is he really that bad?

this is the stack i've made so far. BYOB and you can watch with me :)


absolute trash but madchen is hot as fuck and the soundtrack is dope.





>Can find Blu Rays of Night everywhere
>Can't find Dawn or Day on Blu Ray anywhere


You already posted Killbots, though.




The Japanese poster for piranha is a thousand times better then the American version in my opinion. The one piranha feels more threatening and ominous for some reason.


I bought those up a few years back, when they were selling them at Walmart for 7 bucks a pop. Wish I’d bought the F13 blu ray set when I had the chance. That shit is prohibitively expensive now.

have you tried the internet or you want physical copy?



Pontypool is underrated.

Fukkin saved


Confirmed for future cult classic


No, its overrated. The idea's kind of cool, but in execution, it's just another half-assed, formulaic zombie movie. Didn't like the characters either

has anyone watched Goosebumps recently enough to have a fresh opinion on them? renting these on tape was one of my first exposures to horror and I'm wondering if they have any appeal as an adult or if they're better left to memory.

was confused for a moment until I checked the file name. Great slasher with a lot of cool religious set pieces.

They don't hold up. I go back from time to time on Netflix to relive my childhood but the special effects and acting are horrendous.

There are a few good ones though

The poster is amazing and the core premise itself is quite fun, but it's just so boring to watch. Ghost stories in general tend to just not work for me in film format.

Are you sure you're clear on the definition of that word user?

The only goosebumps episode really taken seriously now are the haunted mask series, the rest range from bad to ok. Some episodes are still freaky though, like the invisible boy one.


can't go wrong with any of these kinos


You're better off revisiting Are You Afraid of the Dark. It holds up a muuuuuuuch better than Goosebumps.

How is that remake of Stage Fright, anyway? I've only seen the original.

This is one of my favorite posters of all time, I don't think it's official but it just fits the movie so well.

I thought it was one of the more unique horror movies to come out in recent years.

Ah, that's a shame. Been so long that I couldn't even begin to think of whether they were just impressive as a kid or if they held up as something more.



Is it good? I keep seeing people talk about it but haven't got around to it yet.

pretty sure it isn't a remake. its a horror musical comedy.

pretty funny and good music too.

The darkest side of the night
Burns like a fire for the wasted lives
And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!



It looks nice, and the scares are built up well and the horror is quiet and in the background besides the few times it reveals itself. All the witches familiars are great.

Oh ok, I'll try to check it out sometime this month.

It's not a jump scare fest is it? That's the one thing that has put me off watching it as it seems to be the norm in a lot of modern horror movies.

Best twist of all time.

Agreed, it's one of the better horror movies of recent times.

I watched Nightmare on Elm St Part 3 last night (brety gud), and tonight I'm watching Friday the 13th Part V


Nah, The Witch has more in common with films like The Exorcist or Rosemary's Baby - a lot of mounting dread and ominous atmosphere.

Great movie, great poster.

That's good to hear, I'll watch it at some point this month then.



>Is it good? I keep seeing people talk about it but haven't got around to it yet

It's an atmosphere movie more interested in creating a sense of eeriness as opposed to startling you with actual scares. If you have the patience for those sorts of horror movies then you should appreciate it. If you don't, then you'll get bored and quit after a half hour.


That poster is gorgeous


They would've been better with Felicity. The new girls they replaced her with weren't cute or believable.


we mice kino now


The song and that poster were the best parts of the movie.




great film by a great director with one of the greatest actors in the lead role

(Leviathan is another criminally underrated film with Weller + Cosmatos)

Hello /hor/ I've seen about 3 horror movies ever and I'm using October to catch up. Here's what I've got, what am I missing/what should take precedent over what I have?

Essential: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1+2), Halloween (which sequels are as good? 2, 3, the Rob Zombie ones?), Hellraiser, The Blair Witch Project, Nightmare On Elm Street, Night/Dawn/Day of the Dead, The Thing, Evil Dead (1+2), The Wicker Man, Repulsion/Rosemary's Baby

Slasher: Pieces, Stage Fright, Bloody Moon, Ogroff, Maniac, Black Christmas, Last House on Dead End Street, Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer

By Director: Cronenberg (The Brood/Scanners/The Fly/Dead Ringers), Zulawski (Possession/Diabel/On the Silver Globe), Fulci (Lizard in a Woman's Skin/The Beyond/Zombi/Cat in the Brain), Argento (The Bird with the Crystal Plumage/Deep Red/Inferno/Tenebre/Phenomena/Opera), Bava (Black Lace/Black Sunday/Black Sabbath/Bay of Blood)

Thriller: I Saw the Devil, The Vanishing, Jacob's Ladder, Angst

Other: Pontypool, Amer, Anti Christ, The Beast, Burial Ground


That sounds like my type of horror movie.

Best slasher movie

Ive heard mixed reviews. Worth a look?

Shit, I didn't realize he also directed that and Tombstone. Of Unknown Origin is tons of fun. I'll have to give Leviathan a look.

Add My Bloody Valentine (1981) to the slasher list

Don't mind me, just posting the pinnacle of horror kino.

Yeah, its a monkey horror thriller.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 isn't essential. I like it personally, but that's something I think most people get into later.

Don't waste time on recent remakes. Your list is solid

Fucking great movie.



This poster has gotten more famous as of recently, I've seen other people post it around. Is the move any good though?

Watch Halloween 1-3, skip the Rob Zombie movies