This movie feels really relevant now

This movie feels really relevant now.


>everything is guns fault guys xd
>Ignoring the firearm he had was already illegal for him to possess

This site is just full on ribbit now. Saged.

Passing a law will surely work!

Is Chastain MOMMY tier?

Before this movie I would've said yes.


any sex scenes with her in this?

I want to cum inside this woman while she puts her soles firmly on my face.




There is a sex scene with her audibly orgasming. But I think it was acting.

>ywn be her boy toy



Jee! If only a good sizable enough group of people were armed at that rock concert. It so would have changed things.

It's mental illness, stupids!


>shooter begins firing
>armed "heroes" can't tell where the shots are coming from and gun down each other and at least a dozen other people they mistake for the shooter
>god bless America


She was surprisingly adorable in this film. Not like that very racist BDH.

Violence is so ingrained in american culture that anything different is impossible.

>We have a giant gun problem in the country
>Obviously the solution to this is to have even more guns and preferably have everyone carry a gun at all times everywhere they go

I don't understand Americans.


You don't understand because you're retarded.

Then again most people are. Cherry picking media hyped hysteria events is so much easier than acknowledging real trutg after all.

And what about Good Guy Trucker Bob and his gun collection who one day gets fired from his job, finds his wife in bed with his neighbor Jim-Bob and then just snaps?

Cause that's pretty much how most acts of gun violence come to be.

Yeah, no. Most acts of gun violence are nigger gangbangers and MS13.

You're literally talking out of your ass. Most gun crime is from blacks not this stereotype of country whites you have and the numbers support that.

Look something up for 5 minutes before running your mouth you stupid cunt.

It's funny cause Belgium is still a shithole.

How about you answer my question, faggot?
What about Good Guy Trucker Bob?
This is not about numbers. I'll retract the "most", alright. It's not MOST of them but a considerable number nevertheless.

Or if you want to open that can of worms: What about Good Guy Black Trucker Bob?

Not much for guns, but having done actual research on gun control, it's as logically flawed as alcohol prohibition and illegalization of marijuana. Particularly in a country like ours (not counting under developed nations with strict gun control and poverty).

>Hurr what about my statistically irrelevant and totally asinine anecdote

You are actually a retard and probably black yourself. Take your 65 Iq somewhere else please.

>thermo-nuclear performance

>This is not about numbers.
Because numbers aren't on your side. So instead you result to baseless assertions.

>if we kill all the poor everyone will be rich
This is your brain on hamburgers

This isn't about wealth you illiterate monkey.

>without blacks then white people would magically start committing crime to make up for the lack of blacks
Yeah, and if there weren't pakis in rotheram, then I'm sure brits would've been kidnapping and raping little girls instead, right?

Here's your (You) faggot.

>What about Good Guy Black Trucker Bob?
Black Trucker Bob would be a drug trafficker though.

You don't even understand the concept of the word concept, do you?

Problem is: The US without blacks doesn't exist. Your entire point is moot.

It's true though: What about legal black gun owners?

What exactly is it you're trying to say retard? What exactly have blacks contributed so great to this country?

Nothing. You're one of those idiots who believes "da us was built by slaves" aren't you?

What about them?

just watch "Jolene" if you want a Chastain sex scene, you mong.


>What about them?
They exist. Which means they're as much part of the problem as white legal gun owners.

>your entire point is moot
No it's not. People keep trying to come up with ridiculous explanations for why things are the way they are, while ignoring the elephant in the room, which is race. The higher rate of crime and violence is due to blacks (and mestizos, to a lesser extent). But everyone is trying to come up with "solutions" while also ignoring this. And so the solutions will always fail, because they never address the issue.

It's like tumblr bullshit like "muh systemic racism". People come up with this bullshit as a way to square the circle of wanting racial egalitarianism, but also seeing the real life discrepancies in outcomes. And this leads to a hatred of whitey and babying toward blacks in an attempt to "even the scales" when it's something that will simply never happen.

>outlaw guns
>get ran over by delivery trucks and get acid thrown on you


What problem? Nogs who blap each other over gang loyalty have illegal side arms that come in brown paper bags with a side of crack cocaine.

What about them?

Jesus christ, you must have a room temperature IQ.

>acid thrown on you
>or die to gunshot wound
I'll take my chances with acid. Same with a rogue lorry, much harder to kill 60 people.

>What exactly is it you're trying to say retard
That the inability to accept the status quo, to accept current day reality reveals a standpoint that's very far from that reality and thus so moot it could run Sup Forums.

post your gats Sup Forums

No because as shown blacks are the problem not guns.

You're the one who is delusional and ignoring reality. Gun control isnt going to help anything with black crime as shown in the thread.

you're really not into logic, are you

cannot tell if this post is genuine

maybe jim bob shouldnt have stuck his dick in the wife of a gun collector?

circular argumentation.

Pretty cool
Have you killed anyone with it yet?

>haha these single data points disprove the overall trend checkmate gunfags

You could shoot 1000 innocent people per day for 100 years and still nobody would watch this shit.

So you'd' rather die than get burned by acid? Dumbass.

Jim Bob most definitely has quite the arsenal himself

Nope. Look:
You have nothing.


>rogue lorry
OF COURSE it's always some britfag coming in here and telling us we need to hand over our funs. Fuck off winston. How many more pakis and nigerians do you need to take in before you stop barking up the wrong tree

type that towards my good eye lad

No, your logic is as follows: Blacks shouldn't own guns because they account for most for the country's gun violence.
And what would that be called? – Right. Gun Control.


>dude if everyone has guns, nobody dares to use them
>except for the suicidal ones who kill dozens with no regard for their own life and then shoot themselves lmao
It's not a gun problem, it's an Amerishart mental illness problem.

>there are americoons in this very thread who would WILLINGLY give over their right to bear arms

No, the logic is
>there's no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime
>the higher rates of murder and crime in the US are due to a higher portion of blacks than in other 1st world nations
>therefore, continuing to badger on about gun control isn't going to do shit, because it's not guns that are the problem

chastain was the original mommy, fuck off newfag

Nice memes.

The less guns in circulation the more difficult it is to acquire one, legally or not.

Let's talk kino please. How's 'Miss Sloane'?

The guy had an actual machine gun, which has been totally illegal since 1986. A gun control law that's been in full effect for 31 fucking years didn't stop this crime, so what was the point of it?

pretty bad thread lets make it better


>but having done actual research on gun control, it's as logically flawed as alcohol prohibition

Sure, if by "gun control" you mean "gun prohibition". But almost no one advocates for that except in the fever dreams of the NRA.




>he doesn't always wear nasal funnels for superior aerobic performance

she would make a terrible mother, she only cares about her shitty career and politics


>he thinks getting shot guarantees death
>Europeans are this irrationally afraid of guns
Fyi around 200 people were shot. 50 died. I met a combat vet of 26 years who'd been shot 7 times on 5 occasions

And how do blacks get those guns?

Seeking solutions that have long term effects. Doing nothing and going
>It's fine, we don't have a gun problem, just lots of random mass shootings that no other first world country has in the same level of frequency. It's part of being American that you can die from a crazy gun owner going postal.

We're not talking about gun crime, we're talking about mass shootings (which don't happen with nearly as much frequency or severity in other developed countries, and are typically perpetrated by whites).

Any theories on why this is?


If you feel that, then move to the gun control utopia of Mexico.

literally an older Bella Thorne. There's even a pic where she looks like a pink hair drag queen.

>he think machine guns are illegal
>he thinks that dude had a machine gun instead of some retarded crankfire system or bumpfire stock

Is there any actress with pale skin who doesn't look better as a redhead? Emma Stone arguably better as a blonde, but in general redhead just improves any woman.

>A gun control law that's been in full effect for 31 fucking years didn't stop this crime, so what was the point of it?
Might have stopped a lot of crimes that you never heard of because - and this might confuse you - they never fucking happened. This might actually be the dumbest fucking post I've ever read on this board, and that's saying something.

>hurr whats the point of monitoring known terrorists if terrorist attacks still sometimes happen :^)

>let's ignore 99.9999% and focus on this texas sharp-shootered target to fit my narrative

hmm really makes me think. Also, citation on disproportionate number of mass shootings being perpetrated by whites.

No other "first world" country has 40 million niggers.


You want a comparable country to the US, you don't look at Britain or France, you look at Brazil. Their gun control campaign isn't working out great.

is he okay??

Mass shootings are statistically irrelevant and sensationalized.