Movies unintelligible to native speakers

>movies unintelligible to native speakers

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Incomprehensible even with subtitles. Would it have killed them to speak normal English?

Even with subtitles and even if you understand the vocabulary used it's so difficult to actually *get* what they mean. It's full of weird metaphors and beating round the bush.

What's the dialogue like in this one?


Shakespearean English really isn't hard to understand, guys.

Did folks in Shakespeare's era really talk like that? I know his plays were considered popular entertainment so he must have written them in normal speak

I think it was probably for rich lords and the well educated, plebs and peasants wouldnt be able to afford going

Yes it is, especially when you're not familiar with the source material

It should not take more effort on my part to understand a language I speak.

It's no wonder the language evolved. Who the fuck really understood his plays back then? I'm sure like maybe 50 people in all of England did.

He gave us the name Jessica though that was a good thing.

Do you think he is honestly that great a writer or has he been pushed by the star system and humanities university professors?

For what gain? Why would they just push him?

I think he is questionably one of the greatest writers of the English language.

>this writer is too hard for me
>he is surely being pushed by the media and universities who are also controlled by the jews hehehehhe



i only understood this movie when i saw it with subtitles

>uncultured swine discussing one of the greatest intellects from history
Shakespeare was a cross-cultural phenomenon, he was understood by pretty much everyone. If you've ever been to the globe in london you'd know that the architecture of the theatre was designed so that lords and plebs could attend simultaneously– the pit would be the cheap and cheerful option for the plebs (or "groundlings" as they were known), while the seating in the upper tiers were meant for the wealthier classes.

As for his actual use of the english language, a compositional analysis would show you that he writes in the english we speak today, just as we speak his language with the sheer number of his invented words and phrases that have entered the common tongue. Even the plebians who couldn't read understood exactly what he was saying, which is why so many of his comedies are filled with bawdy humour and poop jokes. If you can't follow it you're literally more retarded than a 17th century peasant

>difficult to actually *get* what they mean. It's full of weird metaphors and beating round the bush
that's what I like about it, I wish I could even come up with that stuff. I prefer this magic reality than the lazy writing in movies where people just say what they see
yeah I dropped romeo+juliet even though I could understand 90% of it, with some backtracking, went to read the source, still hard and exhausting, now I'll try a faithful translation to my language.
the opening scene of the movie was so retarded
I read that his plays were sold in like pulp magazines on the streets

>Being borderline unreadable means he is good

Noble characters tend to speak in 'verse' (most commonly sonnet form) which was all flowery and more geared towards the upper class whilst lower born comedic characters spoke in prose.

As for how the language was spoken, this is where it gets really interesting. Shakespeare now days is usually delivered in Received Pronunciation which is the modern era pompous English accent. However, these plays are hundreds of years old as people used to speak a lot differently, in an accent refered to as Original Pronunciation.

This change in pronunciation has led to some of the meaning being lost (puns and double entendres) and rhyme schemes either not rhyming anymore or being in perfect iambic pentameter.

Curiously, when performed in OP, audiences typically understand what is being said more and often times find such pronunciation has similarities with their own accent.

For an example of OP and a bit more information, check out this video.

Took me a while to figure out it was in English.

I follow what authority tells me is good, the post.
You little shit, the fact that so many have had problems with the 'dialogue' of this movie proves his incompetence

How can they know this? There was no recordings.

>that musician example
I love this kind of thing so much. That's so interesting.

>I am too weak-willed to confront my own lack of apprehension and so would rather project my insecurities onto a man who has been dead for over 400 years: the post
I've read and studied enough shakespeare to make my own mind up. His critical success and cultural immortality is not a meme just because you can't make head nor tail of his language

>Endless threads about plebfilters and plebmagnets
>Sup Forums can't handle a movie because of a Scottish accent and Shakespearean language

Great board-looking toilet

>itt: highschool

>How can they know this? There was no recordings.

I'm guessing you would have made it to the part where they explain by now. Pretty cool isn't it?

Is Sup Forums above highschool english

are you saying that we can't understand shakespeare or that this thread is full of pseuds?

It is! I didn't know about that philome thing for example. That's how Northerners pronounce film too.