How many of them do you like?

How many of them do you like?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just shaving my head

I watched Bill Burr's specials, I fapped to Miss Alice and I browse Sup Forums

just Pokemon

browse 4 chan on my laptop, that's it

What's the Chad Starter pack?

These guys hate DC movies

wait a second you edited this image, Zachary!

Only Sup Forums

We're calling them bugmen now, gramps, get with the times

Why is alice on that list?

I'm in the military. Shaving my head is efficient.

Also, Bill Burr is alright. So are ep 4,5,6.

>How many of them do you like
Twitter, DC, Westworld, Netflix
>How many of them do you consume
Twitter, that Starbucks thing, Sup Forums, the Goose and Chris Nolan, Youtube (pretty much only reviewbrah and music though), Pokemon, Marvel, DC, Game of Thrones, Westworld, Netflix, Sup Forums, and I've jerked it Miss Alice once or twice

I know like two of the things up there that I don't consume though.

no, got only fake account for falseflagging and raids
dont use it at all
never been there
>Sup Forums
dont forget you're here forever
got glasses but not with full frame, also i wear them rarely
not at all
>doctor who
never seen it
he has few good movies i guess but not like hes my favorite actor
hit or miss
only for music
>worst emma
never seen it
>star wars
cant stomach it after disney took over
>john (((oliver)))
never seen that kike
when i was a kid
dont even know whats that
>real time
>the daily show and other channels
not in a million years
>Sup Forums
only when ive got comics related question
>huffington post
remember no refunds
>weird body shape

Thanks for reading blogpost

>window blinds
What did he meme by this?

>star wars is now numale

Get the fuck out

Sup Forums
had glasses for nearly 10 years
thats it

did I do well?

what no thoughts on alice?

>star wars isnt numale

So if literally the only thing there you like/do is Sup Forums, then you're not a nu-male? hooray.

>bill burr
>nu-male core

Nu males hate him, get billy-kun out of there

You and me bud, lets go out and shoot some racoons.

I don't think the issue is having a phone--it's using Apple products.


Dude, ever since 2007 star wars is nu-male

That doesn't mean he is nu-male core, that does make him look cucked though...

all + Sup Forums MAGA xdd

>Sup Forums
>game of thrones

What's wrong with SU?

What are you implying?

I don't like Sup Forums but I still come here everyday, does that count? Why can't I stop?

You're autistic
Like OP

Sup Forums is literally the only thing on the entire list I don't actively dislike.

Though I use youtube all the time and read tweets (mostly just Trumps), not going to lie.

I take that back, I missed the beard which I like.

Sup Forums is full of numales that are in denial about being numales.

wtf i love numales now

All of the things in both of those images are garbage (including Sup Forums)

>everything is garbage
I bet you watch garbage jap films

>Pic related

Sup Forums,
Star Wars,
Youtube, who the fuck doesn't use youtube?
Miss Alice

Only true gentlemen watch Miss Alice

There are several things in the image that are simply basic conveniences. Hating all of them implies you're in some shitty esoteric circumstance, or you're lying.

Game of Thrones
200GB MissAlice_94 folder

I like DC comics and A Song of Ice and Fire but that's WAY before it was even considered for a HBO show. I'm just in it for the last two books now.

Still makes you a numale if not the worst type of numale that is so disconnected from society that you think there's some sense of pride in the fact that you don't consume numale products/media simply because an outcast even among other numales.

>Bill Burr
>Glasses but because i need them, of course
Emma is cute, too
Crash Course World History got me very interested in reading about history.

Sup Forums
Emma Stone
Game of Thrones
John Green

is there still hope for me lads?

This image is missing 10" black dildos and strap ons

>fapping to miss alice

Litterally the most generic of all girls

Google GB schlampe

Lmfao. You suck.

at least you don't reddit, thats the one that would kill you.

i browse /freefolk for dem dank Bobby B memes

Upper right looks like the average, bald Anglo, lower left looks like he owns a steak house. The rest of them are complete nu-males though.

Jap films are for numales, bud

Smartphone, youtube, Sup Forums of all the things in the image. Are these "basic conveniences" to you? I suppose glasses are a convenience if you have genetically inferior eyesight

What's nu male about liking Miss Alice? Her fucking body is amazing. I bet her asshole smells like fruit.

Who else /nophoneorsocialmedia/ master race here?

Ayo you know what is the least nu-male thing in existence, bruv?
Conforming your tastes to strangers on the internet, it's the manliest thing. Real men in the 50s used to do it all the time.

And these guys love DC movies

>Jap films are for numales, bud

I do, i am afraid of phones because i think they gonna kill my ballsack, i like my hair and once it goes away i will just print a kid and take his hair back.

>no rick and morty
you had one chance m8