Walking Dead star calls exit storyline "utter nonsense"


Damn girl you tell 'em.

>"I think the departure from book Andrea to the screen was a mistake," she said, speaking at a fan convention. "I mean, it's not like I couldn't pull it off.

>"I think the whole stuff that they wrote about Andrea and the Governor was complete and utter nonsense. I did the best that I could to tell that narrative and to justify it where Andrea kept her heart."

What say you Sup Forums? Could Laurie Holden have saved the Walking Dead?

>waaagh i still want to be in the show
>i cant make it on my own as an actress, turns out i wasnt talanted
she was terrible in the show, glad she died

They wrote her out because she's a bitch.
She wouldn't be saying that if she stayed on the show.

She was an absolute blight on the show.

is she back on X-Files?

damn those aren't earrings, those are chandeliers

She's not wrong, but her whole character was nonsense. Good riddance.

every character's been flanderized. look what they did to sweet innocent tyreese? the tv show is nothing more than "ooh who will die THIS episode?" it's not interdasting

This. Comic Andrea is great and she was nothing like comic Andrea.
TV Gov was a hundred times better than his counterpart though. Don't know why they wrote her to be so shitty

Andrea was hot and young, she is neither.

She's 100% right. Andrea's storyline was total fucking nonsense. All they had to do was adapt the comics where she becomes a sniper and Rick's number 2. The writers had zero clue what to do with her character. Did anyone like her character in the show?

We could have had more of her and less of grunt and growl man.

Comic Andrea is basically what Show Carol is. Fanbase loves Show Carol, nobody misses Andrea. She has a right to be upset.

They wrote that storyline to get her character off the show because no one liked her.

She is hideous.

man, I want to hatefuck her so bad

Is a carol a mary sue now?

her husband is frank darabont

they probably wanted her off as soon as frank got axed

Her death was handled better in the comic but it still felt like a cheap and safe death.

She was too old. And the character was too shit to be redeemed

Her crying face is the ugliest thing I think I've ever seen

That's fucking nothing compared to Darabont's emails to the producers

this pretty much

Do the writers know what they are doing? I just came to the realization of me realizing how bad this show is. CW writers are more compatent than this.

Maybe she can come back as this character?

Not really. A good writer would have had Daryl killed and kept Merle on as a foil to Rick's leadership

Where is her full set leak?

those fuckin tiddies tho

Wtf are you talking about? They're not married. His wife does costumes.

Andrea's characterization and story sucked all the way through Darabont and Mazzara, there was no salvaging it. Also part of the reason she quit is because insane fangirls were sending her death threats because Andrea shot Daryl, I'm pretty sure even she talked about how out of hand it got.

Yeah I remember reading about that. I wonder if she signed up knowing she was going to get killed off in season 3. I read that they told her she was supposed to last a while. I don't know if my memory is right, but didn't they redo the finale in season 3?

>I don't know if my memory is right, but didn't they redo the finale in season 3?
There's hearsay floating around from her, extras, and people on the crew that the season 3 finale originally played out very differently, and had drastic last-minute reshoots for no apparent reason. Probably because Andrea's actress just wanted out and Glen Mazzara was leaving as showrunner so they wanted to leave their options open for the next showrunner on where to take the show next. From what I remember:
>The Governor died in his first assault just like in the comics and Andrea lived. She became the new leader of Woodbury.
>The prison group was way more violent in defending the prison; gunning people down, setting barbed wire traps and letting people get eaten, etc. It probably got cut because they were leaving it more open-ended and upbeat with the prison taking in refugees and Carl being admonished for killing someone. That lady Karen very inappropriately saying "that was a slaughter" was probably a relic of the cut sequences. I think you can see Woodbury people running out of the prison covered in blood and cuts, which makes no sense when the final cut had the prison group just making noise and scaring them.