Only posers die!

>only posers die!

he's right

That's why I'm gonna lived for ever

This is actually a good movie, I don't like most of it but I recognize that the ending is great.

It's kino

It's really a hidden gem. I don't know anyone else who has seen it, but it's one of my favorite movies.

Is that a young Tom Paris

No other movie has hit closer to home

>Tfw miss being punk

Growing up sucks but what can we do. Wish I could go back to my punk days and when punk was the cool thing

Now I spend my days doing math and programming all day. I'm constantly trying to perfect my resume. I need money so had to let my teen dreams and aspirations go. They wouldn't have worked out anyway but still. This movie was a touching farewell to an era. Underrated IMO

>only posers die!

SLC Punk is considered hidden?


christ james is a lucky man

is he though

spot on user.

Are real actual punks even a thing anymore? Fuck, do mall goths or scene kids even exist anymore?

>scene kids

These grew up to be the University indoctrinated feminists and queer folk who use that as the current trend. Every girl i know who had a hard time letting that era go hit University and immediately became dykes and trannies in full uniqlo garb

Almost all of them are on some sort of ssri or anti psychotic as well. Real winners

>Now I spend my days doing math and programming all day. I'm constantly trying to perfect my resume.

a well-adjusted person on Sup Forums wow. how do i find the motivation user? im 23 in my last year of college and im barely scraping c minuses, i just dont care anymore. what the fuck do

Depends on what you mean by real punks. There are still crust punks in my city. They smell like you wouldn't believe.


