Stop using scripts

Stop using scripts

YES! based malick poster! may long naps in thick green grass come your way

>He is

Why does Malick condone animal cruelty in his films? He needs to be held accountable for depicting such vile imagery in his films.

The fuck is the purpose of that?

TSA security measures

Force feeding medication. Antibiotics used to be overused for years, probably still are.

malick is shit

malick is gay

Song to Song was garbage. If you're going to have such intimate camera angles please fucking write likable characters. I'll be honest my autism flairs whenever there's a close up but I can deal with it if the character is one that I like. Fuck his last few movies though fucker

malick is sexy

song to song is a good pleb filter

malick is reddit

malick is ourguy

The characters were perfectly likable - what's the problem? Not that "unlikable" is a valid criticism.

everything you like is a pleb filter and you call everyone a pleb. the buzzword has lost its effect. keep using it, it's a good pleb filter for me so I know who is too lazy to write a worthwhile response and can ignore

It's subjective but the whole style of the film depends on how the audience likes the characters, who are too modern and came off as a bit narcistic. I also don't care about gosling romance movies because seeing a 10/10 not get the girl doesn't make me sad at all. to be fair I have autism

>who are too modern and came off as a bit narcistic
thats the point though you fucking pleb

And it was unlikable and the camera had me in their fucking faces the whole time, the perfectly sculpted faces of literal gods. how am I supposed to feel sympathy for them?

>perfectly sculpted

You're not. Malick fans are the fakest people on this earth and they are truly plebs who try to look smart by saying "eyy u dont get it bruh"
Even Malick himself dont give a fuck about them, or the movies he does desu.

malick movies arent super complicated
theres not a whole lot to "get" most of the time

thank you, why no one else seems to mind this? I don't wanna watch 3 hours of millionaires hanging out with gopros and piggybacking each other in their millionaire houses and their millionaire beaches

everyone ive ever met who hates malick is a fucking retard
i know its anecdotal evidence but its something ive noticed

From my point of view people who like malick are fucking retarded

im a malick fanboy but i cant stand the people who act like malick is the smartest cinema every made. i totally understand how some people dont like his style, especially since tree of life onward

What if I like the thin red line but think knight of cups and song to song were pretentious nigger shit

then you like more traditional movies and probably wouldn't like most of his newer stuff. every thing hes made since tree of life has a distinct style to it that is very off putting to a lot of people. have you seen days of heaven?

I was just looking at it. I think I'll watch it now.

hope you enjoy it user :)


Malick is pretty rad desu


What the fuck is that shit?

Can't argue with those dubble dubs
She was best girl

malick is memes

Your a meme