Vice Principals

last episode was shit

entire show is shit tbqh



You just don't have enough pussy hair, pussy. But yeah, I thought it was the weakest of the entire two seasons. Still good, but not on the same level.

His cutie wife doesn't get anywhere near enough screen time

Yeah I agree. Other than the scenes with Gamby teaching history, Lee and his wife talking about his dick, and Gamby sitting with the teacher at the cafeteria, the jokes weren't hitting. Particularly the part with his daughter and all the traps. Worst episode yet. But the previous two episodes were very good so I'm not worried.

The comedy has taken a dive since they got rid of Belinda Brown, black of skin, silver of tongue.

I liked it

No lie, gamby makes me so fuckin mad. What a fuckin sack of shit, deserved to get shot.

Makes me laugh and all that, but good god what a shitty person.

True, the show lost something by not having Gamby and Lee be teaming up.

I think they should reveal the shooter and have the rest of the series be Gamby (and Lee if he didn't do it) try to get revenge. ATM it's kind of just a show set in a school where Gamby and Lee are just dealing with regular stuff

Too late.

The show has been written, filmed, and is done.

What was that picture at the very end though?

Which one?

i think he means this one

The very last seconds of the episode, zoomed into gamby. My girlfriend distracted me but looked like maybe one of the ones in africa or whatever with snidegrass' boyfriend. I just seen it zoom into his face, ill rewatch now

Thats it
ignore this

Any speculation on it? Or did i miss something

here's a closer look
gamby seems to be holding a gun, but i don't think that really matters
maybe it was just snodgrass remembering old times

I guess well have to wait and see, another thing id say is that the 3 kid on the left could possibly be that kid gamby helped back in (peters?). So maybe something happened that trip for gamby to want to frame him for possibly ruining stuff between snodgrass and gamby? Im reaching at this point.

Looking more at the picture it looks like a pirate infront of gamby, and gamby seems to be holding a older style gun so maybe thats the pirates and he used it to pose in the photo like a couple others are


Shit now i remember
That guy appears in the promo pic

I thought that could be Snodgrass' boyfriend (because we never saw his face until this episode). That means we're gonna start seeing wheelchair dude regularly

or maybe not, but i'm sure it's not gonna be just 1 episode

>the final semester

Is this gonna be the last season or something?


That photo is from the field trip they took the kids on in season 1.

>gamby finds out lee is the shooter
>spends the last half of the season working with the teachers and his family to take him down
>get back together with the beaver-less bitch

>Danny Mcbride.

This guy is complete shit. I used to think Will Ferrall was the epitome of bad American comedians, then I realized this guy even has to suck up to him to get bit parts.

He has never been funny, he hasn't been in anything funny.

>Danny Mcbride pisses off all the SJW fags

This is one of the reasons I find him so funny.

Not an SJW, he just isn't funny.

He embodies the American comedy idealogy. Why write something witty when you could do some low brow screaming and crotch gags while making bank.

Again you generalize by using American as a pejorative when not even most Americans can agree on what American even means. Did you ever consider you're just some ignorant hypocrite with no self awareness?

No, I'm pretty much right on the money. American comedies suck, and Danny McBride isn't funny.

If you disagree you're an ignorant hypocrite with no self awareness.

He doesn't only do crotch gags. Watch his The Foot Fist Way.

And then you post a picture of some nerd you watch streaming shit games all day.

Now you're just showing off your cunt colors.

>Not an SJW
Sure you're not an SJW.

Glad I'm not alone. The season opener was about as strong as any episode from S1, last couple have been pretty mediocre though. Hope they were just flukes. First season was some of the funniest shit ever...

Best part of season 1 was Gamby, Russel and Brown bouncing off each other. Having 1/3 of that dynamic removed weakens the show.