James "Cuck Killer" Cameron doubles down


>"Yes, I’ll stand by that. I mean, she was Miss Israel, and she was wearing a kind of bustier costume that was very form-fitting. She’s absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. To me, that’s not breaking ground"
>"I didn’t think there was anything groundbreaking in Wonder Woman. I thought it was a good film. Period"

How can one man be so based?

Other urls found in this thread:


Avatar was one of the most left-wing movies I've ever seen. Hilarious that Sup Forums thinks he's some redpilled nazi just because he said wonder woman wasn't a groundbreaking movie



This. He's also a massive environmentalist vegetarian. Sup Forumss guy he is not.

>colonist white man goes to village and steals native girl

sorry but that sounds like something a right winger would do

It all makes sense when you realize Sup Forums is filled with angsty teenagers with sub-average intelligence.

>bringing up le Sup Forums boogeyman completely unprovoked

fuckin based

>ooga booga where da blue women at

I'm just happy he's man enough to stand by his opinion.

What mental illness is it when everything reminds you of Sup Forums?

Nobody was talking about Sup Forums you redditard.


>She’s absolutely drop-dead gorgeous
Really? I know you're a nice guy Cameron but come on


>>colonist white man goes to village and steals native girl
More like
>colonist white man goes to village and assimilates into their culture and fights his fellow white men

That seems reasonable to say I suppose he is saying from a film perspective the movie was well made standard superhero movie. Can his detractors provide their reasoning for the film being groundbreaking, not the context of the production and release but the actual film itself

>Sup Forumsshits getting triggered
Go back to your containment board, subhumans.

He's right. It was just hyped up pop feminism. It didnt feature anything that had not been done before.


It was a huge blockbuster about a female icon done by a female director. That's enough.

Not a fan of foreheads, don't get me wrong; I'd suck the cum I put between her toes out from between them then feed it to her with a sloppy kiss, but she IS gorgeous.

I'm sorry, but all i hear when i see Cameron complaining about Wonder Woman is that he feels that for a character to be a inspiring female icon she can't be pretty or sexy, or sexualized in any way.

>complaining about Wonder Woman
>saying the movie was great, but not groundbreaking is "complaining"

He seems to be under the idea that the costume was supposed to be the "groundbreaking" aspect of the movie or something.

Weird way to look at it really. Especially since he had a naked chick in Titanic and almost naked everyone blue aliens.

He has been fixated about how she's too pretty (the actress isn't), how her costume is too sexy, and how the movie was your typical male Hollywood fantasy.

And then he goes on to chill his own movies.

>goes to fight bad guys while wearing tight fitting outfit and full makeup.
James Cameron is completely right about objectification. Doesn't matter that a woman directed it. Ripley and Sarah were 100 times an icon than Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman ever will be.

Your indoctrination is embarrassing reddit.

What's wrong about objectification? Everyone wants to be objectified.

only libtards and other impotent men care about opinions, believes and ideology

Get your tits out, slut

For a moment I thought he was going to remake Double Down.

But it is enough. That's mostly why it has been praised so much.

Nobody but the few hardcore feminist bloggers are even claiming Wonder Woman was groundbreaking. Not even the people who made it. I don’t even know who Cameron is responding to when he said that.

It was praised because of pop feminism, thats enough.

>women are so incompetent that their gender alone is enough to garner praise when it comes to art

Most women get roles based on their looks.

Very few are decent actresses.

The praise come from a female director doing a blockbuster about a female protagonist that actually made some money. That's where the whole buzz come from.

>being an environmentalist vegan/vegetarian means you can't be a conservative

Those Muslims being eradicated in Myanmar right now would disagree.

>not just accepting Sup Forums is Sup Forums2.0

My sweet, sweet young boy

These, and it was finally a decent movie for the DC movieverse.

He's right. Hot babes kicking ass is nothing new.

Nigger it was worse than Man of Steel and that movie was already mediocre

Oh wow women can make capeshit too. The fact that anyone thinks Wonder Woman is groundbreaking in any way or deserves praise in any capacity shows just how ignorant about film they are.

>This. He's also a massive environmentalist vegetarian. Sup Forumss guy he is not.
Hitler was also an environmentalist vegetarian.

The movie was truly groundbreaking guys

big if true

Except OP, you forgot the part where he's a massive feminist cuck and doesn't like Wonder Woman because it didn't push STRONK WOMYN enough.

>has a super basic "no shit Sherlock" opinion

I dont get it.

>Cameron espouses the notion that only ugly women can be feminist icons
>has only one movie with a black lead
>make her into a CGI hot as fuck alien
>doesn't mention Ridley
>only mentions Sarah Connor
>neither are ugly

So according to Cameron black chicks can't be feminist icons?

To be considered a "feminist", you first have to qualify as being a "human".

>action movie

It's literally Dances With Wolves, where colonist sees native culture as pure and uncorrupted and sides against the evil white man

don't make me add avatar to the list you faggots

Because the media likes to pretend before rey and wonder woman there had never been a 'positive role model for young girls' and 90s born faggots go along with it.

how wounded, it becomes....

>Doubling down on his opinion

I don't think they understand the correct usage of this. Saying he's doubling down implies hes been proven wrong but standing by his statement regardless.

the real tragedy is that people lost their minds over an average superhero movie

the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums gen x? why are you blaming gen y for all your problems when all media is getting a gen x revival, you fuckers are the ones in charge.

hmm yes much estrogen wow

No it doesn't you fucking retard. God I hate it when stupid people try to correct others. Accept you are always wrong and shut the fuck up.

If the first post in this thread hadn't mentioned Sup Forums no one would have ever said anything. Who are you trying to kid?


Why are you going on a completely unrelated tangent?
First read the post user is replying to, then read user's post.
Read both slowly and carefully, and if you get hung up on the meaning of any given word, don't be afraid to Google it.

Jesus, this looks too shit to be real
I heard this was supposed to be good


Why does Sup Forums cry about Sup Forums so much?

Only an actual Sup Forumstard would be so obsessed with Sup Forums they'd have that pic saved

Sup Forums is actually write about LotR. Try reading the actual books sometime.

Are you underage?

>actually write
Fucking idiot

And yet you'd never know from Sup Forums that Tolkein was a Judeophile who hated the Nazi's with a passion, was anti-war to the point of pacifistic, and had strong inclinations towards paganism.

Huh? Maybe think a little before you make another incoherent post, sweetie.

it was about the same quality as the average marvel shitflick, which makes it the best movie DC has put out since the dark knight

because you're all triggered heh, nothing personnel kid

Complete aside, but I'm increasingly convinced Dances With Wolves would be one of the greatest films of the past 30 years if the narration were to be removed entirely.


Not necessarily

Zach's great on the visuals side. He just needs to work on the storytelling part.

And yet it's not better made or more watchable than Star Wars TFA, Harley Quinn Squad, or Star Wars Rogue One. All just came out in the same environment as Patty Jenkins capeshit just slightly sooner (before Trump got elected). "People" need to stop patting Patty on the head like she's a monkey that passed a third grade math test.

not only is the choreography retarded but her acting is atrocious


>Las Vegas....Where anything goes

>muh Sup Forums
jesus christ kid get over your obsession

The first 10 seconds matches perfectly with the latest shootings

>Sup Forums making sense of something
may i say, "kek"

>captcha: adolfsfurt david

That's what happens when you use buzzwords like "groundbreaking" instead of real analysis

Killing sixty million people with gas is not very environmentalist.

Yeah, no they don't.

yeah,no you're just trying to feel superior but casting stereotypes and preconceptions about somewhere you know nothing about. Obvious shitposters and such aside pol is home to some of the smartest individuals on this this site regarding history, politics and economics.

He's right though i browse pol daily and have never seen anyone once claim anything about avatar or james cameron.

I'd actually argue that it was, when you consider the effects humans have on the environment.

Why hasn't she won an Oscar with that acting?

there isn't enough room in her skull for a fully developed frontal cortex. she must have a lot of trouble with impulse control.

it seems we found the perfect woman for a Freaks remake.

Cuckism. They're so self conscious that they look to devalue any form of criticism as coming from Sup Forums so they can justify it as non pc behavior. They're delusional.

The ideas of Sup Forums are not unique to that board.

He's right though. There was fucking nothing special about Wonder Woman. It was a decent capeshit movie, but that's it. I don't know why everyone praises it like it's the second coming of Jesus, just because it's the first DC movie since 2008 that hasn't been ass.

why did they have bunkers on the ship?
weren't they technologically advanced enough to build turrets?

>Implying it's better than TDKR
>Implying it's better than even MoS

TDKR was okay, but it had a lot of problems with the script IMO. Man of Steel sucked, don't kid yourself.

>She’s absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.
>I thought it was a good film.
This man has putrid taste. Kill yourself, OP.

I'm simply saying both are still better than Wonder Woman