Why didn't he just the cap off and figure it out later?

Why didn't he just the cap off and figure it out later?

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Larry is an impatient man.

nice dentures you jew fuck

Not how the show works, same reason he had so much trouble getting that plastic casing open in that one episode

>its a larry has trouble with packaging episode

The lesbian subplot had good intentions but the execution was really shoddy. The best part was Susie yelling at the crippled assistant.

>Why didn't he just the cap off and figure it out later?
he's only good at being a four-eyed fuck

The best scene in the episode was the first one with the lesbian and the holding the door open bit. That and the missing work because of constipation conversation seemed the most true to classic CYE humor. I hope they don't push this Fatwa shit for the entire season. It's funny for an episode, it isn't clever enough to carry a whole season, though. The humor overall felt a bit off and Larry seems to be more of an asshole without prompting now.

>The humor overall felt a bit off and Larry seems to be more of an asshole without prompting now.
Because he's become Punished Larry now

>The best scene in the episode was the first one with the lesbian and the holding the door open bit.
I didn't really think so. It's one of those "Larry was right because he wrote the scene for him to be right" scenes. Nobody would act the way that butch did, because as Larry said, the distance, if nothing else, was significant. It may have happened to him in real life but I'm willing to bet he exaggerated the distance for the show.

The best part was Leon being determined to finish his "I won a hotdog eating contest constipated" line despite Larry being more interested in the fact that he said he shot a porno.

Wonder if he's butthurt about his bit when Trump guest starred on SNL.

His hands were all wet and slippy
He wouldn't be able to get his slippy hands to open it

What do you think larry shouts when he ejaculates?

>old man has dentures
>nice dentures you jew fuck

Larry David's office, what the fuck is up?

>I'm gonna fuck the jew outta you


squeals like a girl and then clears his tonsils

why does he look like Jeffrey Tambor in this scene?

a jackalette?

Because Ashkenazi Jews all stem from a very small gene pool of like a dozen people originally, so they all look similar.

Looks more like Jerry Brown to me 2bh.


he accidentally the cap.

Best part of it was the door was ajar. That whole scene was goat. I DIDNT EXPECT YOU TO ACTUALLY ANSWER THAT QUESTION


>I saw a wrong and I tried to right it.

the skinny SNL lesbian is so terrible at acting
It took me out of the scene

Yeah, I couldn't help but look at her blank facial expressions when she was interacting with Larry in their house.

the best line was smooth
"that bitch got foisted"

same, the only reason she didn't get foisted from the show is because she probably fucked Larry to get the part

>tfw you will never wander into someone's house and start spouting nonsense

That entire scene was pure kino.
>Leon making Larry hire him
>Larry David's office, what the fuck is up?
>nah that bitch got foisted
>Leon looking like he thinks he just did a good job