When did film and media in general become about being disgusting? just look at that 'art style'

when did film and media in general become about being disgusting? just look at that 'art style'

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let's see Paul allen's artstyle

needed a good giggle

when it became a mass produced product, to be made the cheapest you can and sold to the most people

shadows over innsmouth the animated series?

(((Big Mouth)))
I was recommended this (((show))) the other day lel

>Big Mouth is an American adult animated sitcom created by Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin, and Jennifer Flackett based on Kroll and Goldberg's teenage years growing up in the suburbs of New York City, with Kroll voicing his fictional self
>Andrew Goldberg was born and raised in White Plains, New York, of Jewish descent
>[Kroll] grew up in a Conservative Jewish family




>you couldn't tell that just from their names


Gotta doublecheck just in case.

Why are two men writing about a talking vagina and saying it was from their 'teenage years'?

Did you even need to look that up? Those are the most jewy names in existence this side of Moishe Shekelberg

What the fuck is this show about anyways?

scary movie?

american pie?



Wizard of gore?

Since modern comedy was built around being outrageous, and the internet can be several magnitudes more outrageous than any bland corporate product, this netflix family-guy-about-sex show is nothing but a desperate reaction to the fact a corporate product can't compete with the internet's capacity for "comedy." It'll fail just like every other attempt to compete with the internet.q

This. The only way TV would be able to do comedy again is if they basically emulate Sup Forums's no-holds-barred form of humor. Which, of course, they can't do because they want to be politically correct (and the FCC probably wouldn't let them even fi they wanted to)

90's cartoons were WAY more disgusting than anything that airs now. It was hard to be a child with a weak appetite in that decade

>it's not gay to touch another boy's penis. It might be fun though, just try and see if you like it, go- boys!

what did they mean by this?

Yeah but they were not POLITICALLY disgusting.
Yes they had sexual implications. But characters behave in a more general and "real" way, untainted from immediately contemporary trends that makes the whole show revolve around that trend

Around the time Flash animation allowed any ensemble of retard college kids in possession of a Macbook inexpensively produce their own show.

what was the deal with ren and stimpy

If the style is ugly no one Will THINK THEY are sexualizung Kids.

people can laugh at weebs but at least their obsession doesnt look THAT bad

HTF is probably one of my favourites because it has ZERO political messages, it's just a few minutes of gory fun, what a cartoon should be: fun.

I was actually talking about them.
It's a fucking talking chihuahua and a cat. The characters were grotesque in a grotesque world.

It was not pushed as a "slice of life story based on real life events!"

T.weebfaggot whose triggered by non-anime
>when did film and media in general become about being disgusting?
100s of years ago.

>a show about a 15 yr olds vag was created by JEWS
you really had to look this up?

What makes someone draw that shit on a tablet and think "yeah this looks good".
Why is trying to do anything good considered tabboo now? Everybody is about self deprecation and it's just so lame. Nobody even tries. Animation is dead, instead of compelling stories and beautiful imagery you get "wuba luba dub dub pickle rick" and "hey I'm your vagina lmaoooo". Comedy without a doubt is the lowest artform and genre. Any retard can make another retard laugh. I just want to see good western 2d animation with a compelling story, actual emotions and conflict. The last time anything good was animated was 90s Japan, even contemporary anime follows the western self deprecation half assed flash animation philosophy. These shits are products not art.

This is about art, not animation, but applies the same

Yet you'll keep on watching it.

What is wrong with Jews ? Seriously

Good 2d animation requires lots of money and effort.

Why is Pre-CGI Disney/Prince of Egypt/Road to El-Dorado the peak of 2D animation in the west?




They own the entire media, federal reserve, pharmaceutical companies, food production and distribution, and control what is taught in classrooms. And coincidentally all of those suck ass for us gentiles.

Jews have taken over all arts, and redefined Ugliness as Beauty, because that's all they can do.
Honestly, show me one Jew in history who could draw like a Catholic, and I'll paypal you $1k

I actually don't know what your pic imply
Anime posters

Pepe: The Animated Series

When they stopped censoring them. So, in 1960s.

Jesus christ I want a GOT disney musical so bad
Holy fucking shit


Not even the first talking vagina in film.

it's just a coincidence

>Nick Kroll

Lol he even looks like a disgusting Jewish pedophile

A lot of those were shit too. Ren and Stimpy did it right, but its imitators were unwatchable. Last big gross out cartoon I think was the Mighty B. I hoped the calarts tumblr wave would have killed it off

Why can't western cartoon openings be as good as animu ones?


>literally 9GAG tier
Jesus Christ, no wonder why so many people left for 8ch, this place really became Reddit.

They only sound good because you don't know the language.
The lyrics are shite.

you mean deviantart tier

Excelent taste my man. Japanese people are just used to make openings for everything, even porn.
Westerners don't even want to watch like 30s openings these days.

putting effort into things is a microaggression because it denigrates people who can't be bothered and there is literally nothing worse than one person being better than another in any way

It's not really Jews that are the problem. It's Leftism/Marxism.

The only problem with Jews is that they're one of the main and most unified promoters of Leftism/Marxism.

Individual Jews can be good or bad, but collectively some very damaging patterns emerge in how they operate.


The show's creator was certifiably insane.

8ch is litterally Reddit with a yotsuba skin.

When will 8ch shills leave?

It probably started with Ren and Stimpy, then Beavis and Butt-head.


>? just look at that 'art style'
look at Kroll's face

He's just as hideous as his characters

>9/11 jew jokes
>bryan singer pedo jokes
>woody allen pedo jokes

Why are the jews making fun of there own kind now?

>they can't do because they want to be politically correct
No, it's because it takes a significantly longer amount of time to produce twenty minutes of TV than it takes to shitpost