Scenes you wish were interrupted by the good guy

scenes you wish were interrupted by the good guy

Other urls found in this thread:

weren't interrupted*

The Alley scene in Spiderman

God damn, what a waste of a reverse Satan trip.

Then again that does make sense.


What happens next?

he introduces her to ben. BEN DOVER!

>dude in the back with a jizz-in-my-pants expression

What's rape like?

Which movie is this?


I loved this scene in the Warriors

toxic avenger

warm bags of sand

I once seen a gif used on message boards quite frequently back in 2008 or so. It was a boy in the hospital who smacked rapidly by his brother which only intensified his crying, until he finally stopped.
man what was that from?

>perma banned!

lel exactly

thats one series im surprised has never spawned a bunch of r34, Toxie and his gf/wife alone seems like a artists wet dream


this flick was so arousing.

Why would i be erect?

what kino is this?

Because the girl looks old enough.

what jav is this?



"you're going to be my favorite"


It's her fault for being so sexy anyway.
Just kidding, I actually pussied out of watching this movie because I can't stand little girl abuse.


>this scene will make me a famous actress right mommy?


Does he cum inside?

>the actress that plays sarah in the first one never reprises her role
makes me sad bros.

>diversity comes to Japan.webm

who the fuck allows their daughter to act in this kind of shit

21 Jump Street

>literally 2 seconds on google

It's not sex unless you do

What fucking prick decides this scene needs to exist and not be implied?

t. reddit

Sup Forums in one webm

This fucking scene was nerve wrecking


She's only cute from certain angles, anyways

Sup Forums would never do that Sup Forums loves little girls

What movie?

Every white bitch deserves a BBC

There is scene in elite squad 2 (tropa de elite 2), where journalist and her coworker are ambushed by gang members in witness house. At the end of this scene, the journalist is tied and gang member is unzipping his pants and she starts crying. Immediatly after, there is a cut to scene next morning where the gang members are burying the bodies of those two journalists.

That was basically my first time.


Is the the only time this actor didn't play a super nice guy in a movie ?

>dat tight, jiggly ass

Lawd have mercy.

lel, she looks like she was willingly waiting for it there

it wouldn't be as shocking if it was implied
it's not a gratuitous sex scene like most are

what movie is this from?

Well, if it doesn't, you won't remember it because of the brain damage from the shaking.

what the fuck is wrong with this board

>ywn bend a hot blonde over a table and backfuck her

bastards out of carolina

>me on the right

Maybe YOU won't!

what did she mean by this?

that was Sup Forums before it became reddit

>”Refugees Welcome”

>Sup Forums in one webm

jesus fucking christ

What movie?


T-thanks.. .

the girl with the dragon tattoo

dont try to be edgy kiddo this is weird and no parent should let his kids do something like this

Sup Forums became reddit the moment you arrived.

>the one Sup Forumsmblr poster who LITERALLY JUST CANNOT

its movie magic negro

also nothing he hadn't experienced (and liked) already

>none gets the filename reference

Sup Forums is really infected with reddit

>Reading filenames
I bet you notice and call out tripfags too.

shit like that literally happens all the time in the south read a book nigga

It's neither funny nor original.


... that's a Sup Forums maymay. a dead one

You want us all to go "KEK MY FUCIING SIDE IN ORBIT" or something? I chuckled a bit, there. Happy?

Black guy here. Can someone please explain why supposedly straight non-blacks(mostly white guys) find it appealing to see their woman being ravaged by groups of black men? Because from my point of view it just seems that if the color of penis is the variable that make this pathetic fetish appealing than you must be a undercover faggot.


Bestiality is hot because it;s degrading. But it's illegal so it turns people off.

Interracial is basically legal bestiality to most people.

>nobody responds to a joke
>immediate assumption is reddit newfags
>not that people have been here for a decade and have seen the joke countless time in reference to negroes
>or even a mixture of both

sounds to me like you just expected a bunch of (you)s and got asshurt when the attention never came

Everyone likes to see women get railed. Black guys in professional porn usually have big dicks and are aggressive as fuck.

I would've saved her, guys.

man what's that guy's fucking problem? what a jerk

Nope, an Sup Forums one.

>posting this fugly autist
Post the swedish version, fag. That chick was tight.

Yep, it was pretty obvious Sup Forums became reddit a while ago.

>le filenaem
>Sup Forums

... no son.

the fuck did i just watch

>Sup Forums invented filename jokes
Oh fuck off.


what movie tho

It's an Sup Forums joke because the joke is about an anime.

I really wish you redditors would stay in your own god damn site

>they made this into an animated saturday morning cartoon show


>her husband directed this

She's blind