ITT: Movies you hate so much that you refuse to even see it

ITT: Movies you hate so much that you refuse to even see it

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[insert poster of any Stephen King film]

I've seen it, it's literally the worst iteration of spiderman I have ever seen, including worse than spiderman 3.

I went in hoping to like it since I like 90% of the marvel cinematic universe, but I guess it's going to live in Thor in the garbage can

Is that poster real? Looks like garbage.

This poster is a literal capeshit meme

An absolute disaster

that poster isn't real [spoiler[is it?[/spoiler]


>that poster is actually real

literally wtf


I don't know if "hate" is the right word, but I've been burned by some franchises and turned away from them.

Man of Steel basically tanked any interest I might ever have in future DC projects. Nolan was a slow burn, but I could get over it. I went into Man of Steel with high hopes, and spent most of the movie playing with trash on the floor of the theater. So, yeah, didn't both with Dawner Justice of Wonder Woman.

Somewhere in the middle of the prequels I turned away and never looked back. Would I like these sequels and interquels? Who knows. I don't want to turn into a pillar of salt.


All Abrams Star Wars movies.

I even gave the prequels a chance, and RotS is actually an okay movie, but I will never give Disney SW the benefit of the doubt.

It's a total cringefest the only good thing is michael keaton and his character is still a filthy racemixer



Is this a meme? Looks kinda forced

unironically, I would watch the shit out of that

Dante is a great charcater, I don't know who the red Sonic is.

It's what happens when you give a lot of money to people with no artistic vision whatsoever. It could have been made in a factory.

Agreed. All capeshit is absolute cancer

I liked it. But then again I don't give a shit about DC-Marvel wars or capeshit in general. Just needed a low brow movie for my hangover.

isn't that Chaos Emerald form of Tails?
or did sonic get a suit from tony too?

He's a hack writer but plenty of good movies have been made on his books.
The Shining
Stand by me
And thats just barely scratching the surface.

best scene in the movie

It's the best Marvel flick i've seen in years, and I'm not really their fan.