He is not obligated to do anything, and Ethan doesn't excuse bad behavior

He is not obligated to do anything, and Ethan doesn't excuse bad behavior.

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1392227006670/

He should make an episode about how he ripped off Sam Hyde's kickstarter.tv schtick while complaining about a joke MLP kickstarter Sam made.

>450k views in one hour


Also who is Ethan?

>40k subs lost already

Would he arrest them bro

>Also who is Ethan?

Who, the subject?
I don't even like him, but how fucking susceptible are these fucking millenials?
Non of Ian's arguments are even dealbrakers, it's not like the guy is secretly a killer or something, they just unsubscribe because edups said so and because Content Cop is supposed to be roast fest.

>Dumb impressionable kids are dumb and impressionable

It's basically cancer on all sides.


Just roll a die online instead of posting a fucking reply to this.

Oh from H3H3? Was there some drama?

roll for a friend

This has nothing to do with Sup Forums - Television & Film, Sup Forums

Probably referring to this.

Idubbbz is a fucking hypocrite. He's always saying shit then if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight he always ends up changing his mind

Oh yeah, well I will fuck your mother tonight right in her brown anus
Right in that sphincter, I will smash my erect genitals right in that colon

I don't come on Sup Forums that often, but is the posting quality always this bad?

Why would you dash to a thread that enrages you the most?

>complaining about a joke MLP kickstarter Sam made.

If the threads aren't deleted then we'll know for sure that it's shilling and we have to get more Sup Forums users in to clean up the board

I don't get it. Is there another board besides Sup Forums for talking about episodes of Youtube shows?

It's not like idubbbz makes political videos. Or has the level of discourse devolved to such an extent that we just assume that anyone who says "nigger" is political by default?


>edups said so

Pinpoint me the exact spot where he did this. Keep seething neckbearded cunt

You have Sup Forums and /r9k/. Your e-celeb war has nothing to do with film making or television

Exactly this. There needs to be a board for discussing youtube shows.

ethan and pdp in the same video? arent they on a warpath or something?

>why doesn't this jew go after his fellow tribesman
gee user I dunno

Youtube is Sup Forums, your time is over old man

There is, it's called facebook, or reddit, or tumblr, or twitter, or real life, or youtube comments sections. fuck off.

>Your e-celeb
I keep seeing this phrase parroted on every board lately. What do you even think it means? We're talking about an episode of a comedy show, "Content Cop." No one is worshiping Ian's, the creator of the show's, personality or gossiping about things he does unrelated to his comedy shows. Now, granted, videos about Lauren Southern like really do belong on Sup Forums, since that is literally a political commentary show. Idubbbztv isn't political, though. What the hell are you even on about?

Other episodic comedy shows are allowed to be discussed here. Why do you think it matters in 2017 whether they air on broadcast TV, subscription TV (HBO, Adult Swim), internet subscription TV (Netflix, Hulu), or internet "broadcast" TV, i.e., Youtube?

Thats fine. Sup Forums friends are always welcome to post pro right wing channels here. It'll drown out liberal trash from Sup Forums like OP

Asian jake paul

>I keep seeing this phrase parroted on every board lately
So you're a cross poster that wants to change a board is he isn't part of

Of course and every single time

Which video games are related to the video in the OP? Please list them.

Neckbeard san getting insecure about muh animu board

>all these underage fags

Jesus Christ

The creator is a let's player

Yeah, I also pretend it's 2013

Video Games = "entertainment" sensibility = autism = Youtube "culture"
This is predominantly an art board (the "entertainment" shit that is constantly being discussed here is a result of crossposters from pleb boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums)
True Sup Forums = art which is the opposite to autism and in turn the opposite to video games.
The sensibilities resulting in video game appreciation are diametrically opposed to the appreciation of cinema as "art". Videogames/autism/"entertainment" are the reason for capeshit and Youtube

No, it's the crossboarders like you who are shitting up Sup Forums and literally every other board. You're parroting this phrase without even understanding it. The phrase comes from Sup Forums where there is a tendency to worship YT political commentators for their personalities rather than strictly evaluating the strength of their arguments. "E-celeb" has nothing to do with a scripted comedy show or something that doesn't rely on making an argument not related to the presenter's personality.

Take a look in the mirror, YOU are the cancer from Sup Forums here. Everybody else can see it but you.

>>I keep seeing this phrase parroted on every board lately
You have admit you are not a local or authentic to Sup Forums. Go ahead and try and say that isn't you with an edited image

He also owns a car. Does that make his show, "Content Cop" related to /o/? This is how retarded you sound.

>Video Games = "entertainment" sensibility = autism = Youtube "culture"

This is called grasping at straws so hard that you accidentally shit your pants. Bravo.

>He also owns a car. Does that make his show, "Content Cop" related to /o/? This is how retarded you sound.
Its a known fact you meme parasites would indeed post it there if Sup Forums was your current go to board to dump whatever you want. This is how your kind work

If you shitposted about this thread being "e-celeb drama" and you didn't shitpost in any of the following threads, which are either the same (about a TV show, which you object to) or more personal (about drama with the actors themselves), then you are a hypocrite and part of the problem.

>Sup Forums friends


boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1392227006670/
Remember these outsiders want Sup Forums to be Sup Forums

youtube videos aren't television and film, fuckhead

It was a complete failure. He publicly mentioned his scam and made the people working on the game easily researchable names of active Facebook fans. In the last hours Sam made dummy accounts and added $4,000 if not more to the campaign and it didn't even succeed. I don't know why Sam Hyde haters don't constantly shitpost about how he made a pompous statement about how much of a dank me me that Kickstarter would be when he deleted pretty much everything to cover it up.


What does the medium matter? You can watch a movie on your computer the same way you can watch youtube on your TV.

>He should've made a Content Cop on Ethan

Agreed. Ethan's had way too many fuckups recently no one holds him accountable for. I kinda dislike him now.

this vid just made me like ricegum more, the fight was over before it began

Woah I thought this was Sup Forums so we could post images like this!

Do you honestly think that Ian wants to see Ricegum's channel go under?

>He plays way to safe now.
the fuck are you talking about he always made these about controversial or just straight up hated people

no, this is all theatre and i wouldn't be surprised if the two are communicating with each other on brainstorming ways to best exploit their viewership

Kavos is a massive fucking nonce

>unironically being a Zionist yuppie fuck-up from Sup Forums
Erratas this, bitch.

rap video at the end was cringe as fuck

They are not. Drama news channels just wanted drama.

Basically Ethan just said that Pewdiepie fucked up and pdp agreed.

i'm from Sup Forums but i'm not a zionist


>watching e-celeb shit

You might as well be if you defend Ricegum.


the rap video at the end sounded better than any of the ricegum tracks

why?? wtf does ricegum have to do with the jewish state of israel


ITT: underage rick and morty watching mongoloids

The "yuppie fuck-up" part (Ricegum is the quintessential modern yuppie), and most of the Sup Forumsster kikes are yuppies too who crave conformity and have fantasies of extreme violence, racism and sexism on their little controlled opposition corner of the internet.

Honestly this.
A board for discussing rest of the Internet is something this site needed for a long time.

Hes from Sup Forums

ricebum isn't a yuppie he's a metamodernist, like Jake Paul and that whole vine eceleb movement, sure they appeal to yuppies but so does idubbbz and h3h3 and those other fags

youtube series like content cop arent really that different from a tv series.

Especially when the tinhatters, on every board honestly, will just try to derail your thread with "e-celeb!!" if you post any kind of youtube link in the OP. You could post a link to a Hollywood movie that just happens to be uploaded to youtube, and faggots would scream "e-celeb!!" and "stop cross-boarding from Sup Forums!!" at the tops of their lungs.

who, idubbbz or ricegum?

They're literally young urban professionals. There's no excuse for defending them.

I think there is desu, especially when there are pseuds like yourself who have a false sense of superiority for siding with le ebin hyper-self aware crowd like (((h3h3)))

"Yuppie" is a term from the 1980s. People who were yuppies then are in their 50s and 60s today.

The guy defending this trash being posted on Sup Forums.

You are retarded. I never said anything about those other people (who I know nothing about), I just stumbled into this thread, saw a shitty post, and replied to it.

>thread is still up

in that case don't go throwing empty insults at people based on subjects you know nothing about

>The guy defending this trash being posted on Sup Forums.
Please stay on topic and don't devolve into Sup Forums drama.

>idubbbz has more subs than filthy frank
remember when he was just some extra dude in franks videos?


yeah and anyone remember seeing the avengers for the first time, it was so fucking epic xD

But I did watch the video out of curiosity and finding what there is to know about Ricegum, there's nothing about him I can find defendable. He's a smug cunt.

Gib nicole gf

i just think if you're going to hate on ricegum, you need to realise that the guy shitting on him is next to no different, and they're both guilty of perpetuating 'yuppie' cancer

Okay, I wouldn't know that otherwise because I don't watch his videos.


not true at all. ricegum has been a monumental faggot for many years. idubbz barely even posts and theyre really not on the same level as far as cancer goes

An actual E-celeb thread where people discuss Youtube drama on Sup Forums. These truly are grim times.

Don't pretend to be an oldfag when you think E-celeb drama leaking onto Sup Forums is somehow a new thing.

no different than your jim carrey on norm macdonald live thread thats also going on right now. which you should probably get on over to youtube to watch if you havent

So a scripted parody show is "e-celeb drama," but an entire thread talking about an actor's irl political views is fine? Where are your shitposts in ? Quote them.

Janny is a Sup Forumsedditor

What we do here is go back