Felt bad when they killed him. Should have just given him his money.

felt sorry that everyone had new clothes and he was wearing the same old crap

And now he's dead irl


well maybe he actually likes that stuff.

this is why goodfellas>the godfather. Coppalla was a coward who got cucked by the mafia into making some bullshit fantasy about how they are this secret romanic and noble class living by their own standards of decency and removed all mentions of the mafia from the script

Scorsese shows that they were really just a bunch of criminals making money and living like kings because they didnt want to get a normal job and were arrogant, violent psychopathic retarded assholes who would murder a kid for looking at them the wrong way.

That retro commercial was great attention to detail by the master, Scorsese.

He really knows how to add colour to a movie. Fuck, I need to watch Goodfellas again now

Anyone feel like Goodfellas is retroactively cheapened by later Scorsese movies like Wolf of Wall Street and Casino, which basically make the exact same fucking movie beat-for-beat, and you realize that Goodfellas is just the first in a string of mad-libs variations of the same story?

Personally, I think it stands alone as an absolute classic movie

Scorsese just lost it, thats all. Happens to the best of em. Goodfellas was his peak, (((Hollywood))) knows a winning formula when they see one, hence him repeating the same kind of shit for all these years since Goodfellas was released

I'm pretty sure he was complaining to Henry about it

I agree. Goodfellas is objectively a fantastic movie. But subjectively in my mind, I can't help but not keep the later movies in mind when I watch it, and see how it became "less special" by being copied over and over again.

sort of like how the Matrix was fresh when it came out in 1999, but then so many shitters copied it and ran it into the dirt. Or how I can't think about the first matrix without also remembering the horrible sequels.

wolf of wallstreet felt very much as the same basic style of it, but I didnt really feel that with Casino

> why didn't they want to drink with a made guy?

shoulda stopped busting everyones balls and being a pain in the ass

let's be real: They were never going to give him the money.

go home and get your fucking shoe shone box.

Am i the only one that was happy when tommy got killed? He was an insecure psychopathic midget. fuck em

>Anyone feel like Goodfellas is retroactively cheapened by later Scorsese movies like Wolf of Wall Street and Casino
No because I am not a faggot.

Casino was a carbon copy. Pesci even played the same damn character.

They all have the same cliches. Same narration style, same "record scratch, freeze frame, that's me, you're probably wondering how I got here" trope, same "I met the love of my life and now we're fighting and causing a ton of destruction" shit. Same psycho sidekick character, etc etc etc

What are you on about, what other movies are like the Matrix?

You are correct. No go shine some shoes.

shut the fuck up you horrendous faggot. I don't care if you're right about the movies utilizing similar storytelling elements; You are making me angry with your sensational faggotry.

Are you underage? Every fucking action movie from like 2000-2005 was copying the Matrix's action scenes, bullet time, 360 camera spins in slow-mo, etc. Some of them didn't even bother pretending to be different, doing frame for frame renditions of Neo's bullet dodge

They're all the exact same fucking movie, but with different settings filling in the blanks.

the real tommy was like 6'2

DeNiro was a bigger psychopath. Pesci had a temper, but DeNiro was a methodical stone-cold serial killer going down and methodically killing off all his friends and associates.

Fuck you, Tommy.

Games too. I remember when Max Payne first came out for PC. It was sweet to be able to play that way. Then came Enter the Matrix, and the superior Path of Neo, which was one of my favorite PS2 games of all time. But yeah, it was overused for a bit.

I told you to shut the fuck up. Don't make me say it again.

nice cuck mark

Scorsese keeps making the same movie over and over again

Raging bull, taxi driver, then goodfellows

I hate him in whatever he's doing.

go back to Sup Forums you fucking cuck