There is no role this man can't play

There is no role this man can't play.

He can't play a Ku Klux Klan leader.

>plays Roland
>it bombs

he can in a comedy film

He can if he wears the mask. And even if he don't, Idris is so cool that even KKK would acknowledge him as their leader. Racists btfo'd again.

Except the role he was born to play, himself.

A small child.

He'd probably make a bad McLovin if they ever did a Superbad remake

A ghost

James Bond

Can he play Idris Elba?

Saruman the white

He can't play Dave Chappelle

Why is reddit trying to force this Idris Elba meme?

A transgendered black woman hitman for the italian mafia.

Idris Elba as Hitler

You sure?

He can be the true identity of Ku Klux Man

I'm pretty sure he'd turn down Idi Amin

I would love to see him as Geralt of Rivia in the upcoming Netflix show.


>plays the part of my mum's bf in my dreams
Based Idris