How many women will he fuck to prepare for the role?

how many women will he fuck to prepare for the role?

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>perverted old rapist is a beloved hero in america
>perverted old rapist is a beloved hero in britain

what's wrong with the west

Hef was the opposite of a rapist.

it's an anglo thing

Hugh Hefner being a rapist is just conservative propaganda because christcucks think of him as the embodiment of evil while a dude who guns down 600 people in Vegas is just a troubled man.

He's a rock singer.
He already fucks women regularly.

Hugh mightve been a lecherous old pervert, but he was far from a rapist.

None, they'll fuck him

the people that praise hef and feel sorry for the vegas guy are the people that get upset that some football niggers are kneeling down while a song plays

Uh, he's a straight white male.
Everything he's everything done to women was rape.

You have that backwards. The people upset at football players are redneck trump supporters.

why would anyone make a biopic of hugh hefner?
perverted old man is a beloved hero*
still doesn't really deserve praise for anything

You mean Sam Al-Hyde?

Hef wasn't perverted. He embodied a bygone era of male and female interaction - the idea that seduction should be suave, mannered, gentlemanly, elegant, even intellectual. Nowadays men just grind their dick against some out of control sluts out at the club or get wasted at a frat party and blindly hump like an animal atop some poor girl who doesn't know what the fuck she wants.

Yeah who ever heard of eastern cultures glorifying rape?

fucking kill me

>Hef was just laid to rest in the crypt next to Marilyn
>even though they never met
>and he published her nude pics in the first Playboy without her consent

what a disgusting creep. this is basically as bad as rape.

Now he's raping her in the afterlife.

Every last one

He was young once and acted quite classy in a classy era. His mags were always more sophisticated than his competitors

roasties btfo

>raping her ghost in the crypt.


Holy fuck someone get the lube...leto is gonna let his monster cock loose!

all of them and I ain't even mad

zero interest

I'm not 10 years old. Why'd I wanna watch a movie about Playboy?


for the articles

well the Larry Flynt movie was awesome as fuck. I'm guessing this is a similar story of censorship, hate, drugs, shady fucks and sex.

also: Max Hardcore biopic when?

does anyone else hope that they release playboy's entire photography catalog (shot on film) in digital format some day?

the old playboy cyber club was pretty good, but it went to shit with the new owners



>Brett Ratner
Top kek. And Leto is the embarrassing tryhard choice. Better to simply not make it at all desu.
Better to not exist than to be completely piss poor, yes?

he will fucking kill himself to get the updated Hugh Hefner experience

Would there be scenes where he pissfucks the little teenie? Makes them put lollies in the little poophole?

jesus fuck, the corpse isn't even cold yet

I really dont get the hype for him at all. All hes known for is taking pics of naked women and somehow hes loved by people

he will be grave raping Marilyn Monroe soon

He did a lot more than that if you actually looked him up.

So is Jared going to lose the ability to get a boner and then take meds so he can get boners?
That's method.

Hmmm, liberal uses the deaths of fellow county men to make a shit point.

I think he fucks any way but regularly.

>chief editor of playboy known for philanthropy sexual liberation (including experimentation in bisexuality)
Woah so based xd

Damn, Sam Hyde looks like that!

I don't want to watch the new Blade Runner because of this cunt. That said, I have no interest whatsoever in a Heffner biopic.

Hugh was the one person on this planet who you can be sure never had to rape anyone

everytime someone famous dies actors have to sell themselves into being into their biography movie
what a sad and low life

how can i even compete

The dude just died and they're already casting the biopic? Christ.

dude west lmao

>If the woman consented, they would sleep together.

>missing the forest for the trees
try that in the west if we're so perverted then sweeite :)

alright, i'll brb