What are some good movies about betrayal?

what are some good movies about betrayal?

why do amerifats need more than one gun? why do they need semi-automatic rifles?

Why not? Wasn't a problem till their society became a shithole thanks to the media and the undesirables

I automatically lose respect for anyone who STILL defends Donald Trump.

he won't do shit you'll see. he won't start listening to talk show hosts now

guns aren't the problem, american education is

He'll probably support things that Republicans have supported forever - background checks, etc. It's only recently that the NRA has created the narrative that Republicans hate gun control.

because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state

The obsession is real. Nobody even cares where you're from.

>obsessed about obsession



Minorities are the problem. America was safe before spics and blacks brought their gangland to the US.


people actually voted for this tratior


>why do amerifats need more than one gun?
Some people just like guns. When you like shit, you probably don't just have one, if you can afford it. Look at mountain of black dragon dildos you have.

>why do they need semi-automatic rifles?
Because the law was made so that the people could take down the government.

>B-but the US has tanks and nukes
Yeah, and they lost to jungle gooks and mountain goat fuckers armed with AK47s. It's not like if the people tried to overthrow the government they would be fighting in a Napoleonic fashion, it'd be a guerrilla war.

>When you get BTFO repeatedly in Sup Forums so you take your shit to Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Top kek laddettes

>well regulated militia


Who the fuck needs 50 guns?

fast and furious tokyo drift

>"Allright, let's talk about gun laws.... lol we're not changing any of them. There, now we talked."

Calling it now.

Thanks Putin

It's not about need, cuck. If i can have 300 weapons, I'll god damn buy 300 weapons. Because i fucking want to.

>Thinking this implies Trump wants to limit gun control
He is literally just saying "We are going to be talking about Gun control"

>libtards will start defending the right to have guns now
They always have to do the opposite of what Trump says.

what did he meme by this?

That is part of it, but things like SSRI's and the culture that requires the use of them is another.

Relax fatty, he's not going to do anything, the gun lobby is too powerful.

Just report these political posts. Don't post in them and bump them like I'm doing right now

Some of the guns he had were either modified or had been illegal since the 80s so it would make sense to talk about gun laws.

If anything he'll up the penalties of owning illegal firearms or being caught in possession of them.

one can dream

You're retarted friend.


If you're argument comes down to "why do you need X" then you should rethink your position


...and hillary is still not in prison.

like he said

You're fucking retarded. LIBerty (look at the root) speaks, the Constitution was always based on LIBerty. Fuck you and your political confusion theory.