Is he right? Is wholesome entertainment on the downswing in this society of degenerates...

Is he right? Is wholesome entertainment on the downswing in this society of degenerates? Will My Little Pony even stand a chance against Blade Runner?

Bronys are fucking disgusting.

That is not what this post is about go away.

bump for actual television discussion.

When will science be able to determine if a fetus will grow up to be a brony so we can abort them all

His sensory powers were set off because of this post.

Kristin Chenoweth was like, the biggest actress on Broadway once upon a time. She's one of the most accomplished stage actresses in the world and now she's getting shitty messages from fat pony-fuckers

She was poor then though. Dealing with autistics is worth it.

>brony is somehow still a thing in 2017

Yeah, I think they waited way too long to release this movie. It's not going to do a tenth as well as if it had been released five years ago.

Running around proudly proclaiming that you're a grown man who likes cartoons for little girls isn't trendy anymore, and the show owes a very substantial part of its success to that.

It still has a very sizable niche audience. It's going to be hilarious seeing the sweaty manchildren having to mingle with the children that the movie are meant for in real life.


no fucking shit

I thought the sensory thing meant that they were really sensitive to bright colors and noises, not that it attracted them.

The real question is, why aren't we properly utilizing the sensory powers of autists?

>muh reboots

>looked her up
>she's from my tiny ass podunk hometown in Oklahoma

Woah. I'm amazed I've never heard of her.

Why are kikes and shitskins triggered by the MLP: The Movie so badly?

I actually think that the My Little Pony movie will beat Blade Runner. There hasn't been a big kids movie in a few months and Blade Runner isn't that big of a deal unless you're a nerd. Half of the people who wanted to see Blade Runner will be going with their fellow bronies to see MLP.

They are though, deal with it.

Imagine the grimace of horror on the faces of the unknowing parents who take their small children to watch this movie and end up sitting next to Chris Chan and co.

What a genuinely ugly bitch.

Ponyfags make me sick!


I guarantee there's going to be articles written about the potential interactions between bronies and children. I'm looking forward to the lulz more than I am either of the movies.

maybe if u fucks would stop treating wholesome shit like garbage then we could change the perception

Hi Jordan.

I'm just imagining a bunch of moms taking their young daughters to see the my little pony movie in the theater and have to end up sitting next to a smelly fat neckbeard in a mustard stained rainbow dash t shirt.

more like My Little Kino!!

no no it's not more like that at all.

being Christian is worse than being a Brony though

The post is about how MLP turns adult men into wanking-it-to-kid's-cartoons Bronies.

this nigga probably faps to cartoons