Reasons for hating Rick and Morty

I've been watching R&M ever since it first aired in 2014, since then its latest season has been complete shit! So naturally I went looking for better shows to watch and I found Xavier Renegade Angle, which I fucking love!
Now every day I'm starting to agree with what people say about R&M, like about how the show is just getting dumber and dumber.

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Is anyone gonna bump this shit besides me?

Dan is that you?


it aired late 2013 btw


wait fuck

okay, well that aside. Do you have any criticisms towards this show or not?

They should have stuck with rick and morty going on sci fy adventures.
Everything in season 3 got me a few laughs.
The banter between rick and morty in the last episode and the fight with the prez got me to laugh harder the beth jerry and summer ever did.

i unironically enjoy both of these shows desu

So why arnt we making Season 3 ourselves?

There is enough failed scriptwriters, animators and sfm eceleb faggots here to make this

because XRA had a perfect ending, and it would be complete shit to change something about it.

>been watching it since it first aired
Seriously kill your fucking self. If you can't even do a simple google search to check the "facts" in your shitty bait thread then you should actually die a horrible painful death.

>shitty bait thread
Well, it's not a bait thread, I actually wanted to hear some criticisms about R&M.
As far as the date goes, it was a mistake, it honestly thought it aired in 2014, not 2013. Woops

You should go relax bud.
>Seriously kill your fucking self.
>die a horrible painful death.
>shitty bait thread

Because people on Sup Forums would just pump out a bunch of edgy shit that appeals only to teenagers.

Alright, I'm just gonna close this. Some of anons
are showing signs of autism, and this thread isn't going anywhere.

as opposed to the orginal series that pumped out wunnabe "high art" edgy crap?

Half of Xaviers appeal was its Youtube poop quality with beyond entry level philosophic themes

Actually cognitive relativism is relatively high-level philosophy, there's a lot of stuff in that show that flies over people's heads.

Seriously now, what would a XRA/Rick and Morty crossover be like?

This. The average age here is 19 and people here unironically enjoy things like Orville.

this show is fucking retarded and only had 2 seasons for a reason

Average age here is 16


i know i liked both the high concept parts of the show and the lolrandom

I'm with you, OP. I just can't go back to R&M after watching XRA. I watched the last episode and it's Family Guy-tier humor. First season was mildly entertaining when it had the sense of adventure, but that's long gone.

Just hop away

>hes too dumb to get "it"

wow this is fucking kino

XRA reminded me about why i loved tv as a kid
R&M reminded me about why i stopped watching tv


>thinking Rick is cool because of the shit he says

>thinking Rick is cool because of the shit he does
Sup Forums

>thinking Jerry is a beta or cuck

>thinking Jerry is a decent father who wants to be a decent father and understanding why Beth loves him before she does
Sup Forums

Xavier was one of the worst shows ever aired on [as]

maybe if you could elaborate your opinion, somebody would take your shit bait seriously.

It was the definition of, 'LOL SO RANDUMB XDDD'. It was the single worst era in adult swim's history. It's Tim and Eric-tier faux dadaist anti-humor.

you're a brainlet if you think the show is random


Why did the chicken cross the road?

you're a brainlet if you think the show is profound

to get acrost it.

Gee, I wonder why....

>because these two things can't exist together

No chicken based pun? The first and best joke anyone hears is anti-humor.

It's the mlp effect, the show is okay but has a super spergy fanbase never shutting up about it. Content creators run to it making half assed lame content for a quick buck/like/share, making themost annoying stuff in the world

It's not random

That reddit one is missing the black boyfriend

oh my god, I completely forgot about that show, it was hilarious. He was like the worlds weirdest second life character. He was covered in hair and his legs bent the wrong way. He had a chicken beak and his eyes were two different colors. ONE OF HIS HANDS WAS A FUCKING SNAKE! Dude, how fucking stoned were they when they made this? LMAO

Why would he be there when she's watching TV with her white boyfriend?


so good


>t. wanted to watch XRA but couldn't since there were no waifus :((

okay, but first you gotta answer one question. HOW FUCKING STONED WERE THEY LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Rick and Morty is a show for Bernie Samders supporters.

No but you know what was crazy, like they always spit on him but there spit moves like really slow and then he licks up the spit soGROSSSSSSSSSLMAO! How STONED were they lmao

dude frittata lmao

>Xavier Renegade Angle
What would be wrong with being one in the first place

Yes. For people who do not like the mainstream politics of a Trump or Clinton.

Or for people who like watching someone fuck their wife.

literally only happens in the first episode you underage redditor

what shows do you recommend for people who can spell Sanders correctly

Or for people that would rather directly be a jew rather than being content with marrying off their daughter to one

Cuckold porn.

Yeah. R&M fans are married.

I'm 28 nigger. I understand that you saw this show when you were 13 and it blew your adolescent mind, but it's bad even by adult swim standards.

i wish pedo

the average age here is made up

>not posting the full version
This is now a PGF thread

Not very because everything in the show is there for a carefully considered reason.

Jerry wisdom
>life is effort and I'll stop when I die

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